I'll Tell You Every Day

Chapter 160

Chapter 160

Qiaoling was successfully prosecuted for the murder of Wang Fengge and Luo Mei. The charge for the attempted murder of Tang Yun was likewise successful.     

However, Qiaoling didn't want to go down alone. She dragged Cui Cheng with her, exposing the company and the personal crimes committed by the latter.     

She also tried to accuse Wang Jing of hiding her daughter, Xia Xiulan. But the death certificate of Xiulan and the police report years back rebutted her claims. More importantly, the DNA test conducted between Yang Yi Jie and Qiaoling did not match. Of course, that's because the sample they sent came from Daiyu.     

In one fell swoop, Qiaoling and the schemes she built were torn down.     

In her final moments, when she was about to be transferred to prison, Cui Cheng hired men to raid the transfer vehicle. Qiaoling alone was abducted while the rest of the convicts and staff were left unharmed.     

Three months later, the remains of a woman were found floating in the river. The residents found a dismembered torso by the banks. Days later they found a hand, a foot, until finally, the head was found stuffed inside a tin can.     

Upon comparing the DNA of the corpse with the missing person's roster, they found a match.     

Xia Qiaoling.     

She was gone.     


No funeral was conducted for Qiaoling. Instead, her remains were cremated and buried in a public cemetery. Not a single person from the Cuis came to visit her. In the end, only Yi Jie and Ye Shun stood in front of her grave.     

"Mom. It's over." Yi Jie said as she wiped away a tear.     

"Let your anger end here. Let it all stop here. Please… be at peace." She paused and held Ye Shun's hand.     

After a last glance at the lone grave, she walked away.     


Cui Cheng and Qiaoling had a son. He was only four when Qiaoling was taken away. With no other relatives, the Cuis had no choice but to take him in. Of course, he was shunned. To them, this boy was the fruit of a vile woman who tore their family down. Years of hard work were laid to waste and their reputation was now in shambles. They knew the child was innocent, but they could not help but hate him.     

Of course, the boy knew that too. Even though he was still young, he could tell that everyone started looking at him differently. It felt like only yesterday when people spoiled and pampered him. Now, only his nanny spoke to him.     

Disheartened, he often curled up in his room and cried.     

"Xiao Yang… someone is here to visit you." His nanny called.     

'Visit…?' The boy wiped his tears away.     

'Is it dad?' His eyes widened and he excitedly ran out the door. But what greeted him instead was an old man.     

"W-Who are you, uncle?" He asked.     

Wang Jing bent down and ruffled the boys head.     

"Your new grandpa."     


Summer came and went. The twins were now fourteen. Ye Shun and Yi Jie's house was also finally complete.     

"It's finally all over." Zhihao sighed.     

Right now, they were all gathered together for the house blessing.     

"What happened to the son?" Zhichen asked.     

"Grandpa found him a new family." Daiyu answered.     

"Man… gramps is too kind." Bob commented.     

"Well, someone has to end the cycle of hate."     


"Enough of the depressing topic. Time to eat and drink." Liu Jin interrupted them as he entered the room with a tray of food in hand. Behind him, Ye Shun carried a bucket of beer.     

Everyone grinned and excitedly went to grab some food.     


The new semester started and Daiyu entered her final year in university. Liu Jin went to complete the last few days of his internship while preparing himself for the bar examinations at the same time.     

Zhihao and Ying Yue also did their best to complete their bank security software. They both moved into the Zheng Residences in the meantime while Victoria helped them plan for their wedding next year.     

Meanwhile Ye Shun started working at the Ye Corporation and Yi Jie returned to work. During the day, they left Haoran at the Wang Mansion where the maids all spoiled and took care of him. When they finished working at night, they came to pick him up and returned back home.     

Tang Yun also returned to work. A transitioning period started and Wang Jing officially handed over all his duties to him. Now, the entire Wang Conglomerate was in his hands and Wang Jing retired to being a mere shareholder.     

Zhichen and Bob continued working for the Zheng Corporation. Bob was able to buy his own car and he officially moved out of the Zheng Residences. Zhichen stayed behind. He had no plans of starting a family for now so he planned to stay with his parents.     


Days continued to pass and Liu Jin turned twenty-three. He chose to celebrate his birthday with only Daiyu this year. She baked him a cake and made him dinner before they spent the rest of the night drinking at home.     

Daiyu took a picture of the two of them together. Liu Jin hugged her from behind and rested his chin on her shoulder while she raised her arms and took a selfie.     

She posted the picture onto BBunnY's social media account with the caption 'My future lawyer is so handsome!'     

"You're not afraid that your single fans will bash you?" Liu Jin asked.     

"Nope! I'll show off my boyfriend anytime I want too." She grinned.     

Liu Jin chuckled and pinched her nose.     

"That's fiancé."     


January came and Haoran celebrated his first birthday. Of course, as expected, the baby boy was spoiled to bits by everyone.     

Wang Jing in particular truly doted on him. Ever since he retired, he'd stay home and play with the boy.     

When winter break came, the family paid a visit to Yi Jie's adoptive parents abroad. Wang Jing came along too since he said he'd miss Haoran too much.     


February rolled around and everyone celebrated the new year together. The party this year was particularly grand. Everyone was happy that they successfully survived the previous year together – from the shooting incident, all the way to Qiaoling's demise.     

Zhihao approached Liu Jin and raised a toast.     

"It's over." He said with a slight smile.     

Liu Jin paused and shook his head.     

"Nah. We're just beginning." He grinned and they clinked their glasses together.     

"Ready for your big day?" Liu Jin asked.     

There were only a few weeks left until Zhihao's wedding.     

"No. I don't think I'll ever be ready."     

Liu Jin chuckled.     

"How bout you? When will you propose to Xiao Yu?"     

"About two more years. I still have to take the national judicial examinations in August. After that, I'll try to settle down a bit first. I don't want to drag her around when I haven't sorted myself out yet."     

Zhihao paused.     

"I think she wants to be dragged around though."     

They laughed.     

"Hey. If Ying Yue and Xiao Yu gives birth to a –     

��No." Liu Jin immediately rejected.     

"WHY NOT?!"     

"You think I wanna be in-laws with you?!"     

"TAKE ME! TAKE ME RIGHT NOW!!!" Zhihao said as he clung to Liu Jin's arm tightly.     

"What the fuck are you talking about?!"     

In the background, everyone laughed as they watched them.     


It was a bright and sunny day. The breeze blew gently as the grass swayed in the wind.     

A long red carpet stretched across a field as chairs decorated with sunflowers lined both sides.     

Zhihao stood waiting by the altar. He wore a crisp white suit and a golden bowtie. His blonde hair was parted to one side and he had comma bangs.     


Liu Jin chuckled as he watched Zhihao stuttering nervously. He was the groom's best man.     

Soon, Ben Ben came running down the aisle, holding a little bucket of flowers in his mouth. He wore a white suit too and he shook his head from time to time, spreading flowers across the carpet.     

The guests laughed and took pictures, greatly amused by the dog.     

Moments later, the curtains were lifted and Ying Yue stood by the arc of yellow sunflowers. She wore a dazzling backless mermaid gown and a choker made of bright diamonds. The gown had a champagne base while the embroidery and glitters where in white, highlighting her beautiful tanned skin.     

At this point, Zhihao began ugly crying.     

"S-So beautiful…"     

Liu Jin cringed but handed him his handkerchief. He rubbed his back, doing his best to comfort him. To the side, Bob was crying too.     

"My… my babies are all grown up… "He sobbed and Zhichen laughed.     

Soon, Ying Yue reached Zhihao's side.     

The ceremony began and they said their vows. When it was all over, Zhihao lifted the veil, looked into Ying Yue's eyes, and smiled through his tears.     

"My wife… you are the best decision I've ever made."     

Ying Yue smiled brightly. She tiptoed and kissed his lips, surprising him.     

"My husband. You are the best mistake I've ever made."     


She laughed.     

"I'm kidding." She giggled.     

Zhihao pouted at first but laughed too. He bent down and kissed her deeply.     

"Now you're stuck with me forever!" He grinned.     

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