I'll Tell You Every Day

Chapter 161

Chapter 161

A hot pink car rolled into the underground parking lot of the Wang Conglomerate's main office building. It drove all the way to the lowest level before parking directly into the exclusive area. The driver's side door opened and a pair of fair legs were revealed. A woman came out and she began walking towards the elevator, her heels clicking loudly against the pavement.     

Upon reaching the elevator, she pressed the button for the top floor. She rode it all the way up before the doors opened.     

"EVP Wang." The floor secretary greeted.     

The woman nodded and began walking towards the office at the farthest end. She pushed the doors open and it shut behind her, the name plate shining brightly against the light.     

'Wang Daiyu, Executive Vice-President of the Planning Department.'     

She made her way towards the desk and sat down. She crossed her legs, took off her sunglasses and began poring over the files on her desk. Suddenly, her phone rang. She took it out from her bag and smiled upon seeing the caller ID.     



She giggled.     

"What's wrong, Zhihao-gege? Did the triplets bully you again?"     

Suddenly, there were noises on the other end and the voice changed.     


"Aunty YuYu!"     

"Aunty jiejie!"     

Daiyu giggled.     

"Hello, Zi Zi Zi!"     

The triplets giggled, their milky voices flowing onto the phone.     

"Aunty jiejie, happy birthday! Zihan will come to party later!"     

"Zixuan too!"     

"Zi-Ziwei too!!!"     

"Okay! I'll look forward to seeing you later. Be good to your daddy, okay?"     

"No! Daddy is a –      

"A loser!"     

"A big loser!"     

They giggled and Daiyu laughed.     

"You can't be mean to daddy. What if he tells mom?"     

The triplets froze.     

"Zihan will be good."     

"Zixuan too."     

"Z-Ziwei too!"     

"Okay then. Can you give the phone back to daddy?"     


The triplets obediently handed the phone back and Zhihao took it.     

"Xiao Yu! The party will start at seven in the evening so don't be late, okay?"     

"I won't be late to my own birthday party." She giggled.     

"You're only saying that for now! I know how much of a workaholic you've been lately. Jin tells me he misses you in bed –     

"ZHIHAO-GEGE!" She gritted her teeth and Zhihao laughed.     

"Well then when will you get married?! The three demons are already turning three this year!"     

"Then ask Jin! He's the one who hasn't proposed to me yet!" Daiyu said as she eyed her nails.     

"He said he tried to talk to you about it last year but you refused. He said you wanted to stabilize your position at the company first. Now that you're the EVP, you better not refuse, alright?!"     

Daiyu giggled.     

"Why are you so excited for my marriage? Weren't you the one who was most opposed to it before?"     

"It's different now! I want to have another child with Xiao Yue. We'll try to have a girl this time. And I want our children to be the same age!"     

Daiyu laughed.     

"What if you get another boy?" Daiyu teased.     

"Don't jinx it!"     

"Another demon who looks just like you!" Daiyu laughed as she imagined the triplets.     


After her work finished, Daiyu left the company and made her way back to the Wang Mansion.     

After Liu Jin successfully passed his bar examinations, he started working for the Criminal Investigation Bureau with Zhihao. Since he was always busy, Daiyu felt lonely and sought the comfort of home. As such, she moved back into the Wang Mansion.     

When she graduated from university and began working at the Wang Conglomerate, Liu Jin had adjusted to his work schedule by then. However, it was Daiyu's turn to become busy with work.     

Since she was new, people at the company naturally looked down on her. They thought that she got into the company because Wang Jing was her grandfather and not because of her skills. However, Daiyu soon proved them wrong.     

The first thing she did when she began planning for their hotels was to hire Chunhua. Since Chunhua was an environmentalist, their chain of hotels underwent drastic changes to lessen their environmental impact.     

Of course, this change was met with much resistance at first. The higher ups were not happy with the additional costs and the rich rarely cared about the environment. But Tang Yun fully supported Daiyu and his decision would soon prove to be right.     

Consumers took fancy of the hotel's promise of being environmentally friendly. In the long run, their chain of hotels likewise managed to cut back not only on waste but on costs as well. Due to this greener approach on business, the Wangs likewise increased their goodwill and customers naturally chose their services over others.     

The next thing Daiyu did was to upgrade their hotel's kitchen. Infusing her love for food with her current work, she managed to create several menus, upgrade the quality of the hotel's buffet, and focused on taste rather than costs. As such, their restaurants were always fully booked and people often came to dine there even though they weren't staying at the hotel.     

Aside from that, Daiyu also gave Zhenzhen her first ever project. After graduating from fashion school, Zhenzhen's first customer was Daiyu. She hired her to design the hotel staff's uniform and of course, Zhenzhen went all out.     

The end product turned out to be a bigger hit than imagined. The staff were beautifully dressed and they changed uniforms every season. Before long, customers started looking forward to their next uniform and would often post their pictures on social media – producing free advertising for the hotel.      

Of course, Daiyu herself produced several great ideas. Her next project was to build a hotel which was 'instagramable.' She wanted each room to be uniquely designed, each with their own themes. Aside from this, there will also be rooms that will be available for a limited time only. This will increase the novelty and price of the rooms and people will naturally want to stay at their hotel even if it was only to brag about it.     

Ultimately, she knew that social media now played a huge part of everyone's lives and as such, she wanted to use it to increase their sales. Since everyone loved a good background for their selfies, why not produce rooms with perfect lighting and different themes to choose from?     

With this avant-garde way of thinking, the Wang Conglomerate led the change in the hotel industry. This led to Daiyu being featured in several business magazines as a promising figure in the industry. The people who looked down on her at first for being young and for being a woman, quickly remembered that Daiyu was ultimately the granddaughter of Wang Jing – the man who made a name for himself as a shrewd and cunning businessman.     

"Well, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree."     

"She's a Wang after all."     

Daiyu quickly climbed up the ranks of the corporation and in just three years, she was appointed as the executive vice-president for the planning department. However, in exchange, her relationship with Liu Jin during those three years didn't progress either.     

They were both busy with work and whenever they made it back home, they were tired and would soon fall asleep. Still, they slept and woke up with each other every day, had breakfast before kissing each other goodbye.     

Work was hard but they knew someone was waiting for them back home.     

Daiyu smiled as she thought about Zhihao's earlier words.     


How nice would that be?     


Daiyu continued driving and after forty-five minutes, she made it back home to the Wang Mansion. She parked her car to the side and got out.     


"Aunty YuYu!"     

"Aunty Jiejie!"     

The triplets came running out of the mansion. Unfortunately for everyone, the three demons look and behave exactly like Zhihao. They had blonde hair, bright eyes, and the energy of fifty children.     

The three little milk buns clung tightly to her legs. Soon, another milky voice came from the door.     


Daiyu smiled and bent down.     

"Ran Ran, I'm home."     

Haoran smiled brightly and made his way towards her. He was a very well-behaved boy. While he had been spoiled by everyone from a tender age, he grew up with Ye Shun's temperament and turned out to be a sweet and obedient child.     


"Kissy! Aunty YuYu kiss!"     

Daiyu giggled and kissed the four children's cheeks.     

"Let's go!"     

"A-Aunty Jiejie let's go!"     

They pulled at her arms and led her inside.     

"Aunty you smell bad."     


"Go change!"     


Daiyu didn't know whether to get mad or laugh. She smiled and ruffled their hair before making her way to her room. Inside, she saw a beautiful gown on the bed. There was a note to the side and she picked it up to read.     

'Wear this. Party starts at seven. Don't be late! ~Zhihao.'     

Daiyu laughed.     

Glancing at the clock, it was now six in the evening. Since she had enough time, she took a quick shower and changed into the dress. She then did her hair and applied makeup before walking out towards the eastern gardens.     

On the way, she noticed that the house seemed empty. There were no maids around and the entire place was silent. Frowning, she quickened her steps. Upon reaching the garden… it was dark and she couldn't see anything.     

'Did I go to the wrong place?'     

Just as she was about to turn around to leave, the lights turned on and everyone greeted her.     

"Happy birthday!!!"     

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