The Emperor's Pampered Wife

White Wings

White Wings

It was early in the morning and Wei Yan's usual departure time. The servants are lined up to send Wei Yan off.     

Wei Yan was getting a hang of their bizarre service to her, but now she was baffled once more. Fang was handing her a full-bloomed red rose with a ribbon tied to it.     

Strangely, the ribbon was yellow and it has embroidered emerald green patterns. It was like the combination of her hair and her eyes.     

She stared at it before she turned to the man handing it to her. "This is?"     

"From Boss" Fang simply answered.     

Baffled and at lost for words, Wei Yan can only accept it while shyly blushing. She was unsure of what to say or even what to do.     

Her husband is doing it again.     


Fang slightly smiled at her reaction before he took out a letter that came in with the flower. He gently handed it to her with a smile on his face. "A letter from him, Madame"     

"From him?" Wei Yan excitedly asked. "Really?"     

Oh, she loves letters! Even when she was young, she loves sending it to her friends.     

She accepted the letter without delay, a huge smile decorating her face as she carefully read through it. Carefully, she touched the letter and folded it.     

But then, something came to her.     

What is this feeling?     

She stared at the letter before she glanced at the rose.     

"What's wrong?" Fang asked, quite concerned with her strange reaction.     

"This seems familiar" Wei Yan suddenly blurted out which took Fang by surprise.     

Wei Yan carefully opened the letter and read through it once again. Terrified, Fang changed the subject and tried to take Wei Yan off her train of thoughts.     

"Madame already saw Master's handwriting back then, right?"     

"Yes. But that's not it" Wei Yan refuted before folding the letter again and glancing at Fang. She displayed concern and she was now drowned in deep thought.     

What is this feeling?     

The Rose.     

The Letter.     

Why does it feel familiar to her?     

"Something about this flower and letter looks awfully familiar like I received this back then. But I can't fully pinpoint when and why"     

"A De Ja Vu perhaps" Ye Zhe butted in before glancing at the concerned Fang Tao. He secretly sighed and then he reverted to the smiling Ye Zhe. He gave Wei Yan his dearest smile which immediately broke down her trail of suspicion.     

"Perhaps" she replied with a smile. "Wait for a second"     

Fang Tao and Ye Zhe looked at one another when she said this. Did she not give up on the topic yet?     

Wei Yan smiled as she took out one of her scented papers and carefully scribbled a warm reply to her husband's surprise love letter. After a good few seconds, she handed it to Fang and gave him a huge grin. "Please tell him that I feel special and grateful for his sincerely"     

Fang nodded his head before helping her inside the car. Afterwards, he handed Ye Zhe the card. "Tell Ren to deliver it"     

"Understood" Ye Zhe replied without delay. He took a glance at Wei Yan and sighed. That nearly gave him a heart attack.     

Is her memory relapsing?     

As soon as she entered the car, Wei Yan read through the letter once more.     

"Dearest Wife, I always salute the heavens for blessing me with a wonderful and beautiful wife. I believe that this world will look dull without you by my side"     

After silently reading it a few more times, Wei Yan chuckled. "I hope my letter suffice for these wonderful words"     

Fang entered the car and soon Shin began driving. Quite concerned of Wei Yan's sudden outburst earlier and wanting to divert all her attention from the past that's slowly tingling her senses, Fang took hold of the remote and turned the TV on.     

Wei Yan immediately glanced at it and was greeted by shocking news.     

"Breaking News: Australia is under the international spotlight as massive bush fires rage across vast swathes of the country, leaving death and destruction in their wake. Shocking images of devastation in a country known for its natural environment and laid-back lifestyle have reverberated around the world"     

"The wildfires have killed at least 18 people and destroyed hundreds, perhaps thousands, of homes in regional areas of New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia since October. Millions of animals are dying from the Australian fires, and the environment will suffer for years to come"     

"The Premier of New South Wales, the country's most populous state, declared a state of emergency, allowing for the forcible evacuation of residents, as authorities predicted even more intense fires due to a forecasted spike in temperatures during the weekend"     

After hearing the news, Wei Yan glanced at Fang who remained stoic as ever. Without delay, she grabbed her phone and dialled a very dear friend she made in America. It rang for a few seconds and her anxiety was building up.     

Is she okay? Was she caught in the fire? She messaged her a few months ago. She said her grandfather was sick and needed her so she went back to her hometown in Australia.     

When the other line connected, Wei Yan sighed in relief. "Hello, Florence. I heard the recent news. How are you doing? You're not in Australia, right?"     

"No" her friend replied, the report of the fire still ongoing and can be clearly heard.     

Florence is currently inside the hospital in America, her grandfather in bed while she stays beside him, listening intently to the ongoing news report. She's a nurse and at the same time an animal conservation enthusiasts. The extent of the forest fire is damaging people and animals, both that she held dear to her.     

"But I'm planning on returning there. My family is safe but there are others in need. We're planning on bringing relief goods and helping in the medical quarters. There's also an animal rescue operation and we're planning on taking part in it"     

"Let me help you. I'll round up my staff and ask for volunteers within my foundation. We'll gather funds for the relief goods as well" Wei Yan offered without delay. Fang glanced her way but Wei Yan didn't mind. Florence's voice sounded troubled and distressed. She can't bear hearing her desperate voice and do nothing to help her.     

"Thanks, Yannie" Florence replied sincerely. At times like this, having a friend like Wei Yan is a great thing. She never forgets her friends and offers help when she can. "That would be a great help"     

"Take care, Florence. I'll call you back later" Wei Yan retorted, a small smile now adorning her face. She must be in a rough time right now, but she's still willing to help those stuck in the fires of Australia.     

"Madame" Fang called out after Wei Yan hung up the call. Wei Yan turned towards him, her face filled with guilt. She didn't ask for permission.     

But, she will not take back what she said. She will help Florence even if it means going against whatever Fang will throw at her.     

"I'm sorry, Fang" she said, her voice mellow yet clear. "I can't stop but help during such crisis"     

Fang observed her for a while before shaking his head. "No, it's okay"     

"The Young Master is also rounding up some men to help with the evacuation"     

Wei Yan's eyes immediately lit up when she heard such news. Does that mean it's okay for her to help? He's helping out, so she too should lend a hand alongside him. "That's great"     

After a good few seconds, Wei Yan raised her phone again and dialled her trusted staff in their White Wing Foundation. "Ye Yong, I need your help"     

"Is this about the Australian Fire?" he immediately asked as he helped Auntie Wang round up the children for their bath. Their foundation supports this orphanage and many more. Thanks to Wei Yan's continuous effort, they manage to raise enough funds to go international and their number of volunteers for their monthly expeditions are rising.     

"Yes" Wei Yan replied without delay. "I'll send some money in our fund. Use it for the relief goods. Can you round up some volunteers? We'll send them to Australia"     

"I'll do my best" Ye Yong answered with a smile. "Should I include animal volunteers?"     

"Yes" Wei Yan said before thinking more deeply. The Australia Bush Fire accident is rapidly increasing. Countless animals will continue to burn and get injured. As much as possible, they need plenty of people to help in treating the injured ones so their chance of survival will rise. "Gather as many as you can. Contact the others from our International connections"     

"Tell Rong to make preparations for fundraising. I'll ask my family to help in as well" she added and began thinking of any possible family members willing to lend a hand.     

"Roger that"     

Wei Yan ended the call and proceeded on calling one of her family member highly concerned with animal welfare. "Dandan"     

"Sister Wei Wei!" her cousin immediately greeted, worry already itched in her voice. "Have you heard the news? There are a lot of animals dying in the Australian fires"     

"Those poor animals. They are either burned or left heavily injured. We need to help them"     

"Calm down. That's the reason why I called you" Wei Yan replied, worried for her dear cousin's condition. "I'm rounding up some volunteers through our foundation"     

"I'll send some funds. I'll also go to Australia and help" she exclaimed without delay. Uncle Xiaotong immediately walked towards her, ready to send any amount of money Dandan wish to send.     

"What?" Wei Yan was in shock with her last statement. Go to Australia and help!? She's still on a wheelchair and her fear of people isn't completely gone.     

Is she really ready for that responsibility? Going to Australia and helping means forgoing her pampered treatment at home. "Dandan, you know you can't"     

"Big Sister, I'm okay now" Dandan assured, fully knowing what concerns her the most. True, she's been a nasty idiot for the past years for treating those who wish to help her like bugs. But now, she's a changed woman.     

And that's thanks to the idiot sitting on the sofa, listening intently to the news. "I'll bring Cheng Ying and some servants with me. Don't worry"     

"Dandan" Wei Yan called out again.     

"Big Sister, please. I wish to help" Dandan replied, her voice certain and pleading.     

When given such tone, Wei Yan can already feel herself melting. She can imagine Dandan's pleading face and she's weak to it. How can she say no when she wished it dearly? All this time, Dandan spent her time cooped up in her house without a care to anyone.     

This time, she's finally taking another step to self-improvement. "Alright"     

"I'll check on you from time to time"     

"Thank you, Big Sister" Dandan exclaimed with delight before she turned to her friend. "Cheng Ying, get up. We're going to Australia"     

Cheng Ying's eyes bulged big at this statement. Australia? "What?"     

"We're going to Australia" Dandan repeated with a huge smile on her face. Cheng Ying looked at her before turning to the TV in a daze. She pointed her hands at it and was surprised to the core when Dandan nodded her head.     

Wei Yan who was in the car hung up the phone and stared at Fang. Dandan is going, perhaps she can go as well? "Fang, can I---"     

"No" Fang Tao immediately replied, knowing full well what she has in mind. She can't go to Australia. None of them would allow it. "Besides, Madame has a lot of unfinished work here. You can't simply leave it"     

Wei Yan sighed at this reality before pouting. Her surgeries are lined up and her most waited debut as Master Han's apprentice is fast approaching. Tomorrow is a big day for her and Master Han. She can't simply skip it. "I know"     

"Don't worry, we're doing our best to send help in your stead" Fang assured with a smile. She's such a worrywart and of course, Li Zhao knows that. So in replacement of his beloved wife, his men are sent out to help.     

Meanwhile, Ji Li Zhao who was currently buried in a pile of paperwork was interrupted by a loud knock on his door.     

Fang Ren entered with a huge grin on his face as he waved an envelope in the air. "Boss~ look who wrote back to you~"     

Li Zhao glanced at him, his face was devoid of happy emotions. He just doesn't know how to read the mood.     

"Stop. Your voice is awfully annoying" he blurted out at the devious Fang counterpart.     

"Aww, then I guess no letter for you then" Ren said, dejected by their boss' cold treatment today.     

Other than that, the main emotion rising in him is the want to tease and annoy. Well, he never gets beaten for annoying their boss so why act all tamed?     

"Fang Ren" Li Zhao called out with a warning.     

Ren turned back to him and gave him his toothy laugh. What the heck! He's enjoying the teasing more and more.     

But he needs to stop here today. There are still many things left to tend on. "Okay, okay. Here you go" he said as he handed the letter. After Li Zhao received it, Ren gave a salute and winked at Li Zhao. "Ciao!"     

Li Zhao felt himself flinch and cringe at his gestures. That was his signature playboy wink, wasn't it? Why is he showing it off!?     

That brat.     

"How bold" he mumbled before opening the letter. When he saw the familiar handwriting, Li Zhao's cold expression melted and was replaced with a loving one. "Dear husband, I thank you for the letter. But I want to ask, are you courting me? May I presume the role of Julliet and you my Romeo?"     

"You're more than my Juliet" he stated as he kissed the letter. He then stood up and slowly opened the safe in his office.     

There, letters were neatly piled up. Despite its old age, they were still clean and well preserved. After placing down the letter on an empty spot, Li Zhao gently closed it, his secrets remaining safe.     

"Boss! Boss!" Yu Chao suddenly barged in, his face filled with sweat and worry.     

"What's wrong Yu Chao?" he asked in worry before he took a seat. He took a glance at Huang Xun who was still outside of their office.     

Without any words or gestures, Huang Xun entered the room and closed the door along the binds.     

"Someone hacked us! Makio is quite baffled by it!" Yu Chao reported, his voice filled with anxiety and fear. This is the first time, the very first time Makio failed in defending their information.     

Huang Xun's stoic face frowned upon hearing such news. "Someone managed to bypass Makio?"     

Makio is their Einstein for a reason. He attacks others so they can gain information, but he's more adept on defending their system. Bypassing him was impossible, until today. Who managed to do such a feat?!     

"Tell me the damage" Li Zhao calmly stated. Their information is valuable and is well detailed. For someone to hack them, they must want to erase some high profile information and blind them.     

"Nothing was damaged. But he has taken a lot of information" Yu Chao replied before gulping down his own saliva. Thankfully nothing was damaged, but their information was taken.     

And it's bad because every bit of information taken has something to do with Ji Li Zhao...and his beloved wife, Hou Wei Yan. "Regarding you, your wife and your family"     

After hearing this report, Li Zhao immediately stood up. His wife? They were after him and Wei Yan!?     

"Tell Makio to trace the culprit. I want it done today" he firmly said before taking his coat coldly. He needs to make some calls. He can't allow someone to live with such information.     

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