Her Wicked CEO: How To Seduce A Hikikomori Wife?

Your hands are wayward

Your hands are wayward

"Little lady, I don't want to tempt you in any way." Ren ignores the gun aimed at him and gathers the bloody cotton and bandages. Nina's gaze follows his movements. Why is he not afraid of her? She can kill him. She should just kill him.      

He washes his hand. "You should rest, Nina."      

"I am not resting." She spats out the words in anger.     

"Why are you mad?" He looks at her with confusion. "I should be mad. You are still pointing the gun at me."     

Did he forget what he said just a while ago? She points at the bed. "Sit down there."     

"What if I don't?" Ren crosses his arms and looks at her without any fear. "What will you do?"     

"I will either shoot or myself." She can't figure out why she's upset. The guy won't kiss her. He won't let her kiss him. He will shamelessly talk about another woman in front of her.      

"Do it then." Ren shrugs his shoulders. He doesn't want to die, but he won't let this woman use him to get Rie. "Kill me."     

Annoyed, Nina stands up. Her threats aren't working. She has to call Rie. The assassin didn't kill her. Is she a fool to believe that she got lucky or Ren scared the assassin away with a bottle of pee? If that assassin wanted, he could easily kill Ren and her before the store owner came out. The DH is planning something.      

Ren sees her struggling to walk. He walks to her and grabs her arm to support her. "Don't walk. Tell me what you need."     

"I have to make a call to your Rie," Nina mumbles. She pokes his butt cheek with the gun. "Take me to a payphone."     

"Don't do that." Ren blushes and grabs her hand. "I am not taking you anywhere."     

"It's not only about me." Nina presses her body against his. Seeing her sweaty and shaking due to pain, he wraps his arm around her waist. She lifts her head. "She will be interested in hearing me out. For her safety, won't you help me?"     

Ren bends down his head. Their noses are almost touching, but he's not affected by the close proximity. "Are you telling the truth?"     

"I am a bad woman, but I won't kill someone who saved me." She taps his cheek with her finger. "I can pay you back with my body if you want."     

He pinches her nose. "I don't want your body."     

"Then..." She grabs his crotch. "Why is it turning hard?"     

He nearly pushes her away, but he resists the urge. This woman is wounded. "Your hands are wayward!"     

Wayward? She slips her hand inside his trousers. She will show him what wayward is.      

He stiffens when her fingers touch his rod. "Nina, stop."     

"Take me to the payphone." She whispers in his ear. "We can continue what we started in the car here. You can't escape today."     

She brushes her lips against his jaw while she strokes his thickening rod. He swallows hard. He will jump on her if she doesn't stop. He doesn't want to sleep with someone he doesn't love. Definitely, he doesn't want to act like a beast to a wounded woman.      

He will apologize to his Rie chan. "Just stop, you little fox! I will take you to the payphone."     

Nina laughs. Guns don't work. A little bit of teasing does. She likes teasing this man. She wants to eat him. If she wasn't hurt, she would have seduced him. She takes out her hand and looks at the pre-cum with interest. Looking into his eyes, she licks her fingers. "Mmm... delicious."     

Though Ren has seen women doing it on screen, he is still shaken when he sees a real woman doing it in front of him. He suppresses his beastly urges and says, "You must be starving. I will buy food."     

She coils her him and rubs her face on his chest. He smells comfortable. He also says strange things. She's a little disappointed that he chose the other option over her. She wouldn't mind eating him, but she would rather seduce a man than force him to sleep with her. Forcing someone reminds her of what they did to her. "Take me to the payphone first. Then, we will eat something."     

He lets her lean on him as they walk out of the motel. He takes her to the nearest phonebooth. Is it a good choice? If she starts threatening Rie, he will cut the call and dump her to the cops. But she mentioned that she would die if the cops got her. What should he do?     

Nina counts the ring as she waits for Rie to pick it up. If she doesn't pick the call this time, she isn't going to call her ever again. She will kick this man's butt and escape. Where should she run to? Should she run or should she hook up with random men until they find her?      


She opens her eyes. How did she know that it's her? "Rie."     

[I was waiting for your call. How is Ren?]     

Though Rie sounds cool and aloof, the threat is clear in her tone.      

Nina looks at Ren. "Darling, say hello to your friend."     

Ren takes the phone from her. "Rie chan!"     

[Ren, are you okay? Did she hurt you?]     

"I am fine, but she got hurt." Ren is relieved to hear his best friend's voice after years. "Where are you?"     

[O Island. Did she hold you captive?]     

"No..." He looks down at the gun pressing to his belly. Is this captivity? She won't shoot, but she is trying to scare him. "Rie Chan, can you help this idiotic woman?"     

Nina pokes him hard. He lets out a cry. "Nina, don't do that."     

How many times has he told her not to do crazy things? She doesn't listen to him ever.      

[What did she do?] Rie's voice is anxious. [Are you okay, Ren? She's not forcing you to say this, is she? Tell me where you are.]     

Nina grabs the phone away from Ren. "Hear that? He's alive. I am the one who is wounded. Let's get to business. I wanted to use this fool to get you to help me, but I have something better now. DH wants to use me against you. I am curious about what they want. The hacking was sudden, but what surprised me more is that the attacker knew about the laws of DH. The assassin didn't kill me. I wonder if they are listening to this call."     

There's a minute of silence. That's enough to answer Nina. "Did you do this to me?"     

[Do you want my help?]     

"Was it you or not?"     

[It wasn't me.] There's a pause. [I want to leave DH. If you want to live, I will help you.]     

She glances at Ren. "You aren't worried whether they are listening to this call or not."      

[They can't.] She hears Rie's detached voice. [Let go of Ren and hide until I distract them. Get your tools and contact me later.]     

"What are you planning?" The call is disconnected suddenly. Nina's words are left hanging in her mouth. She stares at the dialer with anger. Is she ordering her around?     

"What did she say?" Ren asks. Did she agree? "Did she deny?"     

DH wants to use her as a pawn against Rie. She's already in this shit. She should kill herself before she's used as a pawn from both sides. What does she mean by getting back her tools? The moment she goes online, Law or Maddox is likely to find her location. "Be quiet."     

Ren misunderstands the reason behind the change in her mood. He is disappointed. He can't blame Rie, but he has expected her to help someone in need. "I will help you. Tell me who is bothering you."     

"Why are you worried about me?" Nina glowers at him.     

"I am just..." Ren closes his mouth. "You are hurt."     

"Go away." She takes pained steps toward the motel. "Your friend wants you to leave. Disappear from my sight."     

Ren jogs behind her. "Do you really want me to go?"     

"Yes," She yells.     

The sound of footsteps begins to grow faint. She turns around and looks at his back until it disappears from her sight.     

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