My Evil Cinderella: Taming a Villainous Wife



Not long, Lu Mello arrived in the hospital.     

Shi Enxi and Huang Li saw him from the cafe that was nearby the hospital.     

Shi Enxi's phone started ringing but she was too lazy to answer it.     

"He's here."     

Shi Enxi leaned against her seat, "Let him roam for a bit."     

She watched Lu Mello enter the hospital with a panicked look on his face.     

She snickered, "Look at him run around like a dog."     

Huang Li chuckled, "You're playing too much with him. Shouldn't you at least go easy? Look at the poor man."     

"Poor man?" She scoffed. "What part?"     

Huang Li took her phone and looked at the multiple missed calls from Lu Mello. "Don't you think that it's about time that you let him come here?"     

"You think so?"     


"Wait, let me prepare myself, after all, I need to shed real tears this time. "She chuckled softly.     

"Do I really need to slap you? Won't it be bad for the baby?"     

Shi Enxi rolled her eyes at what he said, "You're slapping me, not the baby. It needs to look realistic as possible or else he won't believe us."     

Huang Li heaved out a heavy sigh. "If you became an actress, you'll surely get the best actress award."     

Shi Enxi smirked, "Why thank you."     


Lu Mello received a message from Shi Enxi that she was in a cafe that was just in front of the hospital. She even told him that Huang Li was with her.     

He rushed to her side since he was feeling uneasy when she told him that her boyfriend was with her.     

Upon arriving at the cafe, a loud voice filled the room.     


The people in the cafe was looking at the couples that were at the corner of the room.     

Shi Enxi had her head down and was crying while Huang Li's face was red in anger.     

When Lu Mello saw that Huang Li was about to hit Shi Enxi, he rushed and came to the rescue. He grabbed Huang Li's wrist to stop him.     

Shi Enxi turned to Lu Mello with a surprised look. "M-Mello..."     

"You shouldn't hit a girl no matter how angry you are." Lu Mello calmly said, his eyes cold and unforgiving.     

Huang Li felt a chill run down his body because of the dark look Lu Mello was giving him. He instinctively took a step back.     

"Y-you..." Huang Li clenched his fists tight. He never imagined that there was a person who could give such intense pressure.     

"Xi'er has nothing to do with this. It was not her fault that she got pregnant... It's mine." Lu Mello honestly said. "It was I who seduced her."     

Shi Enxi was impressed by how Lu Mello was trying to take all the blame. Ah... how gentlemanly of him.     

"It was you? ... You... You son of a bitch!!" Huang Li threw a punch at him.     

Lu Mello saw the punch coming but since he was protecting Shi Enxi, he didn't move away and instead, he accepted the punch.     

"Mello!" Shi Enxi held his arm. She turned to Huang Li, "Huang Li, that's enough! Please don't do this!"     

"Hah! You're protecting him? It looks like you have been deeply seduced by him!" He turned back to Lu Mello and was about to attack him again but the guards came in time to stop him.     

"I will never forgive you Shi Enxi! NEVER!" He glared angrily at Lu Mello. "This is not over!! YOU BETTER REMEMBER THIS!"     

"Huang Li... please..."     

Soon after, Huang Li was taken out of the cafe.     

"I-I'm sorry... I'm so sorry Mello... This is all my fault..." Her tears kept on flowing endlessly, her body was shaking. "Huang Li found out... I... I didn't know that he followed me... I tried to explain... I tried. I love him, Mello... I can't lose him."     

Lu Mello looked sadly at her. He knew that feeling well. He tried to explain things to Fan Xiao Yao but she wouldn't listen to him.     

Shi Enxi was innocent just like him. She didn't mean anything of this to happen, right?     

He reached out and pulled her into a hug. "It's going to be alright, Xi'er... I'm here, I will not leave you. I will take all the responsibility... If no one will take care of you, I will. That's why, you don't have to force yourself and abort our child, okay?"     

Shi Enxi always knew that he was such a soft person. His kindness made her want to puke. Such kindness is disgusting. If he learned the truth, she was sure that just like her, he will turn into a hideous man.     


Because of Shi Enxi's pregnancy and the promise he made to her, Lu Mello was forced to take responsibility for her and their child, he ended up marrying her.     

When Fan Xiao Yao reappeared, she was surprised to hear of the news about Lu Mello and Shi Enxi.     

Just like what Shi Enxi expected, Fan Xiao Yao was going to show herself in front of Lu Mello after all, she knew that she truly loves Lu Mello.     

Hearing that Lu Mello got married to someone else was torture to Fan Xiao Yao. She just went away to cool down and when she was finally able to think straight, she thought of forgiving him just once because of their love for each other but it was all too late.     

Meanwhile, Shi Enxi did her best to get close to Lu Mello. Since Lu Mello was easy to get along with and because of the child she was carrying, it wasn't that hard for them to get close.     

Shi Enxi's sweet and kind act for him made him start falling for her.     

There were times where they meet Fan Xiao Yao in business events and using that opportunity, Shi Enxi showed off her pregnancy and how close she was to Lu Mello.     

Fan Xiao Yao would always end up leaving the events early and that pleased Shi Enxi greatly.     

After she gave birth to their son, Lu Mello confessed his feelings to Shi Enxi.     

Shi Enxi, on the other hand, was starting to feel the same for Lu Mello, she has started to love him because of how he treated her. The happiness and the love he was showering her every day made her feel like she was in a dream. She even almost forgot of her last target, Shi Anhao.     

Huang Li was the one who reminded her of what to do and he even poisoned her mind that Lu Mello was just acting that way for her was because of their son. If he learned that the child was not his, Lu Mello would surely leave her.     

Yes, the child that Shi Enxi carried and gave birth to was actually her son with Huang Li. She was that desperate to have her plans complete.     

Huang Li noticed Shi Enxi's feelings for Lu Mello and because of jealousy, he started blackmailing her. Shi Enxi had no choice but to do what Huang Li want.     

Because of Shi Enxi's strange actions, Lu Mello began thinking that she was cheating on him but he never caught her with Huang Li.     

After killing Shi Anhao, Shi Enxi thought that her life with Lu Mello would go well but she never expected that Huang Li was going to expose her.     

He thought that once everything was taken away from Shi Enxi again, she would come running to his side.     

Huang Li left a recorder in Shi Anhao's clothes. Lu Mello listened to the recorder. The more he listened to it, he felt like heavens crushed down on him.     

Shi Enxi confessed to Shi Anhao everything she did before she killed her, wanting her to feel what it was like to learn that she was the one who killed her family.     

Lu Mello couldn't bring himself to arrest Shi Enxi because of his love for her even after he found out everything, including their son's real father.     

Lu Mello was devastated and he started to busy himself with his work to distract himself from the thoughts that lingered in his mind.     

Shi Enxi noticed the change on Lu Mello that was why she tried to investigate the reason behind it. She sneaked into his study and ended up finding the recorder in Lu Mello's secret drawer.     

Oh... so that's why he looked so troubled. Shi Enxi calmly stared at the pen recorder.     

"Ah, that Shi Anhao... even until now, she's ruining me."     

She broke the recorder and made sure that it won't get fixed by anyone.     

After that, her relationship with Lu Mello became worse since she started distancing herself from him. She was starting to plan on how to escape him. She was afraid that it would just be a matter of time before he would try to arrest her but what she feared the most was that one day, he'll come to her and tell her that he regretted being with her and that he hates her.     

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