My Evil Cinderella: Taming a Villainous Wife

She knows

She knows

Gu Haiyang entered the room, beside her was her beautiful daughter, Fan Xiao Yao, wearing a beautiful vintage wedding dress that looked like it was pulled out from a fairytale book. It was simple and yet elegant; traditional ivory and lace-covered. That day, she was the most beautiful woman in that room. Black strands cascaded down her back like molten onyx. Around her face, it was cut a little shorter, feathered to accentuate her perfect features. The moment her eyes landed on  Huang Li, she shot him with a smile that could light up the night and he was smitten by it.     

On the other hand, Lu Mello's gaze never left his wife's face. She was obviously avoiding him but it was not like he was going to ruin the wedding by going to her and dragging her out of the place. He balled her fists tightly and tried his best to stand still. He had so many questions in his mind but it was not the best time to ask her any of it. He only turned his gaze back to the bride and the groom by the time they sealed their vows with a kiss and everyone cheered.     

He shouldn't have looked away from her, he regretted doing that since when he turned his head to look at where she was earlier, it was empty. He scanned the room with his eyes but there was no sign of her. It was as if she disappeared into thin air.      

He shouldn't have looked away. He shouldn't have given her a chance to go. He may have told himself that he was not going to run after her anymore but his feet moved on its own.     

Everyone was busy cheering for the newlywed couple so no one noticed Lu Mello leaving except for one... His sister, Lu Xingyan who followed him.     

"Enxi..." He mumbled her name as he continued to look for her until he reached the lobby. He wanted to shout out her name, to call her but before he could even do so, Lu Xingyan arrived and called out to him as she approached him, "Gege!"     

"I have to look for her... She couldn't have gotten that far. Help me look for her, Xingyan." Even if it was not obvious in his face and voice, his eyes betrayed him of how panicked he was.     

Lu Xingyan reached out and held his hand, "Give her time..."     

"Huh? Give her time for what?" He asked, his eyes were still looking here and there in hope to catch even a glimpse of her shadow. "We're wasting time standing here! We have to find-"     

"Gege." She squeezed his hand just to get his attention.     

The moment his panicking eyes landed on hers, she spilled out, "She knows."     

He furrowed his brows in confusion, "Know what?"     

"She knows everything about you having a rebirth."     

A look of shock slowly registered on Lu Mello's face upon hearing what his sister said.     

She knew?      

"Did you tell her?" He asked.     

Lu Xingyan shook her head a bit. "Remember what I told before? That it was impossible for Enxi-jiejie to have memories of her past life? Well... I was wrong." She lowered her head, releasing her hand. "I'm sorry."     

His eyes remained wide as he continued to stare down at her sister. The strength to look for his wife faded from his body. Was that the reason why she was avoiding him?     

"How's that possible?" He asked.      

"She died." She answered honestly.     


Lu Mello felt heavens fall on him. His face turned pale. He didn't have to ask how she died since the bloody scene he saw when he arrived at Shi Anhao's mansion entered his mind. The blood didn't belong to Shi Anhao so it could only mean that it belonged to someone else.     

"I killed her!" Shi Anhao's voice entered his thoughts. Her ear-piercing laugh even followed. "I killed Shi Enxi!"     

"And since she's connected to you, she's your wife... she was able to live another life. The soul inside her is the Shi Enxi of the past."      

"T-Then... I have to look for her-"     

"You can't. You have to give her time to adjust. To accept this life." Lu Xingyan interrupted.      

His lips were stretched into a thin line and his hands were balled into fists, clenching them tightly.      

"I'm sorry, gege..." She didn't have a choice especially when it was Shi Enxi who told these to her earlier.     


(6 hours ago)     

"Xingyan, can I talk with you in private?" Shi Enxi asked as she approached her in the kitchen.     

Lu Weichun turned their way, raising a brow, "What are you going to talk about with my sister?"     

Shi Enxi ignored her. Her hard, serious stare remained on the younger twin. She was not in the mood to argue with anyone.     

"Okay." Lu Xingyan turned to her sister, "We'll be quick." After that, she followed Shi Enxi to the guest room she was staying in.     

The moment Shi Enxi faced her, the first thing she asked was, "Did Mello had a rebirth too?"     

Lu Xingyan was caught off-guard. She did not expect her to catch up this fast.     

"Did he?" Her eyes were narrowed, her jaws hardened. At that moment, Shi Enxi was deadly serious. Her eyes were like eagle's, scrutinizing her, ready to detect the tiniest lies that other person in front of her would spout.     

Lu Xingyan sighed in defeat. She couldn't lie to her if she was watching her that close so in the end, she was forced to tell her the truth about her brother by answering, "Yes." She knew that it might make things worse but there are no problems that couldn't be solved.     

She watched Shi Enxi collapse in front of her. Lu Xingyan was so shocked since she had never seen her that way. She never thought that a day would come where she would be able to see Shi Enxi's eyes filled with constant fear, constant stress. It was as if she had seen a nightmare become reality in front of her.     

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