My Evil Cinderella: Taming a Villainous Wife

Little Melon

Little Melon

Lu Mello was surprised when he heard her words. He knew that Shi Enxi was not on pills. They were both were expecting for another child but because of how busy the past weeks were, the possibility of her getting pregnant left their mind.     

It was a great news for them. Shi Enxi this time was more accepting of the news unlike back then when she found out that she was pregnant with Little Jade.     

Because of how overjoyed he was, Lu Mello carried her and spinned her around in delight. "We're going to have another kid!"     

"Urgh! Put me down! I'm feeling sick! Do you want me to puke on you?!" Shi Enxi complained.     

"Right, right." Lu Mello obediently placed her back on the ground. He couldn't stop grinning from ear to ear as he looked at her.     

Shi Enxi crossed her arms and looked at him smiling like an idiot. She let out a helpless chuckle, "You're that happy, huh?"     

"Of course! I'm going to be a father!"     

"You're already a father."     

He blinked a few times and smiled in realization, "Oh yeah, I already am." Although he felt pure happiness inside him as if it was his first time hearing it from her.     

He brought her out of the restroom and ordered the maid to prepare a soup that will make his wife feel better.      

When the food arrived, he insisted on feeding him to which Shi Enxi obliged. She liked being doted on like this.      

"Mello, I want to get married again." She suddenly said out after finishing the soup.     

He looked at her and was obviously taken aback by her sudden words, "Get married again?"     

"Yes. We didn't have a proper wedding you know." They only signed the marriage papers.     

"If it's a wedding you want, then it's a wedding you'll get." Lu Mello said with a grin, approving of her idea.     

"I want to be married every month until I finally give birth."     

"..." He became speechless again when he heard Shi Enxi's plan.     

"I'll be carrying this child for nine months. Nine weddings and nine different countries."     

"That's going to be too expensive..." He trailed off.     

She raised a brow as she turned her gaze to him, "Going to be too what?"     

He waved his hand in front of him, "Nothing, nothing. Nothing is too expensive for me. If it's the world you want, I'll give it to you."     

The side of her lips finally curled up into a pretty smile as she leaned forward just to give him a hug, "My husband is really the best!"     

He laughed a bit, slowly, "Ha... Ha... Ha... Yes... I'm the best." He hugged her back, hesitatingly. "B-by the way..." He stuttered. He cleared his throat before he pulled away a bit just to look at her again, "How about our guests? We will have to fly them all over the countries."     

"It's just going to be our family. You, me and Xue'er."      

"How about Xiao Yu?"     

"Xiao Yao and Huang Li are planning to go on a vacation somewhere. Since they will be his parents, he should spend time with them." But the thought of not bringing along Little Jade with them saddened her all of a sudden. She really wanted to bring him along. "Maybe we can bring them along with us instead?"     

"Won't traveling around be bad for a pregnant woman like you?"     

"We'll be using your private jet so it should be as comfortable for a pregnant woman like me, right? Besides, no one said that flying is bad for preggies. Besides, it'll be amazing if I ended up giving birth on a plane." She joked.     

Lu Mello couldn't help but heave out a deep sigh because of her plans. He was a bit reluctant to suddenly agree with her. Maybe he should try to talk it out of her?     

He glanced at Shi Enxi and was about to say something but he ended up shutting his mouth when he saw how bright her smile was. Her eyes were even sparkling.     

"We can revisit those places once we reached our Silver anniversary, don't you think so?"      

Silver? Wasn't that like going to be at almost 20 years ahead? They were going to be around their forties.     

"Our children will be old enough as well so we don't have to worry about them." Shi Enxi continued with a warm smile plastered on her lips when she thought about it.     

"If you put it that way, I guess you're right." He chuckled softly. "I can have you to myself by then."     

"You are not so stingy like your father you know." She suddenly said as she recalled something.     

He blinked a few times in confusion, "Stingy?"     

"I mean possessive. I saw how possessive uncle Yifeng is when it comes to your mother."     

"Ah... Yes... Well they say that my personality is more on my mom's side." He was reminded of the times his father looked at him and his siblings whenever his wife's attention was snatched by them. Now that he recalled those times, he found it hilarious. His father, Lu Yifeng's a man who easily get jealous even towards his own children. He may not admit it but his actions spoke of it.     

"Besides, my son will never be able to steal you away from me." He added.     

"What if he asks me to marry him one day?" She smirked.     

Lu Mello raised a brow, "That will never happen. He will never ask that question."     

She pouted, "You never asked your mom that when you were little?"     

He cupped his chin to think, "I don't recall asking her that at all."     

"Of course you won't. How can you remember? You were too young back then." She wrapped her arms around as she grinned teasingly at him, "Mello was still Xiao Gua back then."     

His expression changed when she called him that way, "Not that name."     

"Why? It's cute!" She giggled. "Little Melon~ If we're going to have another son, let's name him Xiao Gua! Lu Xiao Gua-"     

"No." He quickly said with a deadpan tone. It was not like he hated the name but it was a nickname that he didn't like. Aside from that, he knew that his wife was not serious about it... but just in case that she was, it's better to reject her name suggestion.     


"Because I say so."     

"But it's cute."     




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