From Past To Present, I Still Love You

Ji-ho's Truth

Ji-ho's Truth

Minhyun had his own villa near the Jeju waters. Although the building was small, it was encompassed with the latest technology. From automatic sliding doors, Gloria, a Jacuzzi, all the homely necessities, plus a helicopter pad; it was great to stay at.     

Yoona put her stuff in the guest room before walking to the living room where the other two were staying.     

"So, what's the plans for today?" Yoona asked. Since this was supposed to be Ji-ho's pay for his hacking work, she was sure he had many events planned.     

She was right. Ji-ho called out for Gloria to reveal a bucket-list of activities on the television screen.     

- Go eat at a yummy restaurant     

- Swim at the beach until the sun sets <3     

- Have a campfire     

- Sleep all together, side-by-side in sleeping bags     

For an odd guy, Ji-ho's list was quite simple. In Yoona's opinion, all the events he listed were perfect for her. Her ideal trip consisted of all these activities, minus the 'sleeping together part' of course because she loved her bed. Nonetheless, she was expecting for Ji-ho to make them 'catch oysters in the ocean' or something as tiring so his decisions caught her by surprise.     

But she wasn't going to complain.     

Yoona nodded in approval. "Sounds like fun!"     

Ji-ho's eyes sparkled, he jumped up and down. "Doesn't it? I've never went to school so I've always wanted to do these types of activities with friends. Now we can do it all together!"     

Her smile dropped. What did he mean by 'not going to school'? Wasn't he a teenager? It should be mandatory for him to attend. In fact, many things that Ji-ho had said always stung her heart, never answered.     

"Hey Ji-ho," she began.     

He cocked his head. "Yeah?"     

"Are you... Okay?"     

She was being insensitive wasn't she? The curiosity couldn't help but throw these words out of her mouth. Everything pointed to a certain direction and the two boys in front of her made it obvious.     

Ji-ho furrowed his eyes. "Yeah? Why wouldn't I be?"     

Maybe she was over-exaggerating. How can a happy, go-lucky boy like Ji-ho be sick. That was absurd. He was completely normal during the gala with no issues, there was never a time where his healthy failed him... He couldn't possibly be...     

"Nothing," Yoona said with a smile. "I was just overthinking things."     

Yeah. Maybe they were just messing with her.     

Ji-ho stared at her for a moment, curiosity glistening in his eyes, before he focused back on his bucket-list. "Hm. Okay anyways. Back to our schedule. I'd say the first thing we should do is go to a yummy restaurant. I've found a famous place to choose from. Let's go eat some seafood hotpot!"     

"Yeah let's go!" Yoona repeated.     

Minhyun crossed his arms. "Is the place close by?"     

Ji-ho looked up. "Why? Does it matter?"     

"Of course it matters you fucker." Minhyun had been reluctant on going on vacation with the boy. It was weird enough that the three of them were leaving together. He'd rather spend his vacation time with Yoona especially since he hadn't been able to see her often these days. For her time, he'd rather have paid Ji-ho with cash instead. But Ji-ho insisted that money was nothing to him. Instead, he wanted the memories he was never able to make in his youth. He didn't want to, but this boy orchestrated most of the revenge and had deathly evidence on him.     

So, since they were already here, he didn't want Ji-ho to cause any ruckus. Yoona would faint if anything terrible happened here. She didn't know the truth yet, but from her words, it was clear she would link the pieces together soon.     

The white-haired boy let out a giggle. "Don't worry Minhyun. I won't let myself die in the middle of a wonderful trip would I? The place is near the hospital."     

Yoona stopped in her tracks. She looked up with widened eyes, her pulse beating quickly.     

Although a joking tone was placed underneath his words; it was clear to her that her assumptions weren't wrong. So there was something wrong with Ji-ho.     

Minhyun let out a sigh. The truth was being spilled. Now, his heart was lighter knowing that he didn't need to keep that secret. With the many that he held, he was relieved that at least one was released.     

"Ji-ho. I'm confused. Are you sick?"     

The white-haired boy's round eyes took up half his face. His lips pursed into an 'o'. He looked from Yoona to Minhyun. "You didn't tell her?"     

"No I didn't. Why, would you have wanted me to?"     

This came to his shock. Knowing the deep relationship between the two, Ji-ho was sure Minhyun would've told her. After all, the person who was of Minhyun's number one importance was Yoona. They've insinuated his sickness plenty of times, she must've asked about it at least once.     

He couldn't help but let out a laugh. No wonder she didn't give him looks of pity. As a person with a deathly illness, he was aware of what people thought of him. Yet, Yoona didn't show any of that. At first, he wondered if she was manipulative enough to control her own feelings while making others obvious. However, it was clear that she didn't know any of it.     

Of course, if she was manipulative, he didn't really mind. She was pretty at least and was nice to him. At least he would be able to leave with some good memories. Besides, she was the girl that Minhyun was obsessed with. Spending his last two moments with the greatest man alive and his lover was history.     

But he was wrong.     

These two... Were better than he thought.     

Minhyun, who uses everyone for his own game, actually gave him some respect. Ji-ho wasn't stupid enough to be unaware of how monstrous the CEO was. He'd taken the project knowing with who he was dealing with.     

Yet, to think the person he annoyed so much. The one who didn't give a shit about others to the point of being able to pull the trigger without a flinch. Gave him the privacy that nobody else gave him. Even if it was small. The fact that it was there was enough.     

God damn. He was played in his own game. He thought he would be the one playing the MH CEO before his last breathes. It was funny how life worked out.     

"Thank you," Ji-ho said. He focused his attention back on Yoona. He let out a bright smile, his dimples deepening. "Well, I guess I should be the one to spill the beans sweet cakes."     

He stuck out his tongue. "I have an illness and I'm going to die."     

Yoona wasn't as shocked as she expected to be, but having it confirmed made her worst fears come to life.     

She should've noticed it sooner. All the evidence pointed to this direction and this was not only due to their words. She always found it odd that Ji-ho's hair was snow white to the roots as if it was never dyed. The amount of fat that lacked from his muscles, no matter how much he ate. The reason to why he lived life so carefree as if he didn't fear the consequences.     

Sadness riled up in his chest. Although he was acting as if death was no big deal, she wondered how much true emotions he was hiding. The reason to why he was so attached to them, why they were on this island, why he went above and beyond what was expected of him for the Moon project was because he had been preparing for his death from the beginning.     

"So that's what you mean by memories," she began. A smile brightened up her face. "Then let's make the best memories possible."     

In the end, what Ji-ho deserved was not her pity. From what she could tell, he had received plenty of it. What he needed was somebody to be by his side. He needed a friend.     

And that was what she was going to offer him.     

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