Reborn as a Mom

swollen 2

swollen 2

Ira returned to the bedroom to find Vivan sleeping on the bed already.     

Lost in her thoughts she was in a daze for a long time. Tara's word had come to her mind.     

Yes, who will the children look like? Her or him?     

Her heart began to look forward to it.     

She sat on the dressing table and looked at herself in the mirror. She examined every part of her face as if studying it in detail. Then she approached the man sleeping to clearly see his face.      

By comparison, she felt his features were better than her. With a sharp jaw, deep eyes, long dark eyelashes and thin lips; he sure looked handsome just her nose was better than him. Ira subconsciously touched her nose. She even imagined mini versions of Vivan with her nose and laughed by herself.     

When she laughed the long eyelashes of the man who was supposed to be sleeping fluttered. This did not escape Ira's eyes. While studying Vivan's facial features, Ira had got very close to his face.      

He was surely not sleeping.      

Was he still bitter?      

During dinner, she had a little fight with Vivan. Although she was wrong but he was at fault too. He was directing her to eat things she didn't want. She had a lot of snacks, so she wasn't much hungry.     

Eat more meat, eat more beans. Every time, sitting at the dinner table, Vivan goes on chanting while giving her dishes.     

These days he has been more and more dictating her life, or some may say protective.     

Do this; don't do this!     

Then they fought for he refused to let her drive alone.     

Ira had to meet someone, and when Vivan offered to drive her there, she refused. She could drive too. The proud Ira answered, "I'm pregnant, not handicapped."      

She didn't mean to call him handicapped. She didn't even think about his leg at that time. Wasn't he now using a cane? His leg should have been fine.      

Her words somehow hit his reverse scale.      

The fight which started over some food somehow escalated till they both left the dinner table in rage.      

Was he still angry?     

She slipped in the quilt and hugged her husband.     

"Oh..." Vivan turned to the right, lying on the bed and looked especially grievous.     

"Well? Are you angry, husband?" Ira deliberately teased him, drawing hearts on his back with her slender fingers.     

"No. Sleep," Vivan said and turned his back to her.     

"I didn't mean it."  He still didn't respond.     

"Husband, I want you to hug..."     

"No hug, holding you, I can't sleep..."     

"Don't. I want you to hug me! I can't sleep without you!" She continued to act spoiled. This trick always works, and it won't take long for him to be obedient and listen to her.     

"Sleep." Vivan seems to be firm this time.     

She didn't believe her trick could fail. So she used a pointed index finger to scratch his back. "Won't you hug? Won't you hug?"     

"Let me sleep," Vivan replied to her with resentment.     

"You face me, the bad guy!" Ira pulled him to face her and hugged him.     

In the quiet night, a pearl of laughter like bells fluttered. On the side, Vivan's entire face till his neck turned red.      

He got caught. The reason for him not hugging her wasn't because he was angry but---     

When she hugged him, she felt the swollen part. Ira had been staring at him for a long time at such a close distance that the 'pretend' sleeping Vivan even felt her warm breath on his face.     

Why is she staring at me?      

Who could tell Vivan that during the time Ira was staring him, she had no bad thoughts?      

But his thoughts were bad!!! This somehow caused a fire in his lower abdomen. He wanted to eat her.       

Now he was so shy and annoyed.      

In order to retaliate, Vivan rudely separated from her soft body and yelled, "Don't torture me anymore. Let's sleep."     


After the dinner date, Clara returned to her room. She put down her purse and laid on the sofa.      

She had a bad headache and rubbed her forehead. These days she doesn't know what she was doing. She felt like a puppet in the hands of others. Being forced to date someone she disdains.      

How can she live her life happily?      

Her phone rang. She looked at the screen, her mood worsened.     

Private number      

She couldn't find who the man was even after trying hard to dig his name. She was stuck with him!      

She reluctantly picked it up. A magnetic voice came from that end, "Hi Baby~"     

She frowned," What do you want? Why are you calling me?"     

"Mind your tone. If I talk nicely with you it doesn't mean you could climb to my head."     

"You do you think you are? A bloody cheap blackmailer. Don't even think you could get anything from me. I would send you to prison." She squeezed the phone in her hand. A cold light passed in her eyes.      

She would kill this man!     

After the whole fiasco with Ak Jain, she was going to look for another potential man when she got a message from this man which read---     

-I know your secret.  (▼皿▼)-      

More vague messages followed.      

-Everyone has two faces. But they always show only one. So never judge them by looking only at one face-     

-The best part of childhood love is finding yourself a friend for the rest of your life-     

-Backstabbers take credit, give blame-     

Initially, there were proverbs then they got scarier.      

-I hate two-faced people because I can't decide which side to slap first-     

-Revenge is a dish best served cold-     

-The medicine works-      

She tried to block him. But a new message from another private number would arrive the next minute.      

She ignored it. But these vague messages became explicit with minute details. She couldn't ignore it anymore. He even knew about the AK incident.      

This man had been leaving random messages to her for a month. He had been harassing her.      

He was a ghost!     

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