Her Wicked CEO: How To Seduce A Hikikomori Wife?

I see you

I see you

While munching snacks, Nina reads the glaring words on the screen. Many grey hatters from DH have been caught by the Interpol. They are trying to pin down the ones who have run away. Even Law was found, but he killed himself after killing his horse. The world of hackers was shocked by these events. Not surprised by the turn of events, she stuffs her mouth with the fries. Rie has done this.      

Madhatter and Sigma are also on the run. She has time. If she kills them before they send more people after her, she will live. Rie has bought some time for them.     

Didn't Rie just get herself more enemies though? If they ever find out that it was her, they will seek her out without a doubt.     

Should she reveal it? Nina chuckles and puts down the tablet. She opens her laptop. The idea is entertaining, but Rie will do the same to her if she does something like that. Rie is better as an ally.      

She is startled when someone knocks on the door. She got them off her tail. Then, who is it now? Did Rie send someone? She grabs the gun. She's ready to kill or die. She presses her ear to the door to listen. There's not a single sound.      

"Who is it?" She shouts, hiding her anxiety. The room is cheap. If she can hear two men having sex in the next room, then they can also hear if someone tries to kill her.      

"Open the door."      

Ren? Nina blinks her eyes. Why is that moron here?      

She opens the door. He's holding two bags. He looks at the gun with an annoyed expression before walking into the room. He drops the bags on the table. "I brought food."     

"Why are you here?" Nina closes the door and puts the gun inside her pocket. With dishevelled hair and tired eyes, Ren is wearing the same clothes that he was wearing since he was kidnapped by her. She tilts her head and whistles while eyeing his firm arse.      

Ren doesn't answer her question. "DH has been hacked. Was it you?"     

"Maybe." She can't resist it. She slaps his butt, making him jump. He scowls at her and moves ten steps away from her. Nina chuckles and says, "Ren Kun, I am not the kind of woman who let go of her prey twice."     

"Hmph!" Ren crosses his arms. "I am not your prey."     

"Is that so?" She takes a step toward him like a lazy leopard. "I don't mind being a prey if it's you."     

Ren stares at her. She's only wearing a T-shirt and a panty. Her thighs are pale and smooth. He looks away. He's been following her all day because he wanted to make sure that she would be okay. He saw the men tailing her. She managed to get to a safe place for now. He was about to leave. But then, he saw the news about DH. The outer circle is destroyed by someone. The Interpol is looking into the main members of DH. Since she is one of them, he couldn't just leave her be.     

"If you eat junk food when you are hurt, your health won't improve." He gets further away from her. How did he forget that this creature is rather dangerous for his chastity?      

"You are worried about me." Nina taps her chin curiously. "That's strange."     

"It's not strange." Ren frowns at her.      

"How is it not strange?" Nina grins at him. "If you keep acting like this, I won't be able to hold myself back anymore."     

Ren can't understand half of her words. She sits down on the bed. If she approaches him, he will keep walking away. She will make him feel at ease first. "You have been following me all day. Have you fallen for my sexy body?"     

"Sexy body?" Ren looks around in the room. "I don't see any sexy body here."     

"Hey, you!" She grabs the juice bottle and throws it on his face. He dodges it in time. The juice bottle hits the wall and shatters into pieces. "Do you have eyes or not? Can't you see me?"     

"I see you."     

She's stupefied to see his sudden sly smile. Something blossoms in her heart and strange sweet whirlpools rise in her belly. She touches her stomach unconsciously. What was that? What is this disease? It's not happening to her, is it? Love is not a part of her grand schemes. She swallows her saliva. This moron is quite dangerous.      

"Can you not smile like that?" Nina snaps at him.'     

"I always smiled like that." Ren scowls at her. "I thought that you liked me, Nano, the porn eraser."     

"I don't like you." She tears open the box of chocolates that she bought for herself earlier. "Just because I wanted to sleep with you, it doesn't mean that I like you. I don't have such feelings for a guy who has a bad taste in porn. Your tastes made me puke."     

Ren can't believe what he's hearing. He takes away the box of chocolates. "You shouldn't have watched it in the first place and you should not try to seduce someone if you don't like that person."     

"It's my life. I will do what I want." She reaches for a box of chocolates. "Give it back to me."     

She wants to eat so much that these abnormal feelings are gone.     

"No." Ren raises his arm higher. He bends down his head and asks her with obvious concern in his eyes, "Can't you treasure yourself, Nina?"     

Nina stops trying to get the box of chocolates. She grimaces at him. "What do you know about me? I treasure myself the most."     

"I don't see that." He suddenly places his hand on her head. "You are beautiful. Do you know that?"     

Her heart starts beating rapidly when he does that. No way! She won't allow her heart to feel that. She slaps his hand. "Are you drunk?"     

"You threw away my favourite flavoured juice there." He points at the mess. "They only had one. Now, I am upset. I think that I need a drink."     

Nina gapes at him. He sighs and places the box of chocolates in on her lap. When she is looking at him like an idiot, he has the urge to peck her lips. "I will come back later."     

"Where are you going?" She grabs his wrist. "Stay here."     

"Why should I?" Ren narrows his eyes. "You threw away my juice. It's worse than deleting my porn. I have reached my limit."     

"I have yummier juices," Nina smirks at him. "Want them?"     

He shakes off her hand. "I told you to treasure yourself more."     

"Everyone has their own way to treasure themselves." Nina leans back, lifting up her chest a little. "This is my way. I like when men like me."     

There's a slight sadness in his eyes when he hears her speaking like that. "They don't like you. They only like your body. You should find someone who will love you in any circumstances."      

She looks down at the chocolate box. She hates this feeling. "Go away. If you come again, I swear that I will kill you."     

Ren doesn't leave. Instead, he bends down on his knees and looks up at her face. "Was I harsh?"     

She slams the chocolate box on his face.     

"I guess I was." He sits down on the floor, cross-legged. "Nina-chan, you are quite cute."     

"Don't utter random nonsense." She fists her hand to punch his face. She pauses when she sees him eating the chocolates. She falls into a daze when she sees him licking his fingers. Is he trying to seduce her?      

"I will leave after finishing these." Ren puts another chocolate in his mouth.      

She watches him with a quiet gaze. "Did you eat nothing all day?"     

"I was busy watching over someone." He looks at her. "You haven't told me why that man tried to kill you."     

"Why should I tell you?" She barks at him.     

"We are friends, aren't we?" Ren places a chocolate piece in her palm. "That's my token of friendship. Eat it. From now on, Nina and Ren are friends. Friends usually drag each other in problems. So, I want to know what I am getting into."     

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