From Past To Present, I Still Love You

Jaemin's Demons

Jaemin's Demons

Wendy cleared her throat. During the span of her career as an auctioneer, she had never encountered a situation like this. Her heart melted and a light smile filled her face.     

"Going once. Going twice. Going three times," she said. When she realized there was no more bidders she smacked the hammer against the table. "Sold to the Moon group! Congratulations!"     

It was a happy occasion for the spectators and the couple.     

Minhyun brought her closer to him and engulfed her in a hug. He gently kissed the top of her head. "That was amazing."     

She laughed. "I know."     

After hiding in the corner, letting Minhyun do all the dirty work, she finally had done something herself. Using her current resources, she not only made Jaemin waste all this money, but spoke out loud to make him know that she would never accept his gift. By being vocal with her thoughts, there was no point in him getting the bunyeo in the first place.     

Today was really fun. Different from what she expected it to be.     

Not only did she get revenge, but she could feel the relationship between her and Minhyun changing. From reluctance to open displays of affection.     

The gala was truly a magical place.     

However, unlike Yoona, not everyone at the auction was happy. Chaos was brewing inside of the Moon group. The moment the item was sold to their possession, Jaemin's father walked up and smacked his son in the face.     

Everyone was angry. Although the amount of money would not bankrupt them, it was still a pain to their bank accounts. There was no value in spending it on some lovey-dovey piece of trash. They would have to sell a expensive building to pay this off. Plus, Jaemin did not listen to them and acted upon his own will. In the end, he also ruined their relations with the MH CEO.     

"You are a disgrace," he hissed. "I thought you let your emotions disappear after Jihee's death. I guess not. You have not only embarrassed me in front of the current head but have ruined your secure spot as future head."     

Jaemin's father was embarrassed to even lift his face in front of his own father. He never expected for his son to act so recklessly at such an important event. Jaemin was lucky that it was dark on the upper floor or he would've faced public humiliation.     

Forty-one million dollars all gone to waste. A tragedy struck on the Moon group. Sure they gained face but in the end, they lost important money that could go to potential business ventures.     

All of their views on Jaemin changed. He was unpredictable just like the past. There needed to be changes made.     

Once those words entered Jaemin's mind, realization dawned him. The anger turned into panic. What has he done? He dropped to his knees and stared at his hands trying to comprehend everything that has happened. Due to the utter shock, the flight-or-fight response of his body activated and his mind and body began to act on their own.     

The demon within him coursed him with words to lead him to his hell. And now he was melting in its inferno.     

Although he had won the competition, he had lost everything in return. By sacrificing money, he assumed he would get the girl but Yoona's cold words made him realized that his plan was doomed to fail. Now his family was disowning him as well. He should've known from the beginning. How could he have forgotten that Yoona had changed?     

This was his plan's greatest flaw. The facts still hadn't sunk into his mind due to his self-delusions. He continuously didn't want to believe she had changed. She was supposed to be an angel like Jihee.     

Fuck. Pain filled his whole body. Everything he lived for was ruined. Money. His love. His position in the Moon group. Everything fell in a second.     

The demon that controlled him was now stabbing his heart, reminding him of all his sins. He was finally facing judgement day wasn't he?     

When he looked up, the demon in his delusions was in front of his eyes. He almost fainted in shock. He recognized the face of the person causing his pains.     

Was that Jihee?     

She had changed too. The sinister smile on her face erased all his memories of the angel he used to call his sister. Blood thirst rang in her eyes as she continuously stabbed him in the heart.     

Filled with vengeance and anger, Jihee's face was telling him one thing. That he deserved every bit of this. His sins needed to be paid.     

No wonder Yoona had changed. They both did.     

The Moon group watched Jaemin as he drowned himself in tears. They were disgusted by the emotionally distraught man. To think that they thought he would a remarkable piece for the future of the company. How laughable! At the moment, he was wailing like the child while muttering under his breath as if he was possessed.     

His cousins snickered. Now his chance as head was ruined once and for all. His downfall was their victory.     

Every bit of sanity within Jaemin disappeared and he was drowned in his sorrows and fears.     

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