Her Wicked CEO: How To Seduce A Hikikomori Wife?

You blind rabid dog!

You blind rabid dog!

"Yuta, let him go!" Rie yells. The two mothers cannot separate the kids. Stumped, Kiyohira and Takeshi do not know how to react. Yuta kicks the boy in the stomach. The boy falls on the concrete. Yuta jumps on him and sits down. He scratches his face without any hesitation. The boy raises his arm to punch Yuta on his nose. Yuta grabs his wrist and twists it hard.     

The boy pinches his lips together to hold back his scream.     

"No!" Yuki's mother shrieks in horror. "Don't hurt his wrist. He won't be able to play the violin."     

Rie stares at Yuki's mother. What did she say? Don't hurt the child's wrist because he plays the violin?     

Kiyohira and Takeshi have the same reaction. This is wrong. Shouldn't she be angry at Yuta? It's Yuta's fault for lashing out on this poor boy. What's wrong with Yuta today?     

Hearing the woman's words, Yuta slows down as his senses begin to come back. The boy looks at him. His cheeks are bleeding. His wrist is swollen and red. There's no sign of pain in those eyes. This is her. He knows that it's her. He can't seem the familiar warmth in those gray eyes either. They are cold and aloof -- not suitable for a kid her age.     


That's her real name. She even lied to him about her name. Her age was also a lie. Her smile was also a lie. Everything about her was a lie.     

Why did she do it to him? Why?     

"Yuta, get up right now." Rie's low angry voice makes his small body trembling. He doesn't want to get up. He wants to choke this little demon beneath him. He reaches for her small throat.     

Kiyohira grabs Yuta and pulls him away from the boy. The boy clenches his jaw. He sits up. His clothes are muddy. His mother doesn't come close to him. He looks at Yuta with a dark rage.     

Yuta scowls at him. There are too many people around. He can't kill this person right now. No worries! There will be opportunities in the future. He will beat her, drown her, choke her, and stab her with hot knives for betraying him.     

Rie feels uneasy when she looks at the boy. Something about him reminds of her. She sees that the mother is standing there and frowning. Shaking her head, she walks closer to the boy and touches his shoulder. Yuki slaps her hand away. "Dirty woman, don't touch me. You can't even control your rabid dog."     

"Yuki, language!" Yuki's mother shouts at him.     

"If you say so, Mother." Yuki gazes at Yuta and smirks. "A demented mother gives birth to a demented son."     

"You are crazy." Yuta bellows. "Your whole family is crazy."     

"You are the one who attacked me like a mad dog." Yuki speaks in an eerie voice, "You even pulled my hair."     

Yuta grits his teeth. "I will burn your hair next time. I will turn that pretty face into a disaster. You won't be able to look in the mirror and I will not hurt your wrist. You can play the violin for your mother until you die."     

That ticks the boy off. He fists his hand and walks toward the boy. "I was wrong. You are not a rabid dog. You are a wiggling worm. I need to squash this worm."     

"Wait, Yuki! Don't fight!" His mother barks at him, but she doesn't get closer. Rie grabs Yuki by his shoulder. She looks at Yuta with storms in her eyes. She can't understand why her son is acting like this suddenly. These days, she can't understand her son at all. How did this situation escalate to this?     

"I told you, Lady." Yuki looks over his head. "Do not touch me."     

"Yuki, I am sorry for my son's actions. Calm down first. I will make it up to you," Rie tells him in a quiet voice. Though children often fight and forget, she can tell that this is not a regular fight between children. Her son is acting strange and this boy is also not acting normal. There's something in his voice and eyes that a child shouldn't have.     

"This is between me and him. Adults do not need to interfere," Yuki replies with a straight face.     

"We are sorry, but we have to interfere." Kiyohira is using all his strength to keep his son back from lunging at the boy. The boys are out for each other's blood. "We are leaving now."     

Rie gives an apologetic look to Yuki's mother who nods at her. Just when Kiyohira is about to get into the car, Yuta hears the boy's mocking laugh. "Rabid puppy acts all mighty when he can't even get free."     

Yuta bites his father's hands. Slipping out of his father's hold, he lunges toward the boy. He wants to kick that insolent mouth and break those white teeth. This time, the boy's ready. He raises his knee to kick Yuta who dodges it with ease. Yuta strikes the boy's butt. The boy stumbles and falls on his face. Yuta is about to stomp on the boy's head when Rie grabs the scruff of his neck and pulls him back.     

"I see that my son needs to attend an etiquette school before he attends preschool." He hears his mother's icy's voice.     

He opens his mouth to speak. Rie smiles at her son. "Not a word must come out that mouth."     

Yuta can't move or speak. If he does, hell awaits for him. He glares at the boy like a cat seething with rage.     

The boy's face is covered with mud. His mother looks at him with disgust. That doesn't disturb him one bit. He turns toward Yuta. "Is that the best that a dog can do?"     

"Keep quiet and stay still." Yuta's body freeze under his mother's command. "If you even bat your eyes, I will teach you a lesson on manners right here."     

Yuta might have been an assassin in the past, his mother's dark anger manages to affect him. He knows that his mother can teach him lessons in a way that he won't like. He can't use his techniques on her without making her suspicious of him.     

Rie's voice is low and sharp. "Apologize to him."     

Yuta looks at his mother. "I can't do that, Mother. You don't know her. She's a two-faced demon."     

Yuki picks up some mud from the ground and presses it into a ball. He flings it toward Yuta's face who tilts his head a little. It misses his face and hits his shoulder instead.     

Yuki is irritated that only his face is muddy. "I am a boy, you blind rabid dog!"     

"What is going on here?" Takeshi whispers to his brother. "Did Yuta mistake Yuki for a girl?"     

"There must be a reason." Kiyohira crosses his arms and observes Yuta. This is the second time when his son is showing madness in those eyes. Yuta is trying his best to hide the killing intent, but the occasional lapses are not missed by Kiyohira.     

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