My Evil Cinderella: Taming a Villainous Wife

Yes, darling?

Yes, darling?

Fan Xiao Yao arrived just in time for dinner. She entered the dining room just to see her husband placing the food he prepared on the table.     

Huang Li, who was wearing an orange-colored apron with a bunny head print on the middle looked funny. The apron belonged to her in the first place. He raised his head, his gentle eyes landing on her. The side of his lips turned up as he charmed her with one of his sweet-looking smiles. "Welcome back."     

Her heart trembled at the sight. She could clearly imagine a sparkle filter effect around him when he smiled at her.     

Ah... It's so nice to come home with a handsome husband waiting for her. She thought as she moved toward him and gave him a hug, "How was your day?"     

"Not great when you left me here alone." He leaned forward and pecked her lips.     

Her face flushed at his remark and the kiss. She released him from his hug and helped him place the utensils on the table. "I went to visit Xiao Yu and Xiao Xue too."     

"Really? How are they?"     

"They're doing great. They even look livelier now that Xiao Xi's living with them." She then noticed him placing an extra plate on the table.     

Before she could ask, Huang Li announced, "Our new neighbor will be joining us for dinner tonight."     

She blinked a few times in confusion. They didn't have a neighbor, "What do you mean? Did someone bought that haunted house?" She looked at him in disbelief when she thought that someone bought that scary-looking house.     

"Yes," chuckled Huang Li. "She's someone we know."     

Someone they know? The only person who was brave enough to buy that house was none other than Shi Enxi. At least she was scarier than ghosts.     

As if knowing who she was thinking, Huang Li smiled in amusement. "No, it's not Xiao Xi. It's not someone we totally know but someone who we recently knew. Her name is Kobayashi Hana."     

If she remembered correctly, Hana was the person who greeted her during the wedding. A woman who helped her husband and Lu Mello, right?     

"She happened to me a big fan of yours and she also happened to be the new school nurse in this town's high school." He continued.     

She's a fan of hers? A new school nurse? Oh well, Fan Xiao Yao didn't really think much of it. She was a new neighbor and it was only polite to invite her for dinner.     

Just then, they heard the doorbell.      

Fan Xiao Yao smiled as she said, "Let me get it. It must be her."     


It was already late at night when Lu Mello returned home. He had already messaged his wife that he was going to come home late since the meeting with the Board got delayed earlier.     

Upon entering the place, the first thing- or rather, the person who caught his eyes was none other than his wife who has fallen asleep while waiting for his arrival.     

With each step, he carefully walked towards her as he took off his coat and placed it on top of the couch. After loosening his tie, he knelt on the side of the sofa and stretched out his hand just to gently brush off the stray strands of her hair away from her face.     

He stared for a while at her beautiful, peaceful sleeping face. He still couldn't believe that she was back and seeing her in front of him right now only brought relief inside him. Eyelids closed against the dim light of dawn and her breathing deep and relaxed, all the muscles in her face and body were totally at peace.     

He wouldn't have this any other way. He was contented with having her just like this. He didn't want to be greedy anymore.     

"Come on, kiss me already." Shi Enxi's lips suddenly moved.     

He blinked a few times, looking at her. She was awake?      

"I'm waiting."     

He smiled helplessly and leaned forward just to peck her lips before he apologized, "I'm sorry for waking you up."     

She opened her eyes this time, her black orbs shining as if they had a galaxy in them. Her lips curled up into a smile, "I was already awake when you arrived."     

"You shouldn't have waited for me."     

"But I want to." She stretched her arms before she sat up and leaned forward, wrapping her arms around his neck. "Carry me."     

Obeying her order, in one swift motion, he carried her in his arms like a princess as he stood up. "I should be the one being carried you know. I came from work."     

"Uh-huh. As if I can carry you." She rested her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes.     

He chuckled lightly as a response. He climbed up the stairs and headed to where the master bedroom was located.     

"How about joining me for tonight's bath?" He offered, entering their room.     

"I already took a bath so no thanks."      

"Then take a bath again so you can join me."     

"I'm not interested, I want to sleep."     

Instead of dropping her on the bed, Lu Mello headed straight to the bathroom and entered.     

When she felt his sudden change of direction, she opened her sleepy eyes and saw that they were now inside the bathroom. "Mello!"     

"Yes, darling?" He asked calmly as if he was doing nothing wrong. He gently placed her down inside the tub. He reached out and turned the faucet, letting the warm water fill the tub.     

Shi Enxi shrieked when she felt the water, drenching her legs. "LU FUCKING MELLO! I HAVE MY CLOTHES ON!"     

With a playful smirk, he retorted quite casually as if he wasn't bothered by her angry shout, "Then it's only normal to take off the clothes, right?"     

"..." This scheming, shameless bastard! She obviously didn't have a choice left but to take it off since she was already drenched.     

"Do you need my help?" He raised a brow, a mischievous smirk still playing on his lips.     


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