Reborn as a Mom

Kill him

Kill him

Then he started calling her. He was using some device to change his voice to a mechanical tone.     

She couldn't recognize the voice. This blackmailer knew some of her secrets. So what! He had no proof. But in any case, she had to dig him out. As she was thinking about it, her phone beeped.     

It was another message from the same number.     

He sent a video.     

She was shocked. Her trembling fingers clicked on the play button.     

When it ended, she was sweating, trembling in panic. Her pale, bloodless face turned ugly. She didn't expect this!     

As she expected, he called again.     

She somehow appeased the fire and used a soft sweet voice, "What do you want? I will do as you say. Let's meet. "     

So she tried to lure him.     

"Ha..ha...ha" A ghastly laugh was heard from the other side. Clara's eyelashes shook as she tried to calm herself.     

Her cold pair of eyes were touched by murderous intent.     

I will kill this man!     

Once I know who the person is, it will be his last day on earth.     

After a burst of laughter. He said, "It's so much fun. Just a video was enough to change your attitude 360 degrees. I could use this in many ways! Imagine you being the star of many sites. Frankly, you are better than any star I've seen."     

"No ... no ... I will meet all your demands. You delete it. Please." she added.     

"Patience, baby. I will tell you slowly." With this, he hung the phone.     

"Wait...." Her nails pierced her skin till she bled.     

She threw her phone to the wall, and it burst into pieces.     

It was the hotel recording of the time she spent with Ak. Jain.     

It was merely of their time they were xoxo. If the blackmailer uploads it online, it will hurt her image.     

The thought of thousands of people seeing her like that gave her goosebumps.     

A white lotus-like Clara could accept everything but not defamation.     

Her sweet, silly alter-ego was her shield. It was the face the world liked.     

It would cause harm to her image, but she could pull off as the victim here. She tried to calm herself with this thought.     

Then she bit her lip hard. With pain, her eyes shed a tear. She got another phone from her bag and pressed the dial button.     

After a few whimpers, "What you told me tonight, Is it true?"     

A gentle magnetic voice soothed her, "Are you crying? Why are you still afraid?" Then he raised his voice, "Jain family is finished. You don't need to worry about it. No one could do anything to you!"     

"Hmm, I'm not! I just remembered those things." Her grievances rushed out as she cried on the phone.     

"I'm tired." She choked.     

"Okay, you sleep. Call me if you need anything."     

After a show of sorrow, she calmly wiped her tears.     

She had a tinge of doubt that this was the work of someone related to Jain Group.     

If her drugging Ak got out, then the whole fiasco of Ak Jain rape attempt and drug addiction would turn on her.     

She would face jail charges. Moreover, she couldn't guarantee that AK, after being released on wrong charges, accuses and pulls a counter case in her.     

She had to make sure that the big enemy of Jain Group had ended.     

Ira!! Clara murmured and gritted her teeth. If it weren't for this woman, she wouldn't have to turn Jain Group as her enemy.     

She initially believed that the person behind the blackmailer was Ira, but after dealing with the blackmailer for a month, she knew the person was not in cahoots with Ira.     

The person was for sure an enemy of Ira.     


It was a full moon night. The street was deserted, with only a car speeding all the way on the empty street.      

In the quiet night, the phone in the car rang.     

"Stop the car by the side." The man on the back seat said. He was anxious to pick the call but he waited till the car stopped.     

The car stood at the side of an empty road. The door opened, and the driver of the car got out to give the man the privacy to answer the phone.     

"Are you crying? Why are you still afraid?"     

"Jain family is finished. You don't need to worry about it. No one could do anything to you!"     

"Okay, you sleep. Call me if you need anything."     

After he ended the conversation, he looked out of the window. A petite woman was leaning by the tree at some distance from the car.     

Just as he opened the door, a gust of cool air blew in. The temperature outside was so cold that it made people chill.     

He got his jacket from, and with long steps to, he walked to her.     

"It's cold out. Get in." He wrapped the coat around her and walked back to his car.     

The woman followed him and sat in the driver's seat.     

"Drop you first. I will drive home." The man said with a little feeling of guilt. A moment ago, he let a woman get out of the car in the middle of the night.     

"No, I will drive you. It's my job." She refuted in a calm voice.     

"I said I would drop you. Drive to your place." He said firmly.     

The woman drove to her house and got out. There wasn't a word exchanged between them.     

Standing at the doorstep, she saw as the car disappearing from her sight.     

The man would have wanted to talk about some private matter. Hence he made her stop the car. So she also got out of the car to give him time to talk.     

Reeya now realized she was still wearing his coat. It reminded her of the time in hospital. She now worked for Ashay. She knew the call just before was from his girlfriend, Clara.     

Its been a couple of months since she lost her only loved person- her grandma. Reeya wiped her eyes as she recalled the hospital events.     

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