I'll Tell You Every Day

Chapter 94

Chapter 94

Upon leaving the principal's office, Daiyu immediately called Nana. The phone rang twice before Nana answered.     

"Xiao Yu?"     

Daiyu breathed in deeply and began talking.     

"Mommy… come to the academy quickly. Jin-gege is – Jin-gege is badly hurt!"     


The principal called the guardians and parents of all those students affected. He tried to take Liu Jin's testimony but the boy had remained silent all throughout the questioning. As such, the principal had no choice but to rely on the CCTV footages around the area. From what he had seen, it was clearly Liu Jin who had provoked the other students.     

By this time, Daiyu had returned to the room and immediately began tending to Liu Jin's wounds.     

"Jin, can you tell me what happened?" She asked, her eyes filled with worry.     

Liu Jin paused before nodding. He didn't want to hide anything from Daiyu so he began to speak.     

"Those bastards beat up Zhihao."     

The principal's eyes widened.     


He immediately signaled his secretary to investigate the matter. The secretary nodded and quickly rushed out of the room.     

"They beat up Zhihao-gege?!"     

Liu Jin nodded.     

"They sprained his ankle and beat him black and blue." He furrowed his brows and clenched his fist, remembering Zhihao's injuries.     

Daiyu's eyes immediately began to tear up.     

Not only did they hurt Jin, they even hurt her Zhihao-gege?!     

She closed her eyes and buried her face onto her palms, anger seething inside her.     

Just then, the door flung open and in came Zhihao, clutching his stomach. He woke up a few minutes ago to find the entire academy in an uproar. Upon hearing about what Liu Jin had done, he immediately rushed to the principal's office.     

"Zhihao-gege!" Daiyu called upon seeing him.     

Zhihao bit his lip as he saw Liu Jin with a broken arm and a scowl on his face. He wanted to speak but the principal immediately escorted him to take a seat as well.     

"Zhihao, can you tell me what happened?" He asked.     

Zhihao hesitated but eventually spoke. He told the principal of all the matters that happened and he even removed his shirt to show him his bruises. They were no longer fresh so their dark color made them look worse than they actually were.     

Before long, Wen Duyi's mother arrived in a fit of anger. She cursed and swore at Liu Jin for beating up her son as the principal tried to restrain her.     

Unable to take it any longer, Daiyu stood up and slapped the woman across the face.     

Zhihao and Liu Jin's eyes widened.     

"Then what about Zhihao-gege? What about Jin-gege?! You're so focused on your son's injuries that you don't see the hurt he's caused to other people! Look! Look at this!" She turned around and stripped Zhihao's shirt forcefully.     

Zhihao wanted to joke around and say that Daiyu was molesting him but with how angry she was right now, he shut his mouth tightly.     

Still, he couldn't totally hold himself back.     

"Xiao Yu, if you wanted to see me naked, we could do it in priva-URGH!"     

Liu Jin immediately jabbed Zhihao in the rib, right where one of his bruises were, effectively shutting him up.     

Upon seeing the bruises on Zhihao's body, Wen Duyi's mother paused before continuing her tirade.     

"So what?! Those are mere bruises! My son has broken ribs!!!"     

"Your son ganged up on Jin!! With twelve other boys!!! Get off your high horse and accept that your son is a dick!!!"     

The boys in the room immediately widened their eyes upon hearing her cuss.     

"A-a what?! What did you call my son?!"     

"A dick! A limp dick with broken ribs!!!"     

"Pffft." Zhihao quickly covered his mouth, trying to suppress his laugh.     

At this point, the principal and his secretary immediately held them both back and separated them.     

Wen Duyi's mother was brought to a far corner of the room while Daiyu was escorted back to Liu Jin's side. There, she sighed and swallowed her anger down for now before continuing to tend to Liu Jin's wounds.     

"Principal Huang! I want that girl suspended as well! How dare she swear at me?!"     

Daiyu rolled her eyes before snappily turning her head to face the woman.     

"Then I want her son expelled! How can this academy tolerate bullies?! We're in such a prestigious institution but to think that they would allow such barbaric behavior!"     

The boys kept their mouth shut. They had never seen such protective behavior from Daiyu before.     

The principal tried his best to keep things at bay while waiting for Liu Jin and Zhihao's parents to arrive. Meanwhile, they all sat in awkward silence with Daiyu and Wen Duyi's mom exchanging jabs at each other from time to time.     


Meanwhile, Shuren sat in a company meeting with the highest executives of the Liu Enterprise. Just then, his phone vibrated. It was a call from Butler Shao.     

He paused. Butler Shao never called him unless it was important.     

"Excuse me." He paused the meeting and left the room to answer the call.     

"Weisheng." He greeted.     

"Master Liu, the academy requires your presence right now. It seems that the young master has gotten himself in trouble."     

He raised a brow.     


"Yes… it seems he got into a fight."     

"Did… did anyone die?"     

Judging by Liu Jin's performance at military school, it wasn't a farfetched idea.     

"No… but I heard his opponents were badly injured and were sent to the hospital just now."     

Shuren let out a huge sigh of relief. Murder was quite hard to cover up.     

"Alright. Can you give the old man a call? Let him handle those brats in the hospital and their parents. I'll head over to the academy right now."     

"Right away, Master Liu."     

"… Does Nana know?"     

"… Yes. Young mistress Daiyu called her earlier..."     

"Ah… Fuck."     


Fuck indeed.     

Upon receiving Daiyu's call earlier, Nana immediately rushed to the academy. She sped through the streets, ignoring the traffic lights, and was even busy on her phone, calling.     

She called up General Shen and asked him to head over immediately. She also booked a VIP room from the city's best private hospital and had her army of lawyers ready.     

She was going to war!!!     

"Where is my son?!" She yelled upon stepping foot at the academy's main building.     

"R-right this way, Madam Liu." The teacher nervously answered and led her to the principal's office.     

"Ah Jin?! Ah Jin!!!" Nana flung the door open and began yelling.     

"Mom." He answered.     

Nana turned her head towards the voice and saw her son. He was bruised and had a broken arm but he was generally fine. Nonetheless, Nana's motherly sight had magnified his injuries and to her, he looked like he was dying.     

"Ah Jin!!!" She immediately rushed to him and hugged him tightly.     

"My poor baby! Oh, my poor baby! Who did this to you? Who?! Tell me!!! I'll finish them off for you!!!"     

Liu Jin gulped.     

"Hahaha… Aunt Nana… I don't think that's a wise thing to say… in front of their parents." Zhihao nervously said as he awkwardly faced Wen Duyi's mom.     

Nana snappily turned her head and saw the woman.     

"Your son did this?!" She asked angrily.     

"Why are you angry?! Your son beat my son up!!! My son's injuries are far worse!!! He's even in the hospital right now!!!"     

Nana immediately turned to face the principal.     

"You sent her son to the hospital but not my son?!" She screamed.     

"Ah… that is…"     

"What are you angry about?! Your son only has a few bruises!!!"     

"FEW?! FEEEEEEEEEW?!" Nana's rage meter was nearing its peak and her face was turning red from anger.     


"Mommy." Daiyu gently held her hand.     

Nana snappily turned her head upon feeling the touch. Seeing Daiyu's adorable face staring back at her with big sparkly eyes, her heart had effectively calmed down.     

"Xiao Yu! Are you hurt too?" She asked, worried. She then cupped her cheeks and inspected the child for any bruises.     

Zhihao and Liu Jin immediately let out a huge sigh of relief upon seeing Nana start to calm down.     

Daiyu shook her head and pouted cutely.     

"Mommy, her son broke Jin-gege's arm."     

"WHAT?!" Nana's rage meter shot through the roof.     

"So what?! He broke several of my son's ribs!!!" Wen Duyi's mom commented in the background.     

Daiyu nodded, her eyes growing teary.     

"Earlier, Jin-gege had to be escorted here. He couldn't even walk by himself."     

"Escorted by security guards because he was dangerous!!!" Wen Duyi's mom explained.     

Nana felt her blood boiling, the inner demon in her awakening. She slowly turned her head, facing the woman with a menacing glare.     

"I'LL SUE YOU!!!" She screamed.     

Daiyu smiled triumphantly.     

'Hmp! You think you can hurt my Jin-gege and get away with it?! Not a chance!!!' She glared.     

Liu Jin and Zhihao gulped.     

"Make sure not to anger her in the future." Zhihao said as he nudged Liu Jin with his elbow.     

Liu Jin nodded vigorously in reply.     

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