I'll Tell You Every Day

Chapter 153

Chapter 153

Daiyu made her way to the car. Ever since her engagement party with Liu Jin, security around her had been tightened. As such, she was no longer allowed to walk home and had a chauffeur to drive her to and from her classes.     

Just as she was about to reach the car, she heard a soft tinkle. Upon looking down, she saw her necklace on the floor. She frowned and picked it up. It was the necklace that Tang Yun had given her on her fifteenth birthday. She wore it every day and only took it off at night.     

"Ah… the chain is broken." She pouted.     

Just then she felt a chill run up her spine. She frowned, an ominous foreboding creeping into her heart. Nevertheless, she shrugged it off and stuffed the necklace onto her pocket before getting inside the car.     


Back inside the dimly lit office, the man dialed a number and waited for the call to connect.     

"What? Did you get it done?" Qiaoling's voice came from the other end.     

"No. The woman was caught."     


"Don't worry. We dealt with her. We got a bonus too."     

"What do you mean?"     

The man chuckled and took a drag from his cigarette before speaking.     

"Tang Yun. We dealt with him too."     

A moment of silence passed before a haughty laugh was heard from the other end.     

"I'll have to send you a bonus too then."     

"Looking forward to it." The man smirked.     


Meanwhile, the first responders who treated Tang Yun found his wallet. Inside, they found a picture of a beautiful woman and a chubby little girl. Among the cards, there was an emergency contact number. They decided to immediately call it.     

The phone rang for a while before it was finally picked up.     

"Who is this?"     

"Good afternoon sir. Are you related to a man named Tang Yun?"     

"What do you want?"     

"This is a medic responding to a shooting incident at seventh avenue corner Camelia road. At three twenty-seven in the afternoon, two people were shot in front of the Camelia police station. One of them was a man named Tang Yun and we found your number on his wallet."     

Wang Jing paused, his heartbeat growing faster and faster with every word coming from the other end of the phone.     

"How… How is he?"     

"He's currently being escorted to the Medical City. Please proceed there at the earliest hour."     

"Do everything you can to save him. Money is not an issue. Please."     

"You can rest assured that we will do our best, sir."     

"Please. Save my son." He begged, tears trickling down his face.     

"Don't take another one away from me."     


As Yi Jie and Ye Shun made their way back home, they saw Wang Jing rushing out of the mansion doors. Yi Jie immediately got down from the car and made her way towards him.     

"Grandpa? What's wrong?" She stopped him and held his shoulders firmly. He was pale and she felt him trembling, his face stained by tears.     

"Get out of my way!" He bellowed and tried to push Yi Jie away. Ye Shun quickly held him back, afraid that he would cause his pregnant wife to fall.     

"Grandfather! Please be careful! Yi Ji is pregnant!"     

Wang Jing paused, his eyes widening.     

"I… I'm sorry. Yi Jie, I –      

"It's okay, grandpa. What's wrong?"     

"Tang Yun…!" He held her firmly, a fresh wave of tears pouring down his face.     

"What happened to Uncle Tang?"     

"He was shot at the police station. I need to go. I need to see my son. No more. I cannot lose anymore." He sobbed.     

Yi Jie's eyes widened and Ye Shun stiffened.     

"Grandfather, get in the car. I'll bring you there. Yi Jie, stay here. No matter what happens, don't leave the mansion."     

"But –      

"Xiao Nuan!"     

"Yes, young master Ye."     

"Don't let her out of your sight." Ye Shun instructed as he led the old man to the car.     


Ye Shun ignored Yi Jie as Xiao Nuan held her back. Soon, the men got inside the car and drove off.     

Yi Jie watched as they slowly disappeared out of sight, her heart clenching. Tears rolled down her face as she sobbed, her hands clasped together tightly.     

"My fault… this is all my fault…" She sobbed.     

"Young mistress…"     

"Again… I'm taking things away from Daiyu again…" Her legs gave way and she fell to the floor.     

"Young mistress!"     


Inside the car, Ye Shun immediately gave Liu Jin a call. Upon receiving the news, Liu Jin closed his eyes and clenched his fists.     

"Take care of grandpa for me. Please."     

"I will."     

After the call, Liu Jin immediately sent Honghui to accompany Wang Jing at the hospital. He could tell that Wang Jing must be overwhelmed by emotions right now. As such, his grandfather should be able to make decisions on his stead.     

"Grandfather, I… the Wang Conglomerate…"     

"Leave it to me. Your father can take care of the company while I take over the Wangs for now. Go and find out who's behind this." Honghui replied.     

"… Please update me on matters there at the soonest."     

With that, the call ended.     

Liu Jin let out a huge sigh. He paced back and forth the hallway, thinking about his next move. After a while, he picked up his phone and gave Shuren a call.     

"I'll have Fang Bao look into it. Be careful."     

"… Father… do I tell Xiao Yu?"     

Shuren paused and sighed.     

"Tell her. Not over the phone. You have to be there for her in person."     

Liu Jin clenched his fists and nodded.     


After calling his father, Liu Jin called Ying Yue and Zhihao next. He told them to check up on Yi Jie at the Wang Mansion.     

"I don't want her to be alone. She's pregnant and can't be stressed. Besides… I'm afraid that woman might take advantage of Yi Jie's current situation to trick her."     

"Leave her to us. Go and be with Xiao Yu." Ying Yue assured him.     


With that, he gave Zhichen and Bob a heads up next. After all was done, he made his way back home to finally tell Daiyu of the news.     


Daiyu stood behind the kitchen counter, cooking. She glanced at the clock – it was now five in the afternoon. Liu Jin won't be home until his classes finish at seven. She had enough time to cook up a meal so she continued preparing at her own pace.     

Soon, however, she heard the door unlocking. She wiped her hands on her apron before stepping out of the kitchen to check on the door.     

"Jin! You're home early!" She smiled.     

Liu Jin nodded and changed out of his shoes.     

After that, he slowly approached her, a solemn look on his face.     

"Jin? What's wrong?" She asked, her brows furrowed.     

"Xiao Yu… come here…"     

Daiyu complied and approached him. He wrapped her tightly in his arms and buried his face in her hair.     

"Listen carefully to what I'm about to say next."     

Daiyu paused and nodded.     

"This afternoon, Ye Shun and Yi Jie went to the hospital for her monthly check up. The nurse drew more blood than necessary, arousing Ye Shun's suspicion. When he asked her about it, the nurse lied. As such, they called dad over to the scene. They suspected that Qiaoling must have sent the nurse to gather Yi Jie's DNA for testing."     

Daiyu frowned.     

"Are they alright? Where is she now?"     

"She's fine. She's back at the Wang Mansion."     

Daiyu nodded.     

"But dad isn't."     

"…What… What do you mean?"     

"He sent Ye Shun and Yi Jie home before accompanying the nurse to the police station. When they arrived there… a gunman on a bicycle ambushed them. He was shot twice in the chest."     

Daiyu stiffened, her eyes immediately growing teary.     

"… Where is he?"     

"He's at the hospital right now."     

Daiyu's tears freely fell from her eyes. Nevertheless, she remained calm and continued asking.     

"Will he be okay…?"     

Liu Jin paused before shaking his head.     

"I don't know. His condition isn't stable yet."     

At this point, Daiyu broke down and sobbed.     

"What can I do to help him? What does he need? Does he need blood? Does he need –      

"Xiao Yu." Liu Jin hugged her even tighter.     

"Don't want… don't want to lose him…" She sobbed and clung onto him for dear life.     

"Save him… please save him Jin…"     

Liu Jin continued hugging her, rocking her back and forth gently to comfort her. She cried and screamed into his chest, her nails digging into his back as she fell to her knees.     

"Xiao Yu…"     

"- him… take me to him. I need to see him. Please." She begged.     

Liu Jin nodded and lifted her up.     


Back at the Wang Mansion, Ying Yue and Zhihao arrived to find Yi Jie crying in her bedroom. Ying Yue immediately rushed to her side, trying to comfort her.     

"gain… Again! Why?! Why am I cursed to take away everything belonging to Daiyu?! Why?!" Yi Jie sobbed hysterically.     

Zhihao watched, a surge of emotions crashing onto him. Immediately, he walked towards Yi Jie and slapped her across the face. Everyone stared at him in surprise. Even Yi Jie stopped her sobs, her eyes wide.     

"What the hell are you talking about?! You talk as if the man is dead! Dad is alive! And he's going to continue living…" He clenched his fists.     

"And so is your son… Stop crying and think of your own health. Haoran needs his mother to be strong… Daiyu needs her jiejie to be strong… Right now, we all need to work together to stop that vile woman from hurting us any longer." He gritted his teeth and lowered his head.     

"So stop crying. You haven't taken anyone away. And you won't. We're all here to make sure of that."     

A moment of silence enveloped the room before Ying Yue spoke.     

"But did you have to slap her though?"     

Zhihao blushed, embarrassed.     

"S-sorry. My hand slipped."     

Yi Jie wiped her tears away and laughed before sniffing.     

"Sorry… Thank you…" She smiled.     

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