I'll Tell You Every Day

Chapter 151

Chapter 151

One sunny October afternoon, Ye Shun and Yi Jie held their wedding by the beach.     

A long red carpet lined the sand while beautiful golden chairs with white cushions were arranged on each side. An arc made of dried grass and fresh flowers stood at the entrance while sweet scented candles burned silently on top of golden braziers decorated with white ribbons.     

Ye Shun stood at the altar, waiting for his bride. He wore a black tux, his hair slick and combed back, a single white rose on his front pocket.     

Soon, music flooded the air and everyone turned their heads. There, Yi Jie stood in a beautiful off-shoulder white gown. It shimmered in the sun, its big puffy skirt hiding her belly. Her short hair was decorated with white pearls and diamonds shaped like flowers, a soft veil covering her face. One hand was hooked onto her adoptive father's arm while she held a bouquet of white roses with the other.     

Slowly, she made her way down the aisle, a beautiful bright smile on her face.     


After the ceremony, they held a banquet on the private island they rented. Daiyu sang for the guests while Liu Jin personally took pictures of the couple.     

The number of people invited to the wedding was small. Still, each and every one of the guests held a high position in society. The Yes were an old prestigious family and while their wealth could not rival Wang Jing's, their name and lineage certainly could.     

After the party, the guests were ferried back to the shore on a yacht while the gang stayed behind. They crowded inside the newlywed's hotel room, chatting the night away.     

"What's the baby's gender?" Zhihao asked.     

"A boy!" Daiyu excitedly answered.     

"What are you going to name it?" Ying Yue asked.     

"Haoran." Ye Shun answered.     

"Baby Ran Ran, hurry and come out. Aunty Daiyu is ready to spoil you!"     

Everyone laughed.     


As the night deepened, everyone returned to their own rooms to give the couple their well-deserved rest.     

"Xiao Yue, what should we name our baby?" Zhihao asked and Ying Yue chuckled.     

"We don't even have one yet." She said as she began unhooking her earrings by the vanity.     

"Then let's make one right now!" He suggested as he raised his eyebrows up and down.     

Ying Yue laughed before smiling, imagining her own future children with him. Zhihao then stood up from the bed and hugged her from behind, resting his chin on her shoulder.     

"I'll marry you in a field of sunflowers. You'll stand there in a shimmering gold gown, the most beautiful flower of all."     

She closed her eyes and smiled. If she was a sunflower, then Zhihao was her sun – bringing light and warmth into her life.     



"I love you."     

Zhihao blushed, red to the ears.     

"I-I love y-you too!"     

She laughed.     

"Why are you stuttering?" She teased.     

"You surprised me!" He pouted cutely.     


After three days in the island, everyone returned back home and their routine life resumed. Since Ye Shun was still busy completing their new home, Yi Jie continued to live at the Wang Mansion.     

Both Ye Shun's parents and Wang Jing actually volunteered to pay for their new house. However, Ye Shun wanted to build one for Yi Jie with his own hard work. As such, he took out a loan from the bank and decided to pay it back in the future.     


Meanwhile, Zhichen continued to work at the Zheng Corporation. He was now the main project manager and all future ventures and collaborations of the company had to have his stamp of approval before pushing through.     

"Cui Technologies has sent in a request. They want to schedule a project proposal meeting with you." His assistant reported.     

Zhichen paused, his brows furrowing.     

"Have they sent in the files?" He asked.     

"Yes. Should I bring it in?"     

Zhichen nodded.     

The assistant then left the room and returned moments later with a thick folder.     

"I'll check this first."     

The assistant nodded and left.     

Zhichen then opened the folder and scanned through the documents. The Cuis were developing a new mobile phone. They wanted to collaborate with the Zhengs since the Zheng Corporation had monopoly over the software industry.     

In the country alone, eighty percent of the current population were using the products developed by the Zhengs. If the Cuis wanted their new phone to succeed, they needed their product to host the Zheng Corporation's software. Otherwise, no one would want to use their phone.     

Zhichen scoffed and threw the file onto the desk.     

Right now, he had no reason to deny the collaboration. By the proposed figures alone, they would definitely be profiting. Still, he took out his phone and dialed a number.     

"Zhichen." A voice greeted from the other end.     

"Dad, the Cuis sent in a proposal. I'm going to reject it."     

Liwei paused, quite surprised.     

"If they come to bother you, lead them to me. I'll handle them." Zhichen continued and Liwei chuckled.     

"That's what I'm supposed to say." He smiled. "Reject them. No matter how many times they send the proposal in, reject them. We won't work with those who dare to hurt your idiot brother."     

Zhichen grinned.     

That's right. The first time he heard that Zhihao had been kidnapped, he was fuming with anger. After knowing more about the vile woman behind the scheme, he was even more furious. There was no way he'd work with her.     

While Wang Jing had told them that this was a matter for the Wangs to handle, he wasn't about to let that woman go. Daiyu had become family. In fact, there were more pictures of her in their living room walls than there were pictures of him. Surely, the Zhengs would not allow their little princess to suffer.     

After the call ended, Zhichen immediately called Liu Jin up. He told him about the proposal from Cui Technologies and their plan to reject the same. Liu Jin thanked him and warned them to be careful. He also instructed him to inform him if anything came up in the future. Zhichen agreed and the call ended.     

On the other side, Liu Jin called up Tang Yun and reported the matter. Tang Yun took note of the same and also warned Liu Jin to be careful.     


Meanwhile, when Cui Cheng found out that his request for a meeting was rejected, he threw a huge fit. His company had greatly invested in this project and they were all banking on its success. As such, to have the Zhengs reject the proposal without even agreeing to schedule a meeting was a huge blow for him.     

"What reason did they give for rejecting?!" He bellowed.     

His secretary cowered before answering him in a trembling voice.     

"They did not provide a reason…"     


"B-But the current project manager is the middle son of the Zhengs. He is known to be very strict. Perhaps we should try directly contacting President Liwei instead."     

Cui Cheng paused before nodding.     

"Arrange for it."     

The assistant bowed and immediately left the room.     


To Cui Cheng's chagrin, no matter what they did, the Zhengs refused their request. It came to a point where the higher executives of the company along with the project's investors had began to doubt the success of the project.     

All those waiting for Cui Cheng to make a mistake likewise took advantage of the situation. They created rumors saying that the Zhengs were trying to suppress the Cuis. As such, the stocks of the company drastically fell.     

Pressured on all sides, Cui Cheng was in a terrible mood and it began affecting Qiaoling.     

"What's wrong with your boss?!" She asked as she threw her phone across the room. The man was unreasonably angry lately and had been terribly rude to her.     

"The company is experiencing problems right now."     

"Problems?" She raised a brow.      

The secretary then began explaining the situation to her.     

"The Zhengs…" A glint flashed across Qiaoling's eyes.     

She took out her phone and dialed a number.     

"What is it?" A man's voice came from the other end.     

"I have a job for you." She smirked.     


Qiaoling had the Zhengs investigated. Included among the information they managed to collect was the strong relationship between the Wangs and the Zhengs.     

She gritted her teeth. It all led back to the old man in the end!     

Scanning through the files once more, she came across a photograph. It was taken during Daiyu and Liu Jin's engagement party. In the picture, there were several people, some of whom she did not recognize.     

"Who is this woman?" She asked as she pointed towards a woman holding Daiyu's hand.     

The investigator bent down and peered at the photograph.     

"That's Yang Yi Jie. She was recently married to Ye Shun, the heir of the Ye Corporation."     

Qiaoling paused but paid no more attention to the same.     

"Investigate the Wangs. I want to know what they've been up to recently."     

She had a hunch that the reason why the Zhengs were refusing to work with her husband was because of Wang Jing. That old man must have said something!     

If that was the case, she'll find ways to pressure the old man too. She had been idle for too long, perhaps she should start making her move soon. She smirked.     

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