My Evil Cinderella: Taming a Villainous Wife

Two mothers

Two mothers

Lu residence...     



The two boys who were sitting on the carpet inside the living room stood up when they saw their mother enter the room. Mo Jing, who was in charge of watching them turned her head and smiled as she greeted, "Welcome back, Xiao Xi."     

Shi Enxi smiled at her before she turned to the boys who came running towards her. She placed the paper bags she was carrying on the ground before she bent down to their level and opened her arms just to catch them.     

One boy ran straight to her arm while the other turn and peeked at the paper bags she brought. He was followed by both Mo Jing and Shi Enxi's eyes. Little Snow reached out inside one of the bags pulled out the small colorful box of macaroon, "Fwood..." He tried to open it and when he managed to do so, his face brightened in delight when he saw the sweet. "Macawoon!"     

Mo Jing: "..."     

Shi Enxi: "..."      

"Elwome!" Little Jade greeted happily, catching her attention while hugging his mother tight.     

"Aren't you such a sweet child?" She chuckled as she carried the boy in her arms.      

"Xiao Xue seemed to love food more than his mother." Fan Xiao Yao who went and stood beside her giggled when he saw the round boy sitting on the ground, holding macaroons on both hands and was consuming them happily. She turned to Mo Jing and grinned, "Hi grandma Mo!" She was there to visit the boys since Shi Enxi invited her, telling her that the boys missed her. She actually did that just to distract her.     

"Oh my, you should have told me that Xiao Yao's coming." Mo Jing said, giving Shi Enxi a scolding gaze.     

She averted her eyes, away from the old lady's wigging eyes.  "Next time grandma."     

Mo Jing sighed, "Would you like to have some drinks or snacks, child?" She was looking at both of them since the question was for both the girls.     

"Just some tea will be fine since we have snacks here. Also, bring a glass of water for Xiao Xue." Shi Enxi ordered.     

"As you wish," replied Mo Jing with a smile. She went out of the room and called a maid.     

When Little Jade saw Fan Xiao Yao, he grinned happily and exclaimed, "Mama!"     

"Ha, I didn't know you have two mothers now." Shi Enxi raised a brow at her son.     

"Ah, I didn't know that we're actually sharing sons," teased Fan Xiao Yao with a wide grin plastered on her lips.     

Little Jade turned to look at his mother, finding her expression funny, "Mama!" He hugged Shi Enxi's neck and snuggled to her like a kitten to which Shi Enxi ended up chuckling.     

"He's smart." Fan Xiao Yao smiled, reaching out her hand just to give him a pat. "He knows I'm kindhearted and you're not so he's obviously trying to gain more of your favor."     

Shi Enxi glanced at her and pursed her lips, "Are you trying to say that I'm evil?"     

"I didn't say that." She retorted, giving her usual smile at her.     

"So if you're kindhearted and I'm not, then what am I?"     

"Is that a riddle you're asking?"     

Huh... Since when did Fan Xiao Yao learn to talk back like that? Shi Enxi thought. "You..."     

Fan Xiao Yao ended up blurting out a small laugh when she saw the weird face Shi Enxi was making, "I may have learned one or two from you."     

Shi Enxi raised a brow and smirked, "Just one or two? I didn't remember you being a slow learner."     


"Anyway, my other son seems to only think about food." She turned back to look at Little Snow and sighed. She placed Little Jade back on the ground. He walked in front of Fan Xiao Yao and reached out his hands, asking to be carried while using his cute charms on her to which it worked.     

Fan Xiao Yao's heart melted and she ended up holding up the boy in her arms.     

Meanwhile, Shi Enxi went and grabbed the box away from Little Snow's reach. "Is this how you greet your mother? By stealing food?"     

"Mama!" The boy happily exclaimed. His hands were full since he was holding two macaroons, one almost half-finished, the other still whole. There were crumbs on the side of his grinning lips.     

"Oh, now you remembered?" She chuckled. She took out a handkerchief from her pocket and reached out to wipe the mess around his lips. "So how do you plan on hugging me with those messy hands of yours?"     

Little Snow stuffed the half-eaten macaroon in his mouth before he reached out, wanting to hug.     

It was such an adorable sight in her eyes especially when he was the cutest baby in her eyes. It was only normal. It was Lu Mello's genes mixed with hers after all. "Dieting will start once you reach the age of 10 okay?"      

The boy tilted his head, staring at her with his adorable big eyes in confusion, not really understanding what she just said.     

She used the handkerchief to wipe his hand clean before she leaned forward and pecked his soft lips. "Come, let's eat the snacks together."     

All he understood was 'eat snacks together' which made him brimmed in delight, "Okway!"     


The children were already brought back to their room by Mo Jing since it was already time for their afternoon nap. At first, they struggled, wanting to stay with the two women who addressed them as 'mama' so Shi Enxi and Fan Xiao Yao ended up bringing them into their room to put them to sleep.     

Back then, Fan Xiao Yao would have not liked being called 'mama' by the two boys but now, she was delighted to hear it especially when Shi Enxi didn't mind if the children addressed her that way. Besides, she wasn't their auntie but their godmother instead.     

"I should get going now. My husband's complaining about why I'm not coming home yet." Fan Xiao Yao said with a small giggle, keeping her phone back inside her bag. She also sounded so proud when she addressed Huang Li as her husband.     

"Send him my regards." Shi Enxi replied, smiling. "I'm sorry for troubling you with the kids."     

"No, they're no trouble at all." Fan Xiao Yao has always loved the two boys ever since she first met them.     

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