My Evil Cinderella: Taming a Villainous Wife

Amazing Uncle Shi Yi

Amazing Uncle Shi Yi

Lights filled the room, waking Shi Enxi from her deep slumber. She stretched out and winced. Her body was so sore, especially her lower region. She opened her eyes. What time did they sleep last night? Or was it morning? She didn't know. They were so consumed with themselves.     

Beside her, Lu Mello was fast asleep, facing her, looking so relaxed in his sleep. He looked so lovely when he was asleep and yet, what happened last night betrayed what she just thought at that moment. He was a devil in bed, merciless and ruthless. The night filled with pleasure was gone and right now, her body was aching badly. It was like a punishment after that sweet night. How can he still look so handsome even when asleep? She could never get used to it. His hair was in a glorious mess. His pouty lips were parted slightly.     

The urge to pinch him was great but at the same time, she couldn't do it because of how angelic he looked while sleeping. She just wanted to gaze at him all day but her stomach betrayed her. She was starving. Slipping out of the bed, she could hardly walk but she managed to keep her balance as she wobbled her way towards the bathroom. Upon entering, she walked past the huge mirror. She only took a glimpse of the condition of her body. It wasn't something new every time she did it with her husband. Although just like him, her appetite for sex when it comes to him was big although she would always end up complaining the next morning.     

After washing her body clean, she filled the tub with warm water before she slipped in. The water helped her stiff muscles relax and even ease up the soreness in her body. She didn't stay long in the bathroom tho. She was hungry so after drying herself and wearing a clean set of clothes, she went downstairs, heading straight to the kitchen, and grabbed any food that the chef already prepared. After having her fill, she went to look for her sons who were in their room, playing. They already had their breakfast thanks to Mo Jing.     

While she was spending her time, one of the maids knocked and announced, "Madam, Mr. Shi is here."     

Shi Enxi blinked a few times upon hearing her words. Her brother came? Now that she thought of it, she didn't call or message him ever since she returned. She wasn't even able to greet him during Fan Xiao Yao's wedding since she left at once.     

"I'll be out in a moment." She replied. She stood up from her seat and looked at Little Jade and Little Snow who were playing with their toys.     

"Xiao Yu, Xiao Xue, let's go downstairs and meet your uncle."     


"Ah, brother-in-law, what brings you here?" Lu Mello asked with a bright smile.     

On the other hand, Shi Yi had a dark smile. Even if he didn't like the way he called him, he couldn't argue with it since they had that kind of relationship, "Isn't it obvious? I'm here to visit my sister."     

"Ohhh. My wife is currently out. Why don't you come back some other time?" That was a blatant lie.     

The tension around them was heavy. They were both smiling but the animosity between them was so obvious. Although their attention was stolen when they both heard someone clear her throat.     

Shi Enxi was standing at the entrance of the room with two boys hiding behind her. Her arms were crossed and a devious smile was seen on her lips. A greater pressure came from her, aiming at the two grownup men, "If you both want to punch each other, please do it outside... Or do you prefer to have a fighting ring prepared for you?"     

Lu Mello rushed to her side and smiled, quite differently from what he was giving to Shi Yi earlier. This time, he looked like he was trying to appease his wife, "Sweetheart, what are you talking about? I'm just greeting my brother-in-law."     

Meanwhile, the murky expression on Shi Yi's face was now gone. "Yes, we were just greeting each other. By the way, I've brought some toys for my nephews and your favorite food."     

At the mention of toys and food, both Little Jade and Little Snow's eyes sparkled in excitement that they ended up coming out and rushing towards their uncle.     

Little Jade: "TOYSH?!"     

Little Snow: "FWOOD?!"     

They both looked up at him, looking earnestly with sparkling eyes. Who could resist their adorableness? Even someone like Shi Yi gave in to them and ended up becoming a slave to their wants. He even gave the food he brought for his sister to Little Snow who was demanding for food.     

Their uncle took out his phone and dialed someone, "Hello, Yuan Song? I want you to go out and buy some things for me."     

"Piwture books!" Exclaimed Little Jade.     

"Ice cweam!" Followed Little Snow.     

"A bookshelf filled with picture books for kids- wait no, just buy the whole children book store. Also buy an ice cream parlor on your way too."     

"Dino!" Little Jade grinned, raising the dinosaur toy that he brought to him.     

"Uwncle, dumpwings (dumplings) too!" Added Little Snow.     

With a serious look on his face, Shi Yi continued, "Buy all the dinos in the toy store. Also, the dumplings in Xianlaoman are really good, right? Buy the store and bring a couple of takeouts here."     

Yuan Song: "..."     

Shi Enxi: "..."     

Lu Mello: "..."     

They were speechless by how easy the kids were able to play Shi Yi around their fingers as he began spoiling them. Before he could fill their place with things that the children ordered, Shi Enxi rushed to her brother's side, "Gege, I think that's enough. If you buy too much of what they want, there won't be enough space here. Also the kids' rooms are not that big so I don't think all the toys will fit and-"     

"Then how about we build a toy house for them? Mello's land is big, there's enough space near the garden."     

Shi Enxi: "..."     

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