My Evil Cinderella: Taming a Villainous Wife



In the hospital where Wang Hao was confined...     

Shi Enxi was carrying a plastic of fruits as she stood in front of Wang Hao's room. The two guards standing beside the door was looking at her.     

Shi Enxi smiled at them. "I came to visit my uncle."     

The two guards knew who Shi Enxi was but they didn't know who Lu Mello was. Only family members and Wang Hao's personal doctor were the ones allowed in the room so they can't just let anyone in.     

"This is my husband, Lu Mello. Surely you'll allow him to go inside, right?     

Lu Mello? They were not familiar with that name, they only know the family name Lu.     

Lu was not a rare family name but there was one family that was well-known in the country. As they looked at Lu Mello, he has a serious look on his face and somehow, they felt like they saw him somewhere.      

Lu Mello was not known in the business world yet since he just entered it an took over his family business recently. He liked having a low profile as well so he didn't go out in public with his family. Aside from that, he was working as a detective so he was busy dealing with different kinds of cases.     

He resembled someone. Who was it?     

Meanwhile, despite the blank look in Lu Mello's face at that moment, he was celebrating inside since Shi Enxi was introducing him as her husband to everyone! Good! Good! Their relationship was getting better!     

Maybe he should buy her a few more limited edition bags later as a reward for being a good wife?     

Shi Enxi cleared her throat, "Can my husband come in? We came here to visit my uncle after all."     


One of the guards opened the door for them.     

She smiled at them and thanked them before they entered.     

Shi Anhao was sitting on the chair beside her husband's bedside and their two daughters were present as well.     

"Hello, Auntie, uncle, cousins." Shi Enxi greeted softly.     

Everyone turned to her.     

Shi Anhao was supposed to say something to Shi Enxi the moment she saw her but when she saw someone with her, she rolled back her tongue. Instead, she smiled at them, "Ah, Xiao Xi, it's nice for you to come and finally visit us."     

Shi Enxi scoffed inside when she saw how fast Shi Anhao covered her displeasure.      

"I'm sorry if I haven't been visiting you lately. My brother is a strict person when it comes to working." She lied with a small smile.     

This was the second time that Shi Enxi was visiting Wang Hao. The first was when he was brought to the hospital after his accident.     

Wang Nansheng sneered at Shi Enxi. After what happened the last time they met, she was not going to be fooled by this pretentious bitch.     

Shi Enxi wasn't worried about what Wang Nansheng at that moment. With Wang Ansheng's pride, why would she tell others that she was beaten up by a weak looking Shi Enxi?     

"That's understandable." Shi Anhao said with a small nod. Shi Yi has always been strict at work and ever since he took over the company that she and her husband temporary held, she was already planning ways to get it back from him. She turned to Lu Mello, "And who might he be?"     

Lu Mello was standing quietly beside Shi Enxi.     

Wang Ansheng and her sister, Wang Nansheng, were glancing at Lu Mello's tall and handsome figure since earlier. The reason why they were behaving was they wanted to have a good impression in his eyes.     

Shi Enxi noticed her cousins' lustful gazes which made her sneer inside. "Oh, I brought him here with me since I wanted to introduce to you all to my husband, Lu Mello. He also wanted to visit auntie and uncle."     

"Husband?...!" Everyone was surprised by what she said.     

Since he is a Lu, does it mean that he's the son of the most wealthy person in the country?!     

"The... Son of Lu Yifeng?" Wang Hao couldn't help but ask curiously. He was Lu Yifeng once so he couldn't be mistaken since the resemblance between him and Lu Mello was great!     

Shi Enxi nodded shyly, "We decided to get married first before holding the wedding ceremony. Uncle Wang was still in a coma and I didn't want him to miss my big day."     

"You still should have told me about it." Shi Anhao had a disappointed look on her face as she looked at Shi Enxi. "You should have introduced him to us, Xiao Xi. I am still your guardian, if your parents were still here, what will they say if they suddenly found out that you decided on something without telling them?"     

Shi Enxi wanted to raise a brow at her. Her guardian? She even dared to mention her parents!     

She clenched tight the plastic she was holding. She lowered her head so that they wouldn't be able to see her darkened expression and the killing intent in her eyes. With her head down, she looked more like a child who was scolded by her parent only Lu Mello who was standing beside her could see the look on her face.     

"Our marriage was abrupt." Lu Mello's cello-like voice was heard.     


Shi Enxi tried her best to keep herself calm. She turned to Shi Anhao, looking uneasy. It was as if she was having a hard time telling the truth but in the end, she spoke up. "It was my brother's decision and Mello's parents. Grandma has agreed to it... They wanted the companies to strengthen their partnership with each other."     

Shi Anhao came into an understanding. "Oh... So it's an arranged marriage? I've been away for a while that I'm not updated with any news lately." She heaved out a heavy sigh, she gave her a concerned look, "Since it's an arranged marriage... You really don't have a choice do you?"     

She stood up and went toward Shi Enxi. She grabbed her free hand and was looking worried at her, "You should have told me, Xiao Xi. Your parents wouldn't want to force you in something like this. I could have done something to help you if you don't agree with Shi Yi and mother."     

She could have done something to try and convince her mother to let him marry one of her daughters instead. Shi Anhao never expected that Shi Enxi would be so lucky to marry someone from the Lu family!     

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