I'll Tell You Every Day

Chapter 150

Chapter 150

Contrary to their expectations, Qiaoling did not make any more moves after that.     

Wang Jing had her investigated but now that she had married into wealth, it was harder for him to gain any information on her. Still, he knew that she could strike anytime. As such, he continued to tighten security around Daiyu and had men constantly keep an eye on Qiaoling as well.     


After Daiyu's birthday party, summer started once again.     

Liu Jin continued with his internship so Daiyu decided to go back home to the Wang Mansion. With so much time to herself, she wrote another album.     

By this time, people began expecting an album release from BBunnY every summer. She had gained a steady fanbase for herself over the years and they gave her the title, Summer Queen.     

Since she kept her appearance hidden and her official social media account was likewise company controlled, she kept a clean reputation for herself and had no scandals whatsoever.     

People speculated on her identity but with no clue where to start, they never found it out.     


After Daiyu and Liu Jin's engagement party, Zhihao had talked to Victoria about his own engagement party with Ying Yue. Victoria was so happy to hear about it that she excitedly started planning it with him.     

"Mom, can I marry her right after uni?" He asked.     

"Of course."     


Victoria smiled and nodded.     

"Then let's do it! I want to have so many kids with her! I want to make my own basketball team!"     

Victoria laughed and Liwei secretly smiled as he listened to them from the couch.     


Unbeknown to them, before Daiyu and Liu Jin, and even before Zhihao and Ying Yue's marriage, Yi Jie would have her own marriage first.     

That summer, she went to work as usual. With the heat index recording an all-time high, she was getting dizzy spells ever so often. She tried to cool herself down with iced drinks but she would end up getting stomach cramps instead. She decided to try lowering the temperature in the office but her bones would ache and she'd end up really moody. When the condition persisted for more than a week, she went to get herself checked at the hospital.     

"Miss, you're pregnant."     



"Are you sure? Can you check again?"     

"I am sure."     



"Can you check again please?"     

"… Alright."     

After another round of tests, the results were the same. She was three months pregnant.     

A rush of emotions enveloped her and she didn't know what to feel. Picking up her phone, she debated on who to call first. Ultimately, she decided to call Wang Jing.     

"Grandpa… I'm pregnant…"     

Wang Jing paused, the news slowly sinking in. He immediately stood up, overwhelmed with joy as his eyes started tearing up.     

"What did the Ye brat say?"     

"I haven't told him yet."     

Wang Jing was even happier after finding out that he was first to hear the news.      

"Call him up now. Tell him to pick you up. Don't move around so much. Stay home here at the mansion. I'll have Tang Yun call up your office and you'll stop working for now. And –     

"Grandpa! Calm down!!!"     

Wang Jing laughed, a few tears rolling down his cheeks.     

"Yi Jie… I'm going to be a great grandparent!"     

She laughed, wiping away her own tears.     

"I'm hanging up now. I need to tell Shun too."     

"You do that. And come home immediately."     

"Yes. Bye grandpa."     

With that, the phone call ended.     


When Ye Shun found out about the news, he was at the Ye Corporation. He was having a meeting with his father and other executives when his phone rang. Upon seeing that it was from Yi Jie, he excused himself and left the room.     

"Shun… I'm at the hospital right now."     

"What?! What happened? Which hospital? Are you –      



"We're having a baby."     


"I'm three months pregnant." She sniffed as she gently held her abdomen.     


Upon hearing him sniffing from the other side, she laughed.     

"Come pick us up."     

"Right. I'll be on my way now. Wait for me."     

He wiped his tears away and entered the room. He whispered a few words into his father's ears and the man immediately sent him away.     

Seeing the commotion, the executives couldn't help but ask.     

"Is there an emergency?"     

Ye Shun's father paused before smiling.     

"I'm about to be a grandfather."     

Back at the hospital, Yi Jie smiled through her tears and gently stroked her tummy.     

"Baby… daddy's on his way."     


After the news broke out, everyone came over to congratulate Yi Jie and Ye Shun. They had a small party over at the Wang Mansion and everyone had a good time.     

"Name it after me!" Zhihao suggested but everyone quickly shut the idea down.     

"Why not?!"     

They ignored him and continued on with the talks.     

"When will the wedding be?" Bob asked.     

"I want to help!"     

"Me too."     

Daiyu and Ying Yue volunteered.     

"Then I'll be counting on you guys." Ye Shun smiled.     


As per Wang Jing's strict orders, Yi Jie moved into the Wang Mansion and stopped working at the office. However, she couldn't handle the idle life and continued working from home.     

Still, everyone fussed over her every day. She had a strict diet prepared by Daiyu and she had her doctor's appointments scheduled by Tang Yun. Wang Jing would visit her every night and read the baby a bedtime story while Mian Mian stayed beside her, guarding her attentively.     

Of course, Ye Shun was excited too. With the baby on the way, he started rushing the wedding preparations and his family fully supported him. Ying Yue and Daiyu also helped out. They prepared the dresses and decorations while the Ye family handled the invitations.     


As summer continued to progress, Daiyu and Liu Jin visited the summerhouse again. They carved their names onto the tree before resting underneath its shade.     

"I can't believe I'm going to become an aunty!"     

Liu Jin chuckled.     

"I'm going to be the coolest aunty ever. I'm going to spoil the baby rotten and leave all the disciplining duties to its mother."     

He laughed and pinched her nose.     


She giggled and rested her head onto Liu Jin's shoulder.     

"I want a baby too." She pouted.     

"Not yet."     

"Why not? You said you'd give me as many as I want!"     

He laughed. After a moment of silence, Daiyu spoke again.     

"I want one soon… grandpa's getting older. He's turning seventy-seven next year."     

Liu Jin paused and looked down.     

"I want one soon too. But I don't want to have one while Qiaoling is still out there… I don't wanna risk things." He clenched his fists.     

"… Will she really come to bother us? After the pictures… she did nothing else."     

He smiled bitterly.     

"The pictures were just a reminder for the old man. She hasn't even started moving yet."     

Daiyu paused.     

"What do you think she's after? If it's wealth, hasn't she already married into money?"     

"Some people will never be satisfied, Xiao Yu. Their greed knows no limits. But still, maybe what she's after is not money but revenge. Maybe her anger against the old man runs deeper than we think."     

Daiyu lowered her head.     

"Don't worry. We'll protect grandpa. I won't let anything happen to him." Liu Jin comforted her and she smiled.     

"Thank you, Jin."     


Days continued to pass and the twins turned thirteen. To celebrate their coming of age, everyone celebrated their birthday with a big feast. The Liu Estate was busy all night and they had another cookout.     

This year, Meili surprised everyone by introducing her boyfriend. Well, it was rather short lived though. With constant grilling from all the men of the Liu family, they broke up that very same night.     

When Daiyu tried to comfort Meili, it turns out that she didn't need too.     

"The men in the family are so immature. But if my boyfriend can't even handle that, then he doesn't deserve me."     

A queen in the making, that's what Meili is.     


Before long, Daiyu started her third year in university while Ye Shun, Zhihao, Liu Jin, and Ying Yue started their last.     

By this time, Zhichen had started working at the Zheng Corporation and Liwei started training him to be the next head. Everyone knew he would do well but he exceeded everyone's expectations.     

He had a friendly atmosphere about him which made people trust him easily. But he was quite black bellied too. He would not hesitate to drop projects if they were unprofitable and he did not hold back on his words when he criticized projects that were not well thought of. With his strict management of the company, he managed to cut back their losses and increased their revenue.     

Upon seeing his efficiency, Liwei did not hesitate to hand over bigger projects for him to handle.     

"Man. I can never be as good as you in earning money." Zhihao pouted.     

Zhichen chuckled and ruffled his hair.     

"Don't worry about that. Brother will take care of it."     

"Hehe. You'll continue to give me allowance even after I marry?"     

Liwei slapped the back of his head.     


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