My Evil Cinderella: Taming a Villainous Wife

An all-rounder?

An all-rounder?

The knocks continued and it made Shi Enxi worried. She turned to her husband, "You open it."     

Lu Mello nodded and left the bed as he began walking towards the door. He slowly opened it and was expecting to see someone but there was no one.     

"Who is it?" Shi Enxi asked.     

"There's... No one-"     



He dropped his head, surprised to see how two sons, standing beside each other and were hugging their favorite plushies. Little Jade was hugging a Pikachu plushie while Little Snow was hugging a Charmander plushie. Behind them, Timmy was standing, looking bored. He followed the two out of their rooms the moment they woke up.     

"Yu'er? Xue'er?" He blinked a few times in confusion.     

"Hungwy..." Little Snow whispered before giving out a yawn and rubbing his left eye. He was still feeling sleepy but his tummy woke him up in the middle of the night.     

Since Lu Mello didn't answer her and was just standing there, looking down, Shi Enxi got off the bed and went to check on who was their late-night visitors and was surprised to see the two kids there.     

Ever since they began sleeping on their bed and were taught to open the door of their room, they had been roaming the place with either Mo Jing or a servant trailing behind them. They weren't left alone except when they were asleep in the night. Their only guardian in the room was Timmy who was now looking up to Lu Mello and Shi Enxi as if telling them, 'Your turn to look after them' before he entered the room and headed straight to the balcony.     

"Sweetie, aren't you two supposed to be sleeping?" Shi Enxi bent down to their level and gently touched their cheeks.     

"Mama..." Little Jade leaned forward just to hug his mother to which Little Snow followed his action as well.     

In the end, Lu Mello and Shi Enxi had to delay their late-night plans because of their children. They took them in and tucked the blanket on them.     

Shi Enxi was on the left, Lu Mello was on the right while their some were in the middle of them both     

"Mama, me wantsh fish keyki..." Little Snow murmured, snuggling to his mother. He was trying his best to stay awake just so he could eat.     

On the other hand, Little Jade was already fast asleep and was hugging his father as he did.     

"We'll get you one tomorrow, cupcake," she whispered as soft as she could make.     

"Two." The child lifted his head just to look at his mother with his sleepy, droopy eyes.     


"Two fish keyki." He showed two tiny fingers to her.     

She chuckled softly, "Okay. You'll have two."     

With that, the boy finally allowed himself to succumb to his sleep. This was actually the first time where the four of them ended up being in the same bed that was why Shi Enxi couldn't help but treasure their time together this way.      

"Guess no drinking tonight," whispered her husband.     

"Yes, no drinking tonight." She muttered as she gently stroked Little Snow's hair while watching him sleep like a kitten.     

"You should get some sleep too..." He looked at her, gazing softly at her.     

"I will... Good night, Mello."     

"Good night."     


"Qiao Nuan, meet Hana, Kobayashi Hana." Shi Enxi introduced.     

"Nice to meet you, Ms. Qiao." Hana greeted with a wide smile. She even gave a polite bow.     

Qiao Nuan was Shi Enxi's assistant and was in charge of looking out for Fan Xiao Yao while she was away. "Nice to meet you."      

"Now then, shall we start?" Shi Enxi didn't want to delay any longer. She walked towards the chair and sat there, crossing her legs. "What are you good at?" Was the first thing she asked her.     

"I can dance, sing, and act," Hana replied with a wide grin.     

"An all-rounder? Well, then, let me see how good you are." She had to assess which was her strongest asset. She could make Hana a singer, an actress, or a model. Hana was new that was why it would be best if she could start with one.     

The trainee began singing at first which made Shi Enxi's brow twitch and Qiao Nuan gulp. Her singing voice was rather... Out of tune.     

"Stop." Shi Enxi ordered, raising her hand a bit. She narrowed her eyes and scoffed, "You call that singing?"     

"Yes. You asked me what I was good at and I think I'm good at everything." She smiled proudly.     

Qiao Nuan: "..."     

"Let's move forward to your dancing skills," ordered Shi Enxi.     

Hana took out her phone and selected an upbeat music. She placed it on the ground and tapped the play button before she straightened her back and inhaled deeply.     

Shi Enxi didn't expect much on her dancing skills anymore. She was just tapping her finger on her arm as she watched Hana began dancing. If her acting, dancing, and singing skills were bad then she was going to turn her into a model instead. At least her walking style and body was already in their best form.     

Just as expected, Hana's dancing skills were not that good. Her steps were not even clean. Shi Enxi couldn't look at her dancing anymore that she stopped her again and decided to proceed with her acting skills.     

Qiao Nuan handed over the script that she was ordered to bring and let Shi Enxi scan through it to choose a scene for Hana.     

"I will give you 15 minutes to study this part." Shi Enxi said, finally handing over the script to Hana.     

The scene was just short. It was about a fight between a woman who wanted to kill her son and her friend who was trying to stop her from committing the deed.     

"You will act as the woman who wants her son dead while I'll be playing the 'friend' role." Shi Enxi wasn't kind enough to give her an easy part to act since she wanted to see the limits of her acting skills. Aside from that, she wanted to know the real her. Hana may have fooled Fan Xiao Yao with her lively and friendly act but not Shi Enxi.     

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