I'll Tell You Every Day

Chapter 7

Chapter 7

Daiyu woke up inside a police car. She was caught begging on the streets and was about to be sent to child services when one policeman recognized her face. She was the missing Wang family heiress who disappeared.

Three years ago, someone had tampered with Wang Fengge's car, leading to the tragic car crash that claimed the lives of both Wang Fengge and Luo Mei. Their child, Wang Daiyu, who was together with them inside the car, was never found.

When the police realized her identity, they quickly contacted Daiyu's grandfather, Wang Jing. Right now, she was being escorted back to the Wang mansion.

Just as planned, Daiyu had no recollection of her past life. She felt that she had gone through a long dream, but all she could remember was a warm fuzzy feeling at the end.

"Mr. Policeman, where are you taking me?"

"It's okay honey, uncle here will take you to see your grandpa. You're finally going home." He smiled at her warmly.

"Grandpaw?" Having no formal education, the child could not pronounce her words properly.

"Yes. Grandpa. Why don't you take a nap first? When you wake up, you'll be back home."

"Owkay." Daiyu nodded obediently.

Soon, they arrived at the Wang Mansion.

The mansion had large black grilled gates and a long driveway lined with tall pine trees. There was a cherubim fountain in the middle before the driveway stopped at an enormous Victorian residence.

Getting out of the car in a daze, Daiyu could not help but stare in awe. She had a faint recollection of this place but everything felt so new. Soon, the large oak doors in front of her opened and a butler came rushing out.

Upon seeing her, tears could not help but fall from his eyes.

"Young mistress Daiyu, welcome home."


At this moment, Xia Xiulan was being escorted out of the mansion through the back doors.

"No! Please grandfather! I-I can be an older sister to her." The nine-year-old girl begged.

"Drag her out." Wang Jing looked at her with cold eyes.

"Grandfather! Please!" She looked at him with innocent eyes and a pitiful face.

Xia Xiulan was not beautiful. However, she had an innocent air about her – one that easily evoked the protective instincts of men.

"Do not make me repeat myself." Wang Jing turned his back and the guards began dragging her away.

Realizing that her pitiful act was not working, her face contorted in anger, finally showing her true colors.

"You will regret this grandfather!" She screamed.

Wang Jing chuckled.

"Try me." He goaded her.

A knock came and the door opened.

"Master Wang, she's here." Butler Tang informed him.

Wang Jing's eyes glistened with excitement but quickly changed back when he heard Xiulan's screams in the back.

"Give her enough money to live but not enough to scheme against us." He instructed.

"Right away, Master Wang." Butler Tang bowed and signaled the guards to move faster.

Wang Jing then left the room to see his beloved granddaughter.


Inside the living room, little Daiyu was sitting on a navy-blue velvet cabriole sofa with her small legs swinging. She had a glass of milk in one hand and a cookie on the other. With every bite, her eyes glistened and she chomped on the cookies until her cheeks were bursting like a small hamster. Xiao Nuan, the maid watching her, could not help but giggle at the adorable sight.

Soon, the doors opened and a man in his late fifties came in.

Daiyu looked towards him, a memory flashing before her mind.

"Grandpaw!" She screamed in excitement. She dropped the milk and cookies and ran for her dear life towards the old man.

Wang Jing was overcome with emotions.

"Xiao Yu!" He bent down and hugged her.

Daiyu wore rags for clothes and her hair was a mess. She probably hadn't showered in forever but Wang Jing could not care less. Tears began welling in his eyes as he hugged the child tightly.

"Xiao Yu… you remember grandfather?"

"Of course! Daiyu waited for grandpaw every day!" Daiyu smiled brightly.

Her words broke the dam that was holding back Wang Jing's tears. Xiao Nuan and the other maids who came with Wang Jing all began to cry.

"Grandpaw? Why are you crying? Where does it hurt? Daiyu will blow the hurt away for you." She tilted her head and looked at him with a worried face.

"Xiao Yu… grandfather is sorry. I'm sorry for making you wait for so long." Wang Jing regretted ever doubting that Daiyu was still alive. He regretted taking in that maid's brat to take her place!

"It's owkay. Daiyu will be with grandpaw from now on… won't I?" Her voice began to falter as she started doubting her own words towards the end.

"Of course! Xiao Yu will always be with grandpa. I won't let anyone take you away from me again. You'll always be grandpa's little princess." He smiled warmly at her.

"Hehe." Daiyu giggled as she covered her mouth with her little hands.

"Alright. Let's get you washed up now. You must be tired."

"Owkay grandpaw." She nodded obediently.

The maids then led Daiyu away.

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