Royal love - I fell in love with CEO

Brina finds out.

Brina finds out.

"You are here" Brina said as soon as she saw Louis entering their suite.      

Louis froze.      

She is sitting on the table while licking her ice cream.      

She looked totally sexy and seducing that he gulped. His body started reacting again...     

"Hi," Louis awkwardly greeted.      

"You didn't even come for lunch today. This is the first time you didn't join me in these six months" Brina complained.      

"So, I will take this emergency as a pretty important one. Which, by the way I was not informed" she added, moving her legs to and fro, showcasing her long, white legs.      

Louis felt hard to concentrate.      

Her slender legs, her protruded stomach, the way she licked her ice cream…     


"It's nothing baby. Just some political issues" he lied, feeling hot everywhere in his body.      

"Did you bath?" he asked, changing the subject.      

Brina shook her head, no. "I am waiting for you," she replied.      

"Dinner?" he asked.      

"Waiting for you" she answered.      

Louis instantly felt guilty. They got habituated to each other's company so much in all these months.  And, today, all of a sudden he left her side...     

"I am sorry for making you wait. Come, let's freshen up and eat. I will cook" he said, walking to her and hugging her waist.      

"I already cooked," she replied, not responding much to his advances.     

"Now, tell me what's wrong." she asked.      

His diversion apparently didn't work on her.      

"Nothing much! Just some political issues, Brina. Why do you have to probe so much??"      

"Didn't we already talk about this, hmm?? You are no way interfering in the stressful stuff anymore, which also includes these political issues!!"      

"Just concentrate on your health. You are already five months now!" Louis chided her, little annoyed, well, pretending to be annoyed.      

Brina narrowed her eyes and got on to her feet, "Well then, enjoy your bath and dinner. I am going to Eliina's room and stay for tonight" she said, picking up her night robe and donning it around her short, night dress.      

When Louis heard 'Eliina's' room, he freaked out.      

His sister is kidnapped, so she is not in her room.      

"Elle is not there" he immediately spoke, keeping his voice as cool as possible.      

"She went with Katherine to her grandparents house" he lied. As Katherine and Eliina are cousins and their grandparents' ancestral house is little far from here, he used it as bait.      

"Then, I will go to Natalie," Brina answered.      

"Babe, is it really necessary? Why are you so hyped up" he asked, pinching the space between his eyebrows.      

"Not as hyped as you anyway" she said, leaving their suite.      

Louis sighed and called Natalie to inform her about this. He just wanted to warn her not to tell Brina anything.      

As of Ethan he went to country S to get some clues about Eliina's whereabouts.      


Next morning…     

Brina woke up with a terrible morning sickness.      

As she didn't have her bed comforter beside her yesterday night, she couldn't sleep well. She was so angry at him for shunning her questions.      

She didn't like to be kept in the dark.      

And, she could tell that he is keeping something important from her.      

After puking out early in the morning, her face pale white, she walked out of the guest room, weak and sick.      

Natalie, Charlotte, Amelia, Kiara, Olive, Rebecca…     

Everyone is downstairs, breakfast already waiting for her.      

"Edward felt like you were feeling bored, so he asked us to spend some time with you," Charlotte said.      

If Katherine was available, she would have kept Brina busy. But, after Louis lied to his wife that Katherine was away, she could no longer come.     

And, thus, all of them were called here by the crown prince to keep Brain busy.     

Meanwhile, Brina just looked at everyone and nodded her head.     

 She is feeling weak to even talk…     

So, all she could do is nod her head. She don't know why but she is fucking angry on Louis.      

"You look pale," Natalie said, helping Brina to the dining table.      

"Yes. Morning sickness" Brina answered, looking at the breakfast she is being served.      

Luckily, she didn't feel like puking when her nose was wafted with the smell of food….     

She just felt hungry.      

After that no one dared to talk. They let Brina have breakfast in peace.     

But without Louis, especially during a terrible morning, she felt so awful that she wanted to cry.      

Though she is hungry, this food is giving her a hard time. She wished Louis was here to comfort her.      

But, sadly, she didn't see him that night.      

And, besides this, she felt like these people are here for a reason. They looked little alert and guarded.      

They are asked to guard her and make sure she won't find anything related to Eliina's kidnap.      

No one in fact understood why he was keeping this from her. But, no one has the guts to say anything against him either.      

"I am gonna go now." Brina said, testing waters.      

"Edward is busy. Stay here, Brina. We can have fun" Amelia hastily said.      

"It's okay. I will sleep. His side of bed smells like him and it will ease out my sickness." she replied and no one could stop her.      

"I will accompany you" Charlotte said.       

"It's fine Char. I am really good, okay?" Brina said and went back to her suite without looking back.     

She already sensed something fishy.      


After she came back she sat down with his pillow being squeezed in her arms as she buried her nose in it.      

Closing her eyes, she recalled the abnormal behaviour of her husband and her friends.      

'Ahh… this is making me more anxious dammit!! I better find out what really is happening there' she adamantly thought before dressing up appropriately.      

She is going to the administration block in the palace now. She is hell-bent on finding out what is happening.      

Brina didn't take the main route to the administration block. She of course used the personal chambers which are being used by the Royal family.      

And, by the time she has reached the Prince's working chambers, the guards are taken off guard.      

Their Madam has come here many times. But it was before five to six months, before going on their long vacation.      

What they are taken off guard us because of her belly which is very noticeable now.      

Of course, they didn't show it on their faces. They just pressed their fist to their heart, a gesture of respect.      

They directly let her in because their crowned prince once told them that she is their boss as well.      

And that, they should respect her as much as they respect himself and his parents.      

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