Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Second World: Bad Ending

Second World: Bad Ending

Those words said by his lover in bed got to Wen Qinxi. He couldn't help but blush when he thought about how he said 'I will surely get you tonight'. These were the words resonating in his mind as he prepared for the ceremony. Even as he walked down the aisle approaching his lover who was waiting for him at the alter he was busy imagining what the Marshal planned to do to him tonight.     

Wen Qinxi was too engrossed in his love bubble that he didn't notice how beautifully dressed he was in a white premium quality suit, a silver belt with a Phoenix buckle. His cloak was embroidered with gold on both the collar and cuffs. One look and he did be mistaken for a diety transcendent from heaven with his blonde hair fluttering with the cool breeze.     

Everyone was dazzled by this sight including the Marshal who was gobsmacked watching his lover in a stupor. With the two of them standing together it was like the moon and the ocean entwined together to form a picturesque painting that could last a thousand generations.     

Throughout the entire ceremony, all eyes were fixated on these two that no one noticed a peculiar figure lurking in the crowd. Zhao Huangzhi had managed to sneak into the palace and had to witness these two exchange beautiful vows, feed each other cake and kiss in front of the entire empire which sickened her. She was both angry and jealous believing she was that one meant to be up there with the Marshal. She wanted to attack Zhao Xieshu and scratch that vixen's face off but she could only wait a little longer. It will soon be all worth it.     

Qie Ranzhe was soon crowned the emperor of Valim with Zhao Xieshu as his Empress. This event could only be labeled as a success with four best men as Xianxi team members couldn't decided among themselves who deserved the position. At the banquet, Madam Qie was excitedly rubbing Zhao Xieshu's tummy showing off to her friends with Qie Sunxie eyeing her brother with a venomous stare as he had stolen her omega.     

Wen Qinxi actually had the system record the entire event so he could watch it later. He might not be with Qie Ranzhe in the future but he will have this to remind him of the happiest moment in his life. Wen Qinxi enjoyed himself at the banquet that was meant to last till midnight but because he was pregnant he could only leave half-way leaving Qie Ranzhe behind to tend to the guests.     

He was securely escorted to the new pavilion they would be residing in. It was bigger and much more splendid than his pavilion but it was less homey. Maybe it would take some time for him to get used to it.     

In slow strides he walked over to he balcony enjoying the gorgeous night sky that was more majestic than the night sky back in the city. This view was impeccable with a big sparkly moon shining high up in the sky.     

Wen Qinxi was completely lost in thought that he didn't realise a tall figure walk in embracing him from behind. "Hey baby," said Qie Ranzhe whispering into his ear as he buried his head in Zhao Xieshu's neck.     

He was startled at first but relaxed when he realised who it was. "Weren't you supposed to keep the guests company," asked Wen Qinxi removing Qie Ranzhe's arms coiled around his waist.     

The two soon faced each other with Qie Ranzhe's arm holding his waist in a clingy manner as though afraid he would just disappear into thin air. "I don't care about them. The only person I care about is you so I had to come and keep you company," replied the Marshal before biting his lower lip in a sensual manner his eyes fixed on those pink lips.     

"Do you want to continue with what we where doing this morning?" he asked Zhao Xieshu while pulling him closer to his side with his other hand lifting up the omega's chin.     

"Do as yo-," replied Wen Qinxi in a teasing tone but he didn't get to finish when Qie Ranzhe interjected yelling,     

"Look out!"     

The two people came tumbling to the ground as a bullet pierced the sky heading their direction. A few more bullets struck the balcony ripping through the walls with a loud thawck followed by the clanking sound of shell cases falling to the ground. Wen Qinxi was so terrified with Qie Ranzhe lying on top of him shielding him from the attack.     

The palace guard quickly responded pursuing the mercenaries ending the rain of bullets on the balcony. It was only then did Qie Ranzhe raise his head calling out, "Baby....are, are you okay?"     

Wen Qinxi wanted to believe they were both okay but Qie Ranzhe's voice was off. The Marshal's face was red with veins protruding on his forehead his eyes red rimmed and watery, the man was obviously in pain.     

"Ran-ge!" yelled Wen Qinxi with concern written all over his face.     

Seeing his lover distressed, Qie Ranzhe couldn't help but comfort him patting his hair in a loving manner. "I am okay, don't worry about me. As long as you are okay," he reassured Zhao Xieshu but Wen Qinxi didn't believe him. He felt something wet seeping through his clothes and couldn't help but stretch his hand to touch it. As soon as he saw the blood at the tip of his trembling fingers, Wen Qinxi was struck by lightning with tears filling his eyes. In this moment he had forgotten it was game because the pain he felt was real. Qie Ranzhe was hurt and it was all his fault. He was careless and didn't protect him, he didn't do his job.     

Wen Qinxi rolled over Qie Ranzhe's body and began to cry out scrutinizing his body. He wanted to put pressure on the gunshot wound but he was surprised to see multiple holes on the Marshal's chest and abdomen. "Baby, don't....don't cry...I am happy, happy with you," said the Marshal his out stretched hand wiping away Zhao Xieshu's tears.     

In that moment, a group of medical staff walked in with Zhao Huangzhi among them. She had come to complete the other half of her plan and pretend to be concerned for Zhao Xieshu bringing along the medical staff but didn't expect to be met by such a scene. Instead of Zhao Xieshu it was Qie Ranzhe lying on the floor in a pool of blood with multiple gunshot wounds.     

"Ran-ge!" she cried out rushing over but Wen Qinxi immediately took out his pistol and fired with the bullet accurately striking her forehead. Her lifeless body tumbled to the ground as the medical staff ran over to tend to the Marshal.     

One doctor checked Zhao Huangzhi's pulse before lifting his head facing Zhao Xieshu while shaking his head. Wen Qinxi wore a maderous aura regretting not having killed Zhao Huangzhi from the very beginning. Ruining her life wasn't enough, that bitch should have died a long time ago.     

Wen Qinxi only snapped out of it when Qie Ranzhe called out to him, "Xie Baby. Come," in a weak voice that could only mean one thing. Wen Qinxi had to watch the light dim in Qie Ranzhe's eyes as the man said, "I am sorry."     

Wen Qinxi held his hand with tears streaming down his cheeks saying, "I will come for you even if I have to start again I don't care as along as I can hold you again."     

His words fell on the Marshal's ears as Qie Ranzhe exhaled his last breath. Wen Qinxi began to wail insistently only to have the scene before him disappear as his vision fell into a sea of darkness.     

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