My Evil Cinderella: Taming a Villainous Wife

Learn to love

Learn to love

Huang Li watched Fan Xiao Yao as she took her phone out and dialed Shi Enxi's number. He wasn't worried at all that Shi Enxi would scold him. If it was Shi Enxi, she would most likely ignore Fan Xiao Yao's complains.     

It was only a matter of a few seconds before Shi Enxi answered the call.     


"Xi'er! Senior Huang is at home and-and he harassed me!"     

Who harrassed who?     

Shi Enxi: "..."     

"He even trespassed our place!"     

"I gave him a spare key." Shi Enxi calmly replied.     

"What? You shouldn't do that! Senior Huang is a man you know! I know that you two are close but you shouldn't go that far. Now he has taken advantage of me!"     

Huang Li massaged the bridge of his nose. Fan Xiao Yao was saying things that could be easily be misunderstood. He didn't want Shi Enxi to misunderstand what she was saying. He stood up and gave Fan Xiao Yao a smile, "That was just an accident, Xiao Yao."     

Fan Xiao Yao quickly backed off from him when she saw him approaching her, "W-What do you think are you doing?!" She held her phone close, "Xi'er, please come home soon. I don't think that I can kick him out myself."     

"He can do whatever he wants to you."     

It was as if a bucket of ice was thrown on Fan Xiao Yao when she heard SHi Enxi's uncaring reply. "X-Xi'er, how can you treat your friend like this?"     

"Are you?"     

Fan Xiao Yao wanted to cry and complain further. She felt like a pup who was abandoned by her owner.     

Shi Enxi completely trusted Huang Li, she knew that Huang Li wouldn't do anything to Fan Xiao Yao without her permission. She knew Huang Li the best, he was not the type of person who would easily get interested with other women.     


Fan Xiao sulked since Shi Enxi was being a meanie to her.     

Huang Li passed by her and went directly to the kitchen.     

She pursed her lips when she saw that Huang Li wasn't planning on leaving the place anytime soon. If that was the case, then she should lock her room instead so that he wouldn't be able to enter.     


Lu Residence...     

"I'm sorry for not picking you up." Shi Yi approached his sister. He was waiting for her by the entrance of the mansion.     

"It's alright." Shi Enxi smiled genuinely at him as she went and clung onto him. "I would do the same if I was you."     

Lu Mello watched how close Shi Enxi was to her brother. He was glad that relationship was getting better but for some reason, he couldn't help but feel a bit of envy since Shi Enxi was so close to her brother.     

Shi Yi glanced at Lu Mello and didn't say a thing. The three of them entered and went directly to the dining room.     

Upon entering, they saw a long table filled with different kind of food. Lu Mello's family was complete. Meanwhile, the only Shi elder that was present there was Bai Min, the Matriarch of the Shi family.     

Bai Min frowned upon seeing Shi Enxi's blonde hair. "My goodness, what have you done to your beautiful hair, Xi'er?"     

Shi Enxi smiled a bit as she reasoned out, "I just want a change in style, grandma."     

"I think it suits sister Enxi well." Lu Weichun grinned.     

Shi Yi nodded in agreement, "Yes, it does suit her well." He went and sat beside Lu Weichun while on his other side, Shi Enxi sat.     

Bai Min heaved out a sigh, "Teenagers these days."     

Xia Meilin chuckled lightly, "Anyway, I am happy that everyone was able to come for dinner."     

Lu Yifeng turned to Lu Mello and Shi Enxi, "We are gathered here today to discuss the arranged marriage."     

"Dear, you don't have to be so straightforward about it." Xia Meilin sighed.     

Shi Enxi smiled a bit, "It's alright, auntie Meimei."     

"Xi'er and I have already talked about it on our way here." Lu Mello added.     

"Really?" Xia Meilin turned to Shi Enxi, "Sweetheart, you don't have to worry on rejecting this marriage. I don't know what came into my husband's mind that he suddenly thought of this." The last thing that Xia Meilin wanted was to force her son on marrying someone he doesn't love.     

She knew that for years, Lu Mello was interested in someone else and she was pretty sure that Shi Enxi was the same.     

"I appreciate your kindness, auntie Meimei, but Mello and I have decided to go on with it."     

Shi Enxi wasn't going to waste the opportunity for the company. Even if at first, she was doing it for the sake of stealing Lu Mello away from Fan Xiao Yao, when she realized that Fan Xiao Yao didn't mind it, it was useless to continue on what she originally planned.     

"Are you sure about this?" Xia Meilin had a worried look on her face.     

Shi Enxi nodded lightly, a soft smile on her lips as she smoothly lied to them, "I may not love Mello now but we will learn how to love each other in the future."     

"Ahh, I really thought that Mello-ge will end up with sister Yaoyao." Lu Weichun pouted.      

"Sister..." Lu Xingyan gave her twin sister a warning look.     

"What? I'm just telling the truth. Mom must be thinking the same. Besides, mom has always loved sister Yaoyao for brother Mello." Lu Weichun wasn't afraid of telling the truth to others. She has always been honest, no matter who she was talking too.     

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