My Evil Cinderella: Taming a Villainous Wife

Disgusting words

Disgusting words

Shi Enxi didn't expect him to trick her that way. He was holding both of her hands so she couldn't bring herself to push him away. All she could do was struggle.     

"Behave yourself, dear wife." He grinned at her.     

She frowned deeply, "Who's your wife? Wife your face! We're not even married!" She tried to pull her hand away from his hold but Lu Mello didn't give her a chance to do that, he was holding her hand firmly.     

He leaned, placing a kiss on her fists. "We will soon get to that. If you kill me right now, aren't you worried that you will never have a husband as great as me?"     

"..." Man, this guy's face is really thick!     

Since it was no use on trying to struggle free, Shi Enxi remained still on his lap. She glared coldly at him, "What do you want, Lu Mello?"     

"You." He smiled sweetly at her, so sweet that Shi Enxi wanted to puke on his face just to erase it.     

She let out a toneless laugh. "Ha.ha. Wow, you made me laugh two times with that."     

Lu Mello chuckled at her remark, "I was being serious tho."     

Shi Enxi decided to ignore him, "Let go of me."     

He smiled and nonchalantly said, "Why should I?"     

When he saw the bone-chilling glare she was giving him, he patted her head, "Hey, don't look at me that way. I know I'm handsome, you don't have to make it look so obvious."     

"..." What the hell is wrong with his mind? Can't he see how mad she was at him?     

"Stop being so grumpy. Do you want to borrow a kiss from me? I'm pretty sure it can brighten your mood. I'll let you borrow one but make sure to give it back, okay?" He held her chin and pulled her face close to his.     

He was about to kiss her but Shi Enxi blocked his lips by covering his lips with her hand. "Do you really want to die?!"     

For some reason, she felt her face heat up at the thought of being kissed by Lu Mello. Shi Enxi's blush seared through her cheeks and for a minute she thought her face was on fire. She suddenly felt awkward, demure, and coy.      

Lu Mello held her hand and kissed her palm instead which made her pull it away from his hold. She was not going to allow him to play around with her any longer that's why just like a scared cat, she gave him a hard slap to catch him off-guard before she jumped away from him.     

"Aren't you getting ahead of yourself?" She scoffed. "Do you think that I'm going to fall for your little trick?"     

She was not going to fall for any of his tricks! If he thought that he could deceive her, then he should think again!     

Shi Enxi thought that Lu Mello was trying to let her guards down so that she would confess everything to him.     

He could feel his cheek stinging in pain because of her slap. He wanted to teach her a lesson but he held himself back. It was not time to attack her.     

"I'm being serious you know." He rested his back against the bench. "I told you before that I fell in love at first sight when I saw the woman that I am supposed to marry."     

She laughed dryly after hearing what he said, "Do you really think that I will believe you?"     

Lu Mello shrugged, "Who knows? But I know what my feelings are for you. You tripped me and I ended falling hard."     

"..." Damn... where did he learn all of those lines? Every time he said one to her, she didn't know whether to laugh or cry.     

"I am going to be your husband, it is normal for me to clean up the mess that my wife made, right?"     

"Oh?" She raised a brow at him, "If I happen to be the real suspect, aren't you going to put me to jail?"     

"No. He deserved that but I don't want you to commit a serious crime like murder. If you want revenge then you can do it in a proper way." He crossed his legs. There were other ways to bring Wang Hao down, that was what he wanted her to know even if he knew that there was a small possibility that she would try it.     

Just like what he expected, Shi Enxi refused to believe him and accept his suggestion. What if what he was saying was just a bait for her? She was not going to give him an easy way out!     

"Of course you will still receive a proper punishment since you have tried to kill Wang Hao."     

"I didn't do that."     

"Ah, yes, it was actually Mr. Huang Li, right?" He snickered at her.     

Shi Enxi clenched her fists tight, "He has nothing to do with this."     

Lu Mello was displeased by how Shi Enxi tried to protect Huang Li. He tried to suppress the jealousy he was feeling at that moment since he didn't to corner Shi Enxi that much.     

"Are you saying that it's all on you then?"     

Shi enxi stared at him for a while. She kept on denying accusations that he has for her and yet, he kept on insisting that she was the culprit behind the accident. Lu Mello was sure good in mind games.     

A smile crept out on Shi Enxi's lips."No, I am not."     

Lu Mello ended up sighing inwardly. She really was one stubborn woman!     

"Are you worried about going to prison?"     

She huffed, "Who wouldn't be?"     

"You don't have to worry about it. I'm pretty sure that you will like my place." He grinned happily at her. "You are going to be imprisoned in my heart for the rest of your life."     


"Isn't that nice? You don't have to be afraid you know. I'm going to accompany you until we get old so rest assure. I will make sure that your prison life will be one of the best things that happened in your life."     

Shi Enxi was so speechless at the words that she heard from him. She didn't know whether to cry or laugh but those words were so disgusting to hear! It was making her cringe until her bones!     

"Ah? Where are you going?" Lu Mello asked when he saw her turn and was about to leave.     

"Away from you." She couldn't take Lu Mello's advances towards her anymore. Her head was aching so badly that she just want to go home and sleep this night out!     

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