My Evil Cinderella: Taming a Villainous Wife

Let's do it again

Let's do it again

One thing is for sure, Hana's acting skills were good if she was able to deceive the people around her with her bright personality.     

The reason why Shi Enxi was able to see through Hana was all because she caught the change in her eyes when Hana first landed her eyes on her. It may just be for a second but for someone as observant as Shi Enxi, that one second gave away the other woman's act. Unlike Fan Xiao Yao, it would take years to gain Shi Enxi's trust so it was only normal for her to have her suspicion on Hana.     

The real reason why she invited her to be an artist was all because of checking on Hana. If she was scheming something against Fan Xiao Yao, at least she would be under Shi Enxi's radar since she had always liked the idea of 'keeps your friends close and your enemies closer'.      

"Xiao Xi, I'm ready-"     

"It's Mrs. Lu for you." Shi Enxi corrected, a smile plastered on her lips.     

She blinked a few times, "Oh! We're at work so I must call you appropriately." She smiled back at her after. "Anyway, I'm ready to act my scene, Mrs. Lu."     

"I'll give you five minutes to get into character."     

"No, ten seconds will do."     

Shi Enxi raised a brow. She could get into the character that fast? Well, then, if she could do that then that would only make things easier for her. She stood up, sliding her coat off her shoulder before she went into the middle of the studio.     

Since Shi Enxi was the first one to act out, the moment Qiao Nuan said, 'start', she got into the character within a second.     

Shi Enxi gritted her teeth angrily and in the next second, she grabbed Hana's hand and forcefully raised it as if she was trying to point the gun away, "XIAO MING! RUN! CALL FOR HELP!!"     

Hana was taken by surprise by Shi Enxi's sudden outbursts that she wasn't able to react on time.     

When Shi Enxi saw that Hana was not moving she got out of character and frowned, releasing her hand. "Are you just going to stare at me?"     

"I-I... I'm sorry. Let's do it again."     

"I will only give you three chances. You wasted one so you have two chances left to prove your acting skills to me." Shi Enxi could only hope that Hana would if not, then she would have to use other measures to see through her.     

This time, when Shi Enxi attacked her, Hana scowled deeply and was struggling to point the gun properly. Since it was written in the script that she was stronger than Shi Enxi, was able to fight back, the gun was slowly, slowly being pulled down.     

In the scene, the imaginative child was staring at his two mothers, one fighting for him to live and the other fighting for him to perish. He soon chose a side and run to them, trying to push his real mother away.     

"Xiao Ming! Go! Run! Xiao Ming!"     

Qiao Nuan who was watching the scene before her could feel the intensity. It was as if she could see the imaginative son with them shouting, "Don't hurt my mommy! Don't hurt my mommy!"     

Hana pulled her wrists down in one forceful blow and in a blink of an eye, a loud gunshot was heard... At least that was how they acted it.     

In the script, the woman was able to shoot her son in his head. he instantly fell down, unconscious... dead, without even being able to say any last words. His eyes were still wide, looking up to the sky, his head bleeding from the back. The last glimmer of his will of living was gone and was used to protect her with all the strength he had left.     

"N-no... No..." Shi Enxi ended up letting go of Hana's hands. Tears began to form in her eyes as she turned to the imaginary boy.     

Hana fell on her knees on the ground and was looking at the dramatic scene in front of her. She was breathing heavily and it only slowed down when she gave off a sigh... A sigh of relief. She smiled, chuckling softly, "Fucking... finally." She said and a tear fell from her eye, but it was just one tear. One tear shed for the death of her son.     

With that, the scene ended. Shi Enxi wiped the fake tears from the side of her eyes and stood up, straightening her blouse.     

"Starting from this day, Qiao Nuan is in-charge of assisting you with the training. After you completed the training, I will let you sign the contract." She went and took her coat, wearing it again before turning to Qiao Nuan, "Give her the same training menu that Xiao Yao had."     

"Yes, ma'am."     

"I will check on you by the end of this week." Shi Enxi said with a smile.     

Hana blinked a few times, "Then... I'm in?"     

"After you completed the training for this month, yes." With that, Shi Enxi turned, the smile on her face disappeared and her eyes glinted dangerously as she headed out of the room. Hana and Qiao Nuan weren't able to see the change in her face since her back was facing them.     

Shi Enxi acknowledged Hana's acting skills. It was on par with Fan Xiao Yao's and if she was groomed well, then just like Fan Xiao Yao, one day, Hana would be able to gain great achievements. The only problem was... Hana was someone who couldn't be trusted and even if she had the talent, Shi Enxi was not going to allow her to succeed like Fan Xiao Yao.      

Earlier, while they were in the middle of the act, the murderous look coming from Hana and the hate in her was something she could tell was real although it was not for her, Shi Enxi could tell that Hana's hate was for someone else. Who could it be for?     

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