I'll Tell You Every Day

Chapter 91

Chapter 91

Daiyu celebrated her birthday this year at the Wang Mansion. They invited several people such as Daiyu's classmates, Liu Jin and Zhihao's close friends, and even some of Daiyu's model friends. Of course, their parents and siblings were around as well.     

"Daiyu-jiejie!!!" The twins ran into her arms and Daiyu caught them.     

"Happy birthday!" They kissed her cheek and she kissed them back too.     

"Daiyu-jiejie, we have a gift for you!" Meili said as she handed her a paper bag.     

"Wow! Can I open it now?"     

The twins nodded.     

Daiyu gently lowered them to the ground and began opening the bag. There was a large white bunny onesie inside.     

"Mingli has a blue one!"     

"Meili has a pink one!"     

"Oh! We're matching?" She asked with a smile on her face.     

They giggled and nodded.     

"I have one too."     

Daiyu turned around and saw Liu Jin behind them. She raised a brow.     


"Yup. Mom bought me one. Now we're all matching." He said as he hugged her from behind.     

"Jin-gege go away!"     


The twins gritted their teeth. This was their moment with their Daiyu-jiejie!     

"Bleh!" Liu Jin stuck out his tongue in reply and Daiyu laughed.     

The twins, provoked by his actions, clung tightly to his legs and began nibbling on them.     

"Ow! Hey! You little brats!!!" He let go of Daiyu and began tickling them.     

Daiyu giggled and helped him tickle the twins too.     

"Xiao Yu! My turn, my turn! Open my gift!!!"     

Daiyu laughed at Zhihao's enthusiasm. She already knew what he was getting her since he had been getting her the same thing throughout the years.     

She stood up and took the box from him before gently opening it.     

"I got that with Xiao Yue! We worked really hard to find those!"     

Daiyu lifted the lid of the box and found a set of beautiful hair ties embellished with pearls. Her eyes slowly widened in awe upon examining them.     

"So beautiful…"     

"Hehe." Zhihao huffed proudly.     

Daiyu closed the box before gently kissing his cheek.     

"Zhihao-gege, thank you!" She smiled brightly at him.     

Zhihao blushed and hugged her tightly.     

"Our baby Xiao Yu is so beautiful!"     

"Hey! Let go!" Liu Jin forcefully inserted himself into their hug.     

"You want a hug too???" Zhihao hugged Liu Jin too.     

"No!!! Get off!!!"     


That night, after the party ended and everyone finally went home, Daiyu stayed inside her room, drying her hair. She heard a knock on the door and she stood up to open it.     

"Uncle Tang." Daiyu greeted upon seeing him.     

Butler Tang nodded and entered her room with her. They sat on her bed, a peaceful silence enveloping them.     

After a long pause, he finally spoke.     

"Here." He handed her a small navy-blue velvet box.     

Daiyu took it from him and opened it. There was a beautiful golden necklace inside. It had a circle pendant embellished with pink carnations.     

"I have one too." He said.     

Daiyu turned to face him and he took out a necklace from underneath his collar. It had a square pendant with a circle dent in the middle. He took the necklace from Daiyu's hand and inserted the circle pendant onto his. It matched perfectly.     

"Wow. We're matching, Uncle Tang!" She smiled at him.     

Butler Tang paused before smiling and gently kissing her forehead.     

"I had this made… for your mother."     

Daiyu paused, not quite knowing what he meant.     

"I… loved your mother. I loved her dearly."     

Daiyu's eyes widened upon hearing his confession. They stayed quiet for a while, both not knowing how to continue.     

"What happened?" She finally gained the courage to ask.     

"She chose your father. And they had you."     

"I watched her walk down the aisle… in the most beautiful dress I had ever seen… such a pity, she wasn't walking towards me."     

Daiyu clenched her fists, her eyes growing teary.     

"I kept her in my heart for the longest time… content to just seeing her live out her days peacefully. But fate was determined to take away my happiness from me." He closed his eyes, a single tear running down his cheek.     

"And she was gone forever."     

He opened his eyes and faced her, his lips gently curving up into a smile.     

"But you took away my loneliness, Xiao Yu."     

Tears began streaming down Daiyu's face as she listened to him.     

"Little by little… our cheerful Daiyu… has brought back my happiness."     

"You had filled my heart with warmth… the heart that had long grown cold."     

"I… I may not have been her husband… but I am happy that I could become a father to her daughter… such a beautiful daughter." He said as he cupped her cheek, his tears freely falling from his eyes.     

"A chubby cherubim that has grown into a beautiful angel."     

Daiyu sobbed but laughed at his words, pouting cutely. He smiled.     

"I love you, Xiao Yu. You are precious to me." He said as he cupped both her cheeks and gently wiped her tears away with his thumbs.     

Daiyu nodded and continued sobbing.     

"I love you too, Uncle Tang. Love you very much."     

He smiled and gently kissed her forehead. She buried her face onto his chest and continued crying. They stayed that way for a while until Daiyu's tears had run dry.     

"Does grandpa know?" She asked.     

Right now, they were in the kitchen. Butler Tang was preparing a hot cup of milk for her and she sat by the kitchen counter, waiting.     

"… I never told him, but I think he knows. He's sharper than you think."     

Daiyu smiled.     

"Then grandpa must be happy for you."     

Butler Tang turned to face her.     

"Granpa thinks of you as his own son too, you know! More than anyone, I think grandpa wishes for your happiness the most." She said as her face bloomed into a beautiful smile.     

Butler Tang smiled and lightly laughed before returning to attend the pot.     

From the kitchen door, Wang Jing stood quietly, a warm smile on his face. Beside him, Nao Nao wagged his tail, wanting to enter the room.     

"Stay back, Nao Nao! Or we'll get caught for eavesdropping!" He whispered.     


Summer rolled around quickly and it was time to return to the Liu summer house again. Everyone joined the trip this year as well and the annual barbeque night went as planned.     

"Xiao Yu, when are you going to go back to your costume birthday parties? I have a bunch of costumes in mind already!" Zhihao said as hit bit on a freshly roasted corn.     

"Wow. I didn't know that you liked those costume parties that much, Zhihao-gege."     

"I do, I do! I have so many fond memories of them!"     

"Yeah, all of them were of you making a mess during the party." Liu Jin commented as he continued grilling some more meat.     

"A mess?" Daiyu asked.     

"Hahaha! Remember that time Daiyu shouted that she wanted porn?! HAHAHAHAHA!!!"     

"What?! I never said that!" Daiyu immediately blushed.     

"You did! You did!" Zhihao giggled naughtily.     

"Did I?" Daiyu turned to face Liu Jin. He bit his lip, trying to suppress his laughter and nodded.     

"Wha- you guys are lying! Why would I say that?!"     

The two boys continued laughing. Oh, baby Daiyu was terribly gullible.     

"Wow, Xiao Yu. I didn't know you were so… mature." Ying Yue commented.     

"I'm not! They're lying!" She defended herself.     

"No, we're not! You even said that porn is delicious! HAHAHA!"     


That night, as usual, the adults stayed back for a wine and beer night.     

"Moooooom can I have some pleaseeeee?" Zhihao begged.     

"You're still underage!"     

"But its just us here! And dad's here to watch over me too! And Zhichen too!" He begged.     

"Let him. We'll take care of him." Liwei said as he drank a sip from his bottle. It was rare for Zhihao to depend on him and he wanted to indulge the boy.     

"REALLY?! DAD YOU'RE THE BEST!!!" Zhihao tackled his father in a hug and Ying Yue laughed.     

Victoria sighed.     

"Xiao Yue, come sit here with me." She smiled and poured her a glass of wine.     

"This has low alcohol content and its sweet too. Come and have a drink with me and your Aunt Nana."     


While the rest were drinking, Daiyu and Liu Jin returned to their cabin. After they freshened up, they decided to sleep early.     

Right now, they were sharing the bed together. Daiyu was lying on her side while Liu Jin hugged her from behind, gently spooning her.     

Since it was quite hot in this position, Daiyu started shifting, trying to find a better position. As she kept shifting, she didn't know that she had been unconsciously rubbing against him.     

He groaned and hugged her tightly.     

"Stop moving."     

"Mmm? But its hot." She complained and began shifting again.     

Just then, she felt it. Her eyes widened.     


"It's your fault." He groaned into her ear and she blushed.     

She could clearly feel his tent against her behind.     

"Keep rubbing me like that and it'll only get bigger."     

Daiyu shut her eyes tightly, red to the ears.     

"Go take care of it then!"     

"Will you help me? Mmm?"     

"W-what are you saying you pervert?!" She gritted her teeth.     

"I'm serious." He then held her hand and placed it on top of his raging erection.     

"What are you doing?!"     

"Helping myself."     

He then started rubbing her hand against himself, moaning lightly into her ears.     

Daiyu, unable to take the embarrassment any further, hit his groin as hard as she could.     

"URGH!" He immediately curled up from the pain.     

Upon seeing how hurt he was, she immediately regretted her harshness.     

"I'm sorry! Are you alright?"     

"Alright?! You punched my dick!"     

Daiyu bit her lip, trying to suppress her laugh.     

"It's not funny! My precious jewels!"     

Daiyu burst out laughing, her earlier remorse completely gone.     

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