Her Wicked CEO: How To Seduce A Hikikomori Wife?

Take care of your admirer

Take care of your admirer

'I am your nightmare.'     

Yuta's eyes snap open. He inhales and exhales anxiously as he turns his head around. It takes a moment for him to realize that he's in his room. Not the room that was provided by Maddox when he was young or the room where he stayed with Mira. He's at his home where his family is.      

What was that nightmare about?     

His fingers are stiff and aching. Did they get burned? He recalls everything. The notebook… How did it catch fire? The dream was too strange. Why was Mira acting weak?      

Is Aerie going to be like Valerie? He didn't meet Valerie in his past life, but that person knew him. Considering that he killed Maddox in his past life, she should have known him. Yuan Bo was also killed by him.      

"Ugh." His head hurts. Valerie Kang can't be seen as a simple person. How could someone as innocent as Aerie turn into Valerie?      

 Weren't he and Mira also different as kids? In this life, it was Mira who killed Maddox. But he can't deny that his family wasn't involved with Maddox's death.     

He wanted to kill that man too but he got kidnapped instead. After that incident, he has been training his body.     

"Yuta?" A warm hand holds his wrist. He looks at his mother. Why didn't he notice her? The room is dark, but her weariness can't be hidden.      

"Mother, how long have you been here?" He tries to sit up, but he realizes that his body has no strength. How long has he been lying on the bed like this?      

"I am relieved." She gives him a hug. "What would I have done if you…"     

She sniffles, hugging him tighter. Yuta stays still. He can't even raise his arm to pat his mother. What's wrong with his body? What happened after he passed out?     

Suddenly, the lights are turned on. He sees his father standing near the door. His father doesn't look any better. His eyes are surrounded by dark circles and his skin is too pale.      

Is this a dream? Another nightmare? Why do his parents look like zombies?      

"You were gone for ten days." His father says to him, "There was nothing wrong with your body."     

If nothing is wrong, why can't he move his body? His mother hasn't stopped crying. "Mother, I am fine. Don't cry anymore."     

That makes her mother cry louder.     

"Um…" Yuta looks at his father for help. But he finds his father rubbing his tears away.     

What is this strange ache in his chest? In his past life, he was killed but nobody cried. This pain in his body is nothing compared to what he had gone through. But his parents look like they have gone through hell while he was unconscious. He still doesn't know what was the reason. But he's surprised after seeing their reaction.     

Tears flow out of the corners of his eyes as he closes his eyes, rubbing his cheek against his mother's shoulder. Though he wants to tell her that he's fine, no words would come out. She's stroking his back gently. Her touch is so soft and assuring. His father sits beside him, curling his arms around him and his mother.      

Their warmth makes him feel safe, conveying to him that it's okay not to be an adult. They show their weak sides to him naturally. His parents aren't perfect adults. They have made so many mistakes. His mother fought Maddox to protect him and she died for him. His father couldn't protect his mother and him in his previous life and he died too.      

They are weak, but they will try their hard till their last breaths. He knows it already. Whether it's the Consortium or Valerie, his parents would never give up. And he won't be afraid of a nightmare like Valerie Kang. People and fate can change. His parents are living proof.      

They stay like this for a long time. When they pull away, their eyes are so swollen that they can't even open it. His mother laughs as she helps him lie down. His father only smiles and says that he's going to call a doctor. Though he's in a paralyzed state, Yuta realizes that he's foolishly optimistic.     

"I inherited it from both of you," He mutters.      

"Oh?" Rie pinches his chubby cheek. "What is it that you inherited?"     

"Both of you are foolish," He tells her with a straight face. The book wasn't normal. What happened to him was far from normal. As for the dream, it was probably an omen. He needs to look at the Consortium from a different angle. But now, he knows why Mira wanted to kill Valerie. It's a foolish decision to let an enemy live with them. However, they can't tell what the Consortium would do if Valerie is gone.     

"I am not a fool." Rie scowls at him. "Your mother cried for days and nights. And you are calling her a fool. Sho and Aerie are scared to death. Your new friend kept visiting you every day while you were unconscious."     

"My new friend?" Yuta is surprised. Did he have friends? There's no way that he would consider Mira as his friend. Who could it be? He doesn't remember befriending anyone.      

"Imamura Honoka." Rie sighs. "That child is unique."     

"Huh?" Yuta frowns. "I have never heard of that name. Are you setting me up with a child bride? That's illegal, Mother."     

"I am not." Rie takes his small hand. "She wanted to meet you at school, but you couldn't go. So, she came here and admired your face while you were…"     

Admired his face? Yuta is speechless. What's wrong with kids these days? "Why would you let a creepy child observe me?"     

"She said that she wanted to marry you because your hair is soft to touch." Rie cocks her head, tapping her chin. "Well, she also told me that her mother wanted her to befriend you and get closer to you because you are her prince."     

Just what happened after he lost consciousness? "Is that all?"     

"So, I thought that it's not a bad idea." Rie grins at Yuta. "Since my son has a crush on his murderer, it's not bad to have a normal girl around you. I gave Honoka my permission to do whatever she wants. She's so cute and blunt. Take care of your admirer, my son."     

So, he got a child bride. His mother is eviler than Valerie Kang.      

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