I'll Tell You Every Day

Chapter 154

Chapter 154

As Liu Jin brought Daiyu to the hospital, Shuren had his men on the ground already investigating the matter. However, during the delay between the incident and the reporting, Qiaoling's men had already cleaned up the scene and had gotten rid of the CCTV footages around the area. Still, Shuren expected as much and as such, his men continued investigating despite the lack of leads.     


Back at the Wang Mansion, Ying Yue brewed a cup of chamomile tea to help Yi Jie relax. After a while, Bob arrived and together with Zhihao, they started discussing the events that transpired.     

"I'm pretty sure its Qiaoling." Zhihao said as he anxiously paced back and forth across the room.     

"Yeah but how do we prove it?" Bob asked.     

"Do you remember –     

Zhihao paused and turned to face Ying Yue. She looked back at him innocently and tilted her head to one side.     

"Hun, can you leave us alone for a while?"     

Ying Yue frowned but nodded.     

After she left the room, Zhihao continued talking.     

"Do you remember anything from your past life that can help us pin Qiaoling down?" He asked as he turned to face Yi Jie.     

She paused before shaking her head.     

"The events in this life are far too different from the previous one."     

They all sighed.     

"What happened after Xiao Yu died?"     

"Grandpa had me killed."     

"Wow. I did not expect that." Zhihao awkwardly replied and Yi Jie chuckled.     

"Well, can you tell me more about Qiaoling? Maybe if we study her previous behavior, we can find out what she's after or what her weakness is."     

Yi Jie paused.     

"Well, she always told me that Fengge was my father and that I was the true Wang heiress. Because of that, I had always hated Daiyu. When I actively sought to get back into the Wang household, she fully supported me. In fact, more than once, she had suggested having Daiyu killed."     

"What? Why?"     

"To speed up the process?" Yi Jie guessed.     

They fell into silence.     

"So her main goal is to get back into the Wang family?"     

Yi Jie paused.     

"I'm not sure… now that I think about it, she really hated grandpa. If she was after the wealth, shouldn't she have left us alone now that she's rich?"     

"… Maybe cause the old man separated her from Fengge?" Bob suggested.     

"But Fengge is not my father. Why would she get pregnant with someone else's child if she truly loved him?" Yi Jie rebutted.     

"… So she's doing all this cause she hates the old man? Wanting to kill Daiyu… Having old man Tang shot… damn. If I didn't know better, I'd think she just wants to kill everything precious to gramps." Bob spoke.     

Yi Jie and Zhihao turned to face him with wide eyes.     

"What?" Bob asked, confused.     

"That's it! She must really hate the old man!" Zhihao concluded and Yi Jie nodded.     

"But why? We know it's not cause of Fengge. So there must be some other reason…" Bob asked.     

"Maybe it's your dad." Zhihao turned to face Yi Jie.     

"If we find out who your dad is, maybe we'll find out the reason why Qiaoling hates the old man." He continued.     

"… But I have no idea who my real father is." Yi Jie honestly confessed.     

"Damn… this is getting too complicated. You know, kinda like those drama plots where the old man kills the lady's lover and she seeks out revenge by killing everything precious to him." Bob said as he held his head.     

Yi Jie and Zhihao turned to face him again with wide eyes.     

"… What?"     

"THAT'S IT!!!"     


Daiyu and Liu Jin finally arrived at the hospital. They rushed outside of the operating room and found Ye Shun, Wang Jing, and Honghui already there, waiting.     

"Grandpa…" Daiyu ran into the old man's arms.     

As the grandfather and granddaughter pair hugged and comforted each other, Liu Jin turned to Ye Shun.     

"Go home. I'll take it from here." He said as he gave Ye Shun's shoulder a pat.     

"Alright. I'll leave you to it." Ye Shun nodded.     

"Grandpa. Go home with Ye Shun for now." Liu Jin spoke.     

"No." Wang Jing immediately refused.      

Honghui sighed.     

"Shun. Go home first. When Ah Yun comes out of the operating room, I'll bring this old man home."     

Ye Shun hesitantly nodded and left. While he wanted to stay behind and personally see to it that Tang Yun successfully comes out of the operating room, he had to go home and check up on his pregnant wife too. As such, he could only leave and assure himself that everything will be alright.     


After a few more hours, the doctors and nurses finally rolled Tang Yun out of the room.     

"How is he?" Wang Jing nervously asked.     

"He's out of danger. For now, he'll be transferred to the intensive care unit where he'll stay until his condition fully stabilizes."     

The family finally let out a huge sigh of relief.     

Daiyu took a peek at Tang Yun's face as they rolled him away. He was pale. She bit her lip, holding back her tears.     

"Grandpa, go home now." She said as she held Wang Jing's hand.     

Wang Jing hesitated.     

"We need you to be healthy. Now that daddy is recuperating, you'll have to handle a lot of things… we also need to find out who's behind this."      

Wang Jing steeled his heart and nodded. Daiyu was right. Now that the dark clouds have passed, it was time to settle the damage.     

"Ah Jin. Take care of her."     

Liu Jin nodded.     

With that, the old man and Honghui left the hospital.     


For the next few days, Daiyu took a break from her classes to look after Tang Yun. After his operation, he was unconscious for two more days before he finally woke up.     

As he opened his eyes, he found Daiyu gently holding his hand. She was sitting down beside his bed, crouched over, asleep. He could tell that she had been crying because her eyelids were puffy.     

Turning to look at his side, he found her stuffed white rabbit beside him. It was the same one she used to carry around when she was younger. Looking around the room, he found StanZhi in one corner, watching over him. He chuckled but had to stop because his chest hurt. Looking down, he found himself wrapped up in bandages.     

'That's right… I was shot…'     

As if sensing that he was finally awake, Daiyu slowly opened her eyes.     


He smiled.     

"Good morning, Xiao Yu."     


After Tang Yun's condition stabilized, Daiyu insisted to immediately bring him home. She was worried that if he continued to stay at a public place, Qiaoling would find one way or another to harm him no matter how tight security around him was.     

As such, Wang Jing arranged for his immediate transfer to the Wang Mansion where they had set up his own hospital room. There, he had his own doctor and nurse who were paid to stay inside the Wang Mansion too. Since they wanted to cut off outside interference, they were not allowed to leave the premises until Tang Yun no longer needed their assistance.     

Of course, Daiyu stayed by his side to take care of him too. For the time being, both Liu Jin and Daiyu didn't return to their home and instead, slept at the Wang Mansion to accompany Tang Yun.     

Still, while Tang Yun was now out of danger, Daiyu's nights remained restless.     

"What's wrong?" Liu Jin asked.     

"… I've been having nightmares lately… I have the same one every night." She frowned.     

"… What's it about?"     

"The time of the accident. I already told dad about this before but I remember about the car crash. At first, I thought that it was just a bad dream. But after he told me about how my parents died, I realized that the dream was a replay of my memory back then…"     

Liu Jin frowned.     

"Why didn't you tell me about this?"     

"Well… it just never came up. And I don't remember anything useful anyway. I only know that someone pulled me out of the car but I don't even remember his face at all."     

Liu Jin paused before nodding.     

"If you remember anything… tell me."     

Daiyu nodded.     

"How's the investigation going?" She asked.     

Wang Jing and Shuren were currently working together to investigate the shooting incident. The nurse that was shot with Tang Yun that day did not make it so they lost their only witness.     

"The CCTV footages around the area had been deleted. However, someone managed to capture the gunman on video. We got his plate number but it was a dud. However, upon zooming in on the video, we found that he had a tattoo on his neck. It looks like a crow biting an apple." Liu Jin reported.     

"Did you find him?!" Daiyu asked, immediately getting up.     

"Not yet." Liu Jin sighed. "Trying to find him amidst this huge population is really hard."     

Daiyu bit her lip, her brows furrowed.     

The clue was right there… they were so close… just a bit more.     

She clenched her fists and gritted her teeth.     

Just then, an idea struck her. Her eyes widened and she immediately turned to face Liu Jin.     

"I… I know what to do!"     

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