My Evil Cinderella: Taming a Villainous Wife

Endurance game (II)

Endurance game (II)

Endurance game? Fuck that game!     

In the next moment, Lu Mello approached the bed and climb up onto it. He crawled his way towards his wife and as he did, the towel around his waist fell which he ignored and instead, cornered his wife against the bed's headboard.     

Shi Enxi peeked up at him, acting surprised, "Yes?" Although upon seeing how naked he was, her eyes automatically landed on his body which once again traveled down to his big and growing erection. She unconsciously gulped. When she realized that she was staring, she shot up her head back to his face just to see his lips curled up into a wicked grin. He was enjoying her astounded and flustered expression.     

"Eyes on me, honey." He leaned his face closer to her.     

She tried to compose herself, stopping herself from stuttering just so she could warn him, "Mello."     

"Sweetheart, do you think I can resist you if you're being like this? If it's an endurance game you want then I can give you my version of the game~" Without waiting for her reply, he leaned and captured her lips.     

At first, Shi Enxi tried to resist his kisses. She even tried to push him away but she never used her full strength to do so. She closed her eyes, her very smell was flooding her senses, intoxicating her. Just like him, she knew that she wouldn't be able to resist him for long so in the end, she gave in and kissed him back. In that minty moment, her senses have been seduced and she could no longer think straight.     

"Enxi..." He pulled away a bit just to look at her expression as whispered slowly, prolonging each letter as if to savor them.     

She smiled, her heart fluttering at his voice as she clasped her hands on either side of his face. Never before has her name ever felt so wonderful a one, she thought, as she leaned in for another. It was slow and soft, comforting in ways that words would never be.     

Lu Mello's hand rested below her ear, his thumb caressing her cheek as their breaths mingled. She ran her fingers down his spine, pulling him closer until there was no space left between them and she could feel the beating of his heart against her chest. He pressed his tongue to the seam of her lips and, at her grant of access, delved inside her mouth. It was a very sloppy, hungry kiss. Their scents being exchanged in the intermingling of their billowing breaths. They kissed each other passionately, longingly until the kiss finally broke all because they were now out of breath. His forehead was still against her, his eyes closed as he panted. Their lips were only an inch apart.     

Shi Enxi slowly opened her eyes just to look at him for a second before closing her eyes again and with a smile on her lips, she whispered huskily, "I missed this..."     

A low, sexy chuckle was heard from him, "You're finally being honest."     

She leaned back and looked at him, a small pout seen on her lips, "What does that even mean?"     

"That means, no more resisting me." He snickered.     

She stared at him for a moment, her cheeks were red, her heart was thumping and pounding like crazy since earlier. "I don't remember resisting you tho." She smirked back at him. Of course, she was not going to admit it. She took the book that was resting on her lap and placed it on the side before she lifted her dress and threw it on the ground before her arms reached out and tangled around his strong neck, "Now then, shall we continue, Mr. Lu?"     

This woman... He looked at her and smiled helplessly.     

Instead of attacking her again, he leaned and landed his lips on her neck, gliding it to her throat, kissing, sucking, and nipping to which she closed her eyes and raised her head just to give him more access to her throat.     

Lu Mello's hands ran down her body and over her breasts as he reached the base of her neck with his lips. He groped her breasts, feeling the tenderness in it.      

Shi Enxi moaned as he began giving her breasts his attention. "Are you... going to turn into a big baby again?" She teased, the side of her lips turning up into a smirk but the flustered look in her eyes gave her away.     

He snickered at her attempt to tease him, "Can't help it, I need my share of your milk."     

Oh, fuck...     

The moment his lips took in one of her nipples and nipped on it gently, she arched her back, only pushing her body against him. He tenderly sucked on her as his hands arrived on her thighs. After the big baby was satisfied he moved back his lips up to her shoulder as he complimented, "Sweet as ever."     

"Shut up..." She breathed out, looking so embarrassed upon hearing his praise about her milk.     

He looked at her with narrowed eyes, the smirk on his lips growing. It only made him look more seductive.     

She loved that sight of his and it was only making her so impatient so she pushed him away and went to sit on his lap. She spread her legs and wrapped them around his waist. She whispered with a demanding tone in her voice, "Darling, I want you. Now." As she wrapped her hand around his erection, he groaned lowly.     

This time, Shi Enxi took the lead by slipping his hard cock inside her, a moan escaped her mouth and earned another groan from him. As she eases around him, she began riding him. It was sweet and gentle all at once.     

He held her by her waist just to support and helped her increase the pace. The room was filled with nothing but their sweet moans and the slick sounds coming from them. He soon lost control and ended up pushing her against the headboard, lifting her legs just so he could move in her fast, hard, and large. They were both drunk with pleasure. With each thrust, he was pushing her, pressing her against the headboard which only made him go deep in her. He was thrusting over and over until she finally reached her climax as he continued to pound. He groaned as he reached his peak as well, pressing himself into her. His body was rigid as he stayed still as he exploded inside her.     

They both panted and Shi Enxi was given a moment to breathe before he pulled out and changed their position for the next round.     



Please read my shameless request in the comments :3 <3     

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