I'll Tell You Every Day

Chapter 156

Chapter 156

With the release of the news that Tang Yun had been severely injured, the Wang Conglomerate's stocks were expected to fall. Knowing that the successor was in danger, the stability of the company was in question.     

Still, what people did not expect was that instead of jumping ship and abandoning the Wangs, people flocked in to support them instead.     

On that same day, the Liu's released a statement that they were extending their support to the family. Of course, the Zhengs released one too. Following that, the Yes and even the Luos, Daiyu's family on the mother side, also extended their support.     

Seeing the trend, Wang Jing's old friends and acquaintances also came out to wish the family well. While some were sincere, some also had other motives. For one, they thought that if the Wangs ever made it out of this, they could at least say that they 'helped' the family out during a crisis. Perhaps they could get Wang Jing to owe them a favor in the future.     

With all that, instead of falling, the stocks of the company steadily rose instead. Seeing that the Wangs had so much goodwill, more people were willing to invest in them.     


That same day, around six in the evening, Shuren found a lead.     

An anonymous person who saw Daiyu's video called one of the numbers provided. He explained that the gunman on the video was someone who went to the same university as he did. He dropped a name and Shuren's men began the investigation from there.     

Moments later, another informant came forward. He said that he often saw the gunman around his block. He also narrated how other sketchy persons often congregated around a certain building in their area.     

With that information in hand, Shuren sent Fang Bao to investigate the area immediately.     


While Shuren worked on locating the perpetrators, Zhihao and Zhichen worked to identify the link between the gunman and Qiaoling. Since they already know the gunman's name, they used it to search for his bank account details.      

"Found it." Zhihao grinned and Zhichen chuckled.     

"Alright then. Time to do some illegal work."     

Both brothers cracked their knuckles and began to work.     

Just as suspected, they found a large sum of money recently deposited into the gunman's account. Following the trail of money, they hit the jackpot.     

Zhihao immediately fished out his phone from his pocket and called Liu Jin.     

"We got her. Qiaoling sent a large sum of money to a certain account sometime early December. That account then sent the money to the gunman a few days after the shooting."     


"So what's our next move?" Zhihao asked.     

"We need find evidence against Qiaoling. Even if we know that the money came from her, we can't use this in court."     

Zhihao gritted his teeth.     

"What do we do then?" He asked.     

Liu Jin paused.     

"Get Zhichen on the phone."     

Zhihao complied and handed the phone over to his brother.     

"What's up?" Zhichen asked.     

"Do you have any dirt on the Cuis?"     

Zhichen raised a brow.     

"If we can get the government to audit them, they'll have to investigate Qiaoling's account too."     

Zhichen smirked.     

"I'm on it."     


While Zhichen and Shuren worked to bring Qiaoling down, days continued to pass.     

"Uncle Chang, can you get me these ingredients for tomorrow?" Daiyu asked.     

Ever since Tang Yun was allowed to eat solid foods again, Daiyu had been working hard to feed him properly. She personally prepared his meals and made time to cook for him in between her classes.     

"Leave it to me. Go rest now. You've been working too hard." Chang Tian smiled and took the list from her.     

Daiyu smiled back but his hands caught her eye. Another foreboding feeling crept into her heart but without anything to explain her unease, she shrugged it off and left the kitchen.     

Upon reaching her room, Liu Jin noticed her discomfort.     

"What's wrong?" He asked.     

"… Nothing. I just… feel like there's something wrong…"     

Liu Jin frowned and hugged her tightly.     

"It's okay. You must be tired. And if something really did go wrong, we'll work on it together."     

Daiyu smiled and rested her head on his chest.     


That night, Daiyu had the same nightmare again.     

She dreamt of the car crash, the flames, and the suffocating smoke. She remembered crying her heart out, trying to reach out to her parents but both were unresponsive. She cried even harder, hoping to find help.     

Soon, she saw the silhouette of a man on the window. She screamed, hoping he would hear her. Then, she saw him banging on the window. After a few more tries, the man successfully broke the glass. He pulled her out, injuring his arms in the process. As the man turned to face her, his familiar face shocked her.     

Daiyu then woke up panting, eyes wide, her back drenched in sweat.     



"What's wrong?" Liu Jin immediately turned the bedside lamp on. As he turned to face her, he noticed that she was pale and trembling.     

"Did you have a nightmare again?" He asked as he hugged her tightly.     

"Jin… Jin I remember. I remember the man!" She said, tears streaming down her face.     

Liu Jin's eyes widened.     

"Who is it?!"     

"Uncle Chang… Uncle Chang pulled me out of the car!"     


Daiyu nodded and sobbed.     

"A while ago, when I was handing him the list of groceries, I caught a glimpse of his hands and arms. They were covered in scars. The man in my dream… he injured himself when he tried to pull me out… and then tonight… I finally saw his face. It was Uncle Chang…!"     

Liu Jin paused and furrowed his brows.     

"W-What do we do? Is Uncle Chang a bad man?" Daiyu asked through her tears.     

Liu Jin paused before shaking his head.     

"No. If he is… why would he save you?"     

"But why… why would he keep quiet about it? And why did he abandon me on the streets?"     

Liu Jin frowned.     

"Tomorrow… I'll ask him about it tomorrow."     

Daiyu continued crying. She was so confused. A part of her was relieved that Uncle Chang had saved her but a part of her also felt betrayed.     

"Jin… Will he tell us the truth?"     

Liu Jin paused and nodded.     

"If he doesn't… we'll immediately know."     

He was going use his skill on him. More importantly, he was going to bring Ye Shun with him. If Chang Tian lies, Ye Shun will surely know about it.     

As Daiyu continued to cry, Liu Jin gently rubbed her back to comfort her. When she tired herself out from crying, she soon fell asleep. Liu Jin then tucked her in bed and gave Ye Shun a call.     


The next day, Liu Jin also called Zhihao and Bob over. He wasn't sure how things will turn out. As such, he thought it best to have everyone close by to deal with the problem.     

After sending Ying Yue to accompany Daiyu, Liu Jin, Zhihao, Bob, and Ye Shun went to the kitchen to confront Chang Tian.     

Zhihao and Bob stood outside, ready to assist them should anything go awry. Meanwhile Ye Shun accompanied Liu Jin inside.     

Inhaling deeply, Liu Jin first used his skill on the man. What he saw next confused him and raised even more questions than before. He saw Chang Tian opening the mansion's back door to let Qiaoling and another man in. Judging by Qiaoling's appearance then, it happened way back in the past.     

He frowned.     

"Uncle Chang." He called.     

"Oh, Ah Jin. What's the matter?" Chang Tian asked with a smile.     

Liu Jin paused and inhaled deeply before speaking.     

"Years ago, why did you let Qiaoling and the man inside the mansion?"     

Chang Tian stiffened, his face turning deadly pale.     

"W-What are you –     

"There's no use lying. I already know. I'm just giving you a chance to explain yourself." Liu Jin bluffed.     

Chang Tian trembled, his heartbeat growing faster and faster. Before he knew it, he collapsed onto the ground, kneeling in front of Liu Jin and begging for forgiveness.     

"Forgive me! I didn't know! I had nothing to do with it! I didn't know!" He cried.     

Liu Jin furrowed his brows. He knew this cook as a kind man. He looked after Daiyu all these years and he even saved her from the car crash. So why was he asking for forgiveness?     

Liu Jin bent down and held Chang Tian's shoulders.     

"Uncle Chang. Please calm down and tell me everything. I will believe you. I have faith in you."     

Chang Tian raised his head and looked into Liu Jin's eyes. What he saw was his sincerity. He bit his lip, tears overflowing from his eyes.     

"Ah Jin. I'm innocent. Believe me." He cried.     

"Tell me everything, Uncle Chang. I will listen."     

Ye Shun stood behind them, watching the man with conflicted feelings.     

Soon, Chang Tian narrated the past as accurately as his memory could. He told them everything he knew from the beginning.     

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