I'll Tell You Every Day

Chapter 65

Chapter 65

"Will you tell Xiulan?" Zhihao asked.

Liu Jin nodded.

"She deserves to know the truth."

"… Then what about the old man? Will you tell him?"

"… I think I should. But I… I don't know if I could." He looked down.

If the old man found out that Xiulan wasn't his granddaughter… will he stop helping her?

Liu Jin didn't want that.

Sure, he hated Xiulan for letting Daiyu suffer in her past life… but he knew all too well what an evil mother was like. When Lanfen was mistreating him, he kept wishing for someone to come save him. Now that Xiulan found help… who was he to take it away from her?

"Then let's ask Uncle Tang. He should know how the old man would likely react upon hearing the news." Zhihao suggested.

Liu Jin paused before nodding.



After the three children reunited, Butler Tang sent them home before informing Wang Jing of the events that transpired. Of course, the old man was enraged. He made sure to double not only Daiyu's security but Xiulan's as well.

But as for the matter regarding Qiaoling, he left his lawyers to deal with her. He didn't want to see that woman's face. He just wanted to live in peace. That woman can stir up a ruckus all she wants but Wang Jing would not give her any attention. To him, she was nothing but a waste of time.


The first thing Daiyu did upon arriving home was to check up on Nao Nao.

"Nao Nao!!!" She ran around the mansion, calling for him.


Daiyu's eyes widened upon hearing his bark. She looked around and finally saw him running towards her.

"Nao Nao!!!" She stretched out her arms and the dog leaped onto her, giving her lots of kisses.

Daiyu giggled and gently hugged him, making sure not to hurt her own hands.

"Nao Nao! I missed you!"


"Thank you for – for protecting Daiyu. Nao Nao is a very good boy!" She smiled.

Nao Nao replied by giving her a lick.

"Hehe!" She giggled.

After making sure Nao Nao was okay, she then went to look for her pink car. Sadly, her pink car did not survive. The juice had gotten into its wiring, destroying her toy.

Daiyu wailed. While she remained calm and brave the entire time the doctors treated her wound, all composure left her the moment she found out that her pink car didn't make it.

She cried and cried, prompting Butler Tang to call up all the local repair shops but not a single one could repair it for her since it was a foreign model.

"Xiao Yu, why don't we buy you a new one instead?" Butler Tang offered but Daiyu shook her head.

She loved her pink car! It even had her name on it in gold. Her Yunxi-gege had it engraved just for her. A new car wouldn't be the same.

Saddened by the loss, Daiyu retreated to her room. She laid on the bed, silently crying her little heart out.

Liu Jin sighed.

"Stop worrying. She'll get over it soon." Zhihao advised upon hearing him sigh for the nth time.

"But she's so sad, she even rejected cake! She'll become too thin at this rate!"

"… Jin. Daiyu is fat. She needs a diet. Her rejecting cake is a good thing!"

"She's not fat!" Liu Jin gritted his teeth. "She's a growing baby!"

"I know! And I'm saying that she's growing too well!!!"

"No she's not! Can't you see? She didn't even grow an inch last year!"

"Because she's growing horizontally rather than vertically!"

As the boys bickered back and forth, Liu Jin saw Daiyu's coloring materials on the floor from the corner of his eyes. Just then, an idea came to his mind.


After crying her heart out, Daiyu fell asleep. She woke up an hour later when her Jin-gege called for her.

"Xiao Yu!"

Daiyu groggily opened her eyes.

"Xiao Yu! Come here! Come quickly!" He called.

Daiyu rubbed her eyes and crawled out of bed. She then trotted over to where Liu Jin was. Upon seeing what it was that her Jin-gege was so excited to show her, Daiyu's eyes widened.

Liu Jin had turned her little wagon into a pink car. He drew a car on a cardboard box and attached it onto the wagon with tape. He even wrote her name on it with gold glitter.

"D-do you like it?" He nervously asked.

Daiyu paused, taking in the sight before her.

"Daiyu – Daiyu loves it!" She declared.

Just then, a beautiful smile bloomed on Liu Jin's face.

"Hehe!" He giggled.

Daiyu blushed. Her Jin-gege was so handsome.

"Hurry inside, Xiao Yu!" He motioned for her to hop in and Daiyu obediently complied.

Liu Jin then took her white bunny from her bed and gave it to her. With Daiyu and the bunny safely inside the box, Liu Jin began pulling the wagon.

Daiyu's eyes widened. They were moving!

"Jin-gege is the best!" She squealed in delight.

Liu Jin dragged the wagon all over the Wang Mansion, indulging Daiyu to her heart's content. Butler Tang, who watched them from afar, could not help but smile.

For the next few days after that, Liu Jin stayed over at the Wang Mansion taking care of Daiyu. He fed and bathed her, changed her bandages, and even drew for her since she couldn't use her own hands. Liu Jin spoiled her to bits and Daiyu enjoyed every moment of it.

After Daiyu's hands had recovered, Liu Jin knew that he could no longer put things off. He sighed and steeled his heart, deciding to finally visit Xia Xiulan.


Upon arriving at the hospital, Liu Jin knocked once on Xiulan's door before entering. Xiulan, who was resting on the bed, turned her head and saw an unfamiliar face.

"… Did you enter the wrong room?" She asked.

Liu Jin shook his head.

"I'm here for you."

Xiulan raised a brow.

"Who are you?" She asked.

"I'm a reincarnator, just like yourself."

Xiulan's eyes widened before she instinctively clutched the sheets.

"Why are you here?!" She asked, her brows furrowed and her teeth clenched.

"I have a message for you. From Ye Shun." He then fished out a letter from his pocket.

Xiulan was taken aback.

"Y-Ye Shun?!"

He nodded.

"But before I give it to you, there's something else you need to know."

"… What?"

"Have you heard of the memory guy?"

"The guy trading in memories for a skill?"

Liu Jin nodded.

"I have a skill. And I used it on your mother."

Xiulan's interest was caught but she looked at him with suspicion.

"I found out… that you are not Wang Fengge's daughter."

Xiulan's eyes widened. She paused, trying to take in his words.

"… You're lying."

"I'm not."

"No! You're lying!"

"I'm not." He repeated.

"Shut up… Shut up! Shut up!! You liar!!!" She threw a pillow at him.

"Get out! I don't want to hear from you anymore!" She then began throwing everything within her reach at him but Liu Jin stood still.

"Get out!!!"

"Ye Shun reincarnated too."

She paused.

"Shut up!!!" She grabbed the glass of water by her bedside table and threw it at him. It shattered, a shard cutting Liu Jin's cheek.

"He left his memories behind for you."

Her eyes widened.

"He told me that he doesn't want to remember you ever hurting him."

A pang of pain shot through her heart and she clenched her fists tightly.

"Shut up!!!"

"But still, he chose to give his life another try. And in this lifetime as well… He still chose to love you."

Xiulan's eyes widened.

"He traded in his memories for a skill. He was confident that he'd fall for you again. And he told me, that in this lifetime, he will come save you."

"W-what…?" Xiulan's eyes began to water. Her pride told her to ignore Liu Jin but her heart was hoping that he was telling the truth.

"He said that he was sorry. For not noticing your silent pain. He said he'd do better this time… and hoped that you'd give him another chance."

"You're not Wang Fengge's daughter. Your past was a lie… but none of that matters now. In this second chance you were given, live the life you want to."

"You say it like its so easy!" Xiulan gripped the sheets tightly.

She worked so hard to gain her grandfather's attention, even killing Daiyu in the process, and they were telling her that the man wasn't even related to her?! So all this time… all this time… she had been working so hard for a lie…

Tears began streaming down her face.

What did she live for?

And what did she die for?

"How… How do I start over when I… I have nothing left…" She sobbed.

The resolve she had to reincarnate… even that was taken from her!

"… You have your life. You have a new start. And you have Ye Shun."

She turned to face him.

"Right now, he still doesn't know you. In this lifetime, you haven't hurt him yet… He tried his best to erase the hurt you caused him, so that you would only have happy memories together. The man has given you everything… and loved you despite your flaws. Don't betray him this time."

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