My Evil Cinderella: Taming a Villainous Wife

Bachelorette Party

Bachelorette Party

Fan Xiao Yao arrived shortly at the address that Lu Weichun sent her and when she did, she arrived at one of the most expensive hotels in Beijing. It was even labeled seven stars since five stars weren't enough to describe it.     

Lu Xingyan and her sister, Lu Weichun were waiting for her at the lobby and when she saw the twins, she approached them.     

"Xiao Xing, Xiao Chun." She greeted them with a smile.     

The twins stood up from their seats and even hugged her.      

"Yaoyao-jiejie!" Lu Weichun happily exclaimed.     

"Why are we meeting here?" Fan Xiao Yao asked, blinking a few times in confusion.     

"Why else? We're going to spend our girls' night out here!" The older twin grinned as she clung to her arm.     

"But this place is... Price..." She trailed off.     

"Jiejie, define pricey?" Lu Xingyan asked with a small smile on her lips. "Also, we're not the ones who are paying. Someone else is handling the expenses."     

Someone else? Was he Huang Li? But this was already too much!     

"Let's go change our clothes and go out partying!" Lu Weichun exclaimed as she began dragging Fan Xiao Yao towards the elevator.     


They arrived at a two-story private residence with a rooftop garden, wading pool, electronically retractable glass roof. It was something Fan Xiao Yao never once saw or visited in her life. As a woman who came from a normal background, entering the place made her feel like entering a palace.     

Even Lu Xingyan and Lu Weichun looked around in astonishment. Despite being rich, they never really have stayed at a place like this. Lu Weichun would either stay at Shi Yi's place or either stay at her apartment. Meanwhile, Lu Xingyan was traveling from one place to another, and whenever she had to stay at a place due to her concert, she would usually stay at a normal hotel. Not in a residence like this.     

They walked and entered the living room that was filled with artworks and some even her photos. Everything was neatly decorated. Even classical music was heard.     

"Do you like my wedding gift for you?" A voice of a woman was heard.     

They all turned to the owner of the voice and there they saw a woman walking down the stairs. She was wearing a white bowknot long sleeve blouse and black slacks. With black hair of wool that reached down her shoulders and her head held high, she waltzed on with an effortless saunter. The clicking of her heels added rhythm to the soft classical music that was playing in the background without pause. Her black eyes, like an abyss, were calm and emotionless. The side of her red lips curled up into a confident smile as she stopped in front of them.     

The twins didn't look surprised. Lu Xingyan was smiling while Lu Weichun scoffed and rolled her eyes, "Lame entrance."     

On the other hand, Fan Xiao Yao's eyes were wide in disbelief. The woman in front of her was someone she has been really wanting to see for a while now. "X-Xiao Xi?" She stuttered and was still in shock. "I-Is it really you?" She even reached out to her hand to poke her arm just so she could check that she was real.     

It was such a comical scene for the rest of the girls, including Shi Enxi. She chuckled and replied sarcastically, "No, I'm not here. I'm just a hologram."     

Tears welled up on the side of her eyes and in the next moment, Fan Xiao Yao pounced on her, giving her a tight hug. "You're real!"     

A helpless smile appeared on Shi Enxi's lips as she hugged her back and lightly patted her behind. "What are you? A child?"     

The smile on Fan Xiao Yao's lips growing. She was that happy to see her there again. Just like how fast she jumped on her, she pulled away from the hug with the same speed. She wiped her tears and quickly asked, "didn't you said that you weren't coming?"     

Shi Enxi smirked, "Did I?"     

Now that she thought about it, Shi Enxi never said that she was not coming. All she did was apologize which gave her the wrong idea... maybe.     

"Enxi-jiejie actually called us and told us to meet you here," said Lu Xingyan, chuckling softly.     

"Why didn't you tell me about it?" The bride pouted, crossing her arms.     

"It's supposed to be a surprise in the first place." Lu Weichun answered this time.     

"Anyway, you girls should change your clothes in something appropriate for tonight's activities." Shi Enxi had already planned everything for their two days stay at the place. She led them to Fan Xiao Yao's room and there they say it designed with balloons on one side of the wall.     

"I bought this place for you. You can choose to stay here with Huang Li after marriage or just use it as a rest house."     

Lu Weichun snickered, "Let me guess who's money you used."     

Fan Xiao Yao leaned and whispered worriedly, "Won't Mello receive a notification if you used his card?"     

Shi Enxi raised a brow, looking at the two. One was worried while the other was looking at her in amusement. "Do you think I don't know?"     

Fan Xiao Yao: "Then?"     

"He won't come." Lu Xingyan was the one who answered her question."     

"Anyway, enough talking about me." Shi Enxi glanced at Lu Weichun, giving her a warning since the tension between them was growing. "Today is about Xiao Yao. There are dresses in the closet, you can choose whatever clothes you want to wear."     

"Come, Yaoyao-jiejie, let's get you dressed." The younger twin, Lu Xingyan dragged the bride away from the two women who were spoiling the mood.     

Lu Weichun crossed her arms, "I heard that you're on bad terms with my brother right now."     

"It's none of your business." She walked by past her and followed the other two women to the closet. Her eyes blank and her face expressionless. She was clearly avoiding the topic of her husband.     

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