My Evil Cinderella: Taming a Villainous Wife



Shi Enxi went back to the bed and lied down beside Lu Mello.      

Feeling her beside him, he turned and hugged her to him. She ignored him and instead she stared at the ring on her finger with a smile.      

It was still so early in the morning, almost 6 am and yet she was now fully awake. She turned and looked at Lu Mello's sleeping face for a while.     

She snuggled close to him and closed her eyes but the moment she did, she remembered Huang Li's words which ruined her mood.      

Wang Hao was awake... She was trying to kill him all this time and yet she has to start thinking of another plan all over again. If it weren't for Lu Mello, she would have taken care of him already.     

She opened her eyes, her face void of expression. She unwrapped Lu Mello's arm around her before she got out of the bed. She decided to head to the bathroom and take a bath.     

By the time Lu Mello woke up, he saw her all dressed up. She was wearing a black long wig that was similar to her the hairstyle she had back then.     

"Where are you going?"     

Shi Enxi smiled at him, "Since I am free today, I am going to visit my uncle."     

Lu Mello frowned deeply. "You're going to visit that bastard?"     

"He is still my uncle. And besides, I just want to check on him, what's wrong with that? I heard that he woke up."     

"Then I'm going to come with you."     

"You don't have to, I can handle myself-"     

"I am your husband. Don't you think that it's just normal for you to introduce me to them as well?" He interrupted her.     

Shi Enxi stared at him for a while, the smile she had on her face disappeared. "I'll wait for you in the dining room."     

She was about to leave but she was stopped when Lu Mello called her, "Xi'er."     

She turned to him, "What?"     

"Come here."     

She blinked a few times. What was he up to now?      

She walked toward him and stood beside the bed.     

Lu Mello stared up at her and smiled. He stood up and bowed his head, placing a soft kiss of her forehead. "You don't have to hide anything from me, Xi'er."     

Shi Enxi clenched her fists tight. She averted her gaze from him, "I'm not hiding anything from you."     

She turned away and headed toward the door.     

Lu Mello didn't stop her. He quietly watched her leave the room. Even if it was not obvious, with the way Shi Enxi was at that moment, he could feel that she was up to no good.     

He heaved out a sigh. She just won't stop until she gets her revenge, won't she?      

Should he make a move before she does?     


Back in Rosarium dormitory, Fan Xiao Yao was already up early that morning to do her exercise.      

Her schedule was full every day since she had to make preparations for the audition.     

The video that Shi Enxi posted using her Weibo account was now one of the most searched topics on Weibo. The video gained so many views and her followers increased in a great amount because of that.e     

Last night, the director of 'The Legend of Day Ying' even DMed her. Asking her if she was willing to play the role of Sun Bore.     

She didn't give a reply yet since she still has to let Shi Enxi know about it but Shi Enxi didn't come home since yesterday. Should she give her a call?     

She was snapped out of her thoughts when she heard the doorbell rang.     

When she thought that it might be Shi Enxi, she hurriedly went and opened the door only to see Huang Li standing before her.     

The smile on her face instantly turned into a frown. "What are you doing here? Xi'er is not here."     

"I came to check on Vanilla."     

"Vanilla is doing well with me so you can now take your leave."      

Huang Li remained still in front of her and instead, he smiled. "I have to see her with my own eyes. It's Xiao Xi's orders."     

"Do you know where Xi'er is? She didn't come home last night." Fan Xiao Yao worriedly asked.     

"She'll be living with Lu Mello starting from now on. She'll come here from time to time to check on you." Huang Li knew Fan Xiao Yao's previous relationship with Lu Mello but he didn't care if she'll get hurt. He just stated the truth since she was asking.     

"She's... Living with Mello?"     

"Yes, they're a married couple now."     

"... Married?"     

Fan Xiao Yao stood still, she could feel her chest tightening because of the sudden news. She looked at Huang Li and forced out a smile, "You're here to check on Vanilla, right? Come in..."     

She turned her back to him and headed straight to her room.     

Huang Li knew the look she had on her face well since he was the same after he found out about it. He could see how much she was hurt after hearing the news from him.     

He entered the place and closed the door behind him. He didn't say a thing, he just went and looked for Vanilla.     

Vanilla was licking her bowl of milk that Fan Xiao Yao poured for her earlier.     

Huang Li sat down and stroked her thick fur while she was busy drinking her milk.     

The whole time he was there, Fan Xiao Yao didn't go out of her room. He was so to leave so it was only normal to let her know, right?     

He knocked on Fan Xiao Yao's door. "Fan Xiao Yao, I will be taking my leave now."     

No response.     

"Fan Xiao Yao?"     

Out of curiosity, he held the door's knob and took a peek in. He saw Fan Xiao Yao's figure on the bed. She was hugging her knees and her face was buried on her knees.     

Was she... Crying? She must be, right? After all, who wouldn't be hurt after finding out that your close friend and the man you have always loved were already married?     

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