My Evil Cinderella: Taming a Villainous Wife

I'm sorry, Huang Li

I'm sorry, Huang Li

Inside of an apartment, Huang Li stood in the middle as if he was waiting for someone. His hair was in a dump and dark bags were seen under his tired eyes as if he hasn't slept for days.     

A mechanical beep was heard and soon, he saw the door open. When he saw Shi Enxi entering the room, his eyes lit up. Even a smile ended up forming on his expressionless face. He took a step forward and approached her in the middle.     

"You came," he said in a whisper.     

"I'm sorry for making you wait..." She replied, smiling a bit.     

"How about our son? Where is he?"      

"He's waiting in the car, don't worry."     

For some reason, he couldn't help but feel something of her. Shi Enxi has always been good at lying and so was he. Even though they had been together for so long, there were times when he still couldn't see through her, where he still couldn't read what she was thinking.     

"I made you wait for so long... I'm sorry..." She reached and cupped his cheek. "I'm sorry, Huang Li."     

You don't have to be sorry." He placed his hand on top of hers. "It's finally over, we can leave this place and finally be together."     

Without saying a word, Shi Enxi pulled him down, giving him a soft and gentle kiss which startled him although soon enough, he closed his eyes and kissed her back.     

What was that bitter taste?     

He pulled back a bit, breaking the kiss just so he could look at the woman in front of him. His eyes widened when he saw her crying and with pain seen in her eyes.     

Shi Enxi stroked his cheek with a thumb and continued to say, "I'm sorry... I'm sorry, Huang Li."     

What was she sorry about?     

Just when he was about to ask her about it, he felt a stinging pain in his stomach. He slowly lowered his head just to look at Shi Enxi's hand that was holding the handle of the knife she used to stab him.     

"I'm sorry..." She pulled the knife out and dropped it on the ground. He saw how her hands, how her body trembled as she took a step away from him. "T-this is the only way I know... I love Mello, Huang Li... I'm sorry, I can't be with you..."     

Warmblood gushed out of the exposed wound. He pressed snugly against it to stop the free surge of sticky blood. He turned his eyes back at her crying figure as she continued to take a step away. At that moment, he felt betrayed. He had never thought that the woman he trusted the most would end up turning her knife to him.     

"W-why...?" His sight became blurry and he ended up coughing out blood. Ah... she was not contented with a stab. She had to poison him too. Was she that desperate to make sure that he would remain dead?     

Shi Enxi turned and rushed out of the place, leaving him there inside the cold room to die alone.     

He staggered and fell on the sofa, his hands were still pressing his wound. A laugh escaped his lips and was soon followed by a cough. "I guess... I'll see you later in hell..."      

He knew that by putting poison in her lips, she would also poison herself. He knew that she could have drunk the antidote but when he saw the desperate, pained look in her eyes, he was sure that she would use her remaining time to say goodbye to that man who caused this to happen, Lu Mello.     

Why did this happen to him? Why couldn't she just choose him? He was the one who remained by her side, who took her side all these years. He was even willing to be used by her. He truly loved her. He loved her so much that he was willing to throw away his success for her and yet, here he was now. Betrayed by the only woman he loved and cared for.     

"I'm sorry..."      

He could still hear her voice even if she has long left him.      

"I'm sorry, Huang Li."     

What was she sorry for? For betraying him? For stabbing him? For poisoning him? Or for not being able to love him back?     

He couldn't feel the pain anymore as his body began to get numb. He was staring at the ceiling, his eyes misty. Everything began to disappear as his life left his body and as it did, a tear rolled down from his left eye.     


Huang Li yanked up his body all of a sudden. His body was covered with cold sweat and his heart was racing, pounding hard and loud. His eyes adjusted at the darkness of the room as he began to calm down and soon realized that he was not inside that strange apartment.     

He covered his face with his hands and wondered about that dream. He had been having that kind of dreams lately and every time he did, the parts where he couldn't remember, the scenes where it was blurry only became clearer.     

"Huang Li?" A soft, sleepy voice was heard.     

Fan Xiao Yao woke up when she felt movement beside her. She slowly sat up and placed a hand on his arm, giving it a caress. "Is it that nightmare again?"     

He lowered his hands from his face and turned to her as he answered, "Yes..."      

When he began having those nightmares, just like this time, Fan Xiao Yao would always wake up since she was a light sleeper no matter how tired she was. He told her about it the first time since he thought that it was just a bad dream. He never thought that he would end up dreaming about it twice or thrice a week. But having her there beside him whenever he woke up brought comfort and calmed his heart.      

Fan Xiao Yao wrapped her arms around him, giving him comfort. She even held his head and made it rest on his shoulder. As she began stroking his hair, she whispered, "It's just a dream... None of those are real..."      

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