Billionaire Defiant Wife

Chapter 481: Will You Come To Save Me?

Chapter 481: Will You Come To Save Me?

Avery squinted slightly. The mother and her son were interesting.     

"You bitch, if not..."     

In the middle of the speech, Avery tugged at Andrew to let him shut up.     

While Andrew wanted to say something else, Avery whispered to him directly, "Wait for her to finish saying her words."     

Sure enough, April continued to say, "I heard that the princess was disfigured by her, which means that she is a repeat offender."     

"Avery, are you dumb? Aren't you usually eloquent?" Andrew pushed Avery with his elbows. This woman has always been eloquent. Why didn't she explain for herself now?     

If Andrew had known this, why would he have bothered to save April?     

However, Avery burst into laughter in the face of the accusation made by April.     

With Avery's laughter, April had a guilty conscience.     

She was annoyed and asked, "What are you laughing at? Am I wrong? The reason why you can laugh now must be that you do too much of this kind of thing. Don't try to get out of the way and exonerate yourself."     

"I didn't say a word from the beginning to the end. Can't I even laugh? Besides, I laugh at some people for speaking for the butcher."     

The tone of Avery was slow and smooth.     

She didn't get exasperated as April, but she defended herself in a way that couldn't be ignored.     

Andrew smiled. This was the Avery he knew.     

April was angry, "You are talking nonsense. Do you think everyone will believe that you didn't do it? Last time I was poured with sulfuric acid, and this time you want to burn me with fire. You sinister and evil woman."     

Avery frowned, and she suddenly had a bad feeling. Would April do these things all by herself and then plant them to her?     

According to her understanding of Rebecca, Rebecca did harm to someone through the hands of another.     

So, April was really likely to be acting, and she had known that someone would save her.     

However, in addition to Andrew, with a group of bodyguards to save her, it was clear that there was no one else.     

What's going on?     

In contemplation, April's voice sounded again, "I heard the servant said that Mr. Clifford personally admitted that the woman who had been sent to disfigure the princess's face that day was one of their own."     

"Bitch! If you continue to talk nonsense with no evidence, I will..."     

Avery frowned hard, and she thought that Rebecca had ordered someone to set the fire. Unexpectedly, the person Rebecca had ordered was April.     

In this way, Rebecca could achieve two things by only one action.     

Rebecca wanted to put an arson and murder charge, with the charge of intentional wounding to Avery. Once the two charges have been set up, Avery would definitely go into jail.     

On the other hand, Rebecca had let April set the fire on her own, and must have promised to save her in advance. In fact, Rebecca was not intended to save April, but to kill her.     

What a good plan it was!     

Avery couldn't help applauding the seamless plan.     

So she did it, and applause came from her hands.     

This reaction has really caused a lot of discomfort, especially April, who pointed to her and said, "What do you mean?"     

Avery suddenly called April, "Do you know who finally rescued you from the fire?"     

"Who else? Bodyguards, of course!"     

According to the plan, the bodyguards would save her.     

Avery nodded. What April said coincided with Avery's speculation.     

"Tell her, who saved her?" Avery looked at the bodyguards who rushed in with Andrew.     

Not only the bodyguards but also the servants looked at Andrew, "It's Mr. Clifford."     

Andrew was defiant. Why didn't he want to admit it?     

"So what does it have to do with even if he saved my life? What does it have to do with you setting the fire?" April's face turned red.     

"April, you still don't understand?" Avery stared at her, "If I set the fire, why would I let Andrew save you? He was nobler than bodyguards. If the bodyguards are willing to save you, do you think Andrew would still save you?"     

In fact, Avery's words were already very obvious. As long as April had a normal IQ, she should understand what was going on.     

Sure enough, April's look changed, and her face turned pale.     

If no one had saved her, she would have been dead.     

Then she still pointed to Avery, "My President, do not listen to this woman. She deceives the public. She is afraid that I will reveal her secrets."     

After listening to April's words from beginning to end, Logan suddenly said, "Avery, the victim accused you."     

Logan meant that the victim accused Avery of setting the fire and that she would be investigated.     

It's a normal process.     

Smoothing her hair, Avery looked at April, glanced at William, and said, "President, I do not mind you call the police."     

"Avery, are you crazy?" What kind of tricks was this woman playing? How could she ask others to call the police and take her away?     

Andrew pulled Avery, who was still smoothing her hair.     

Avery spread out her palm, and the broken hair fell to the ground, "Whether I like it or not, I have to be investigated."     

"It's just an investigation." Avery said in a lower voice, "I want you to help me make this matter bigger."     

Andrew, "..."     

"In case you get caught, you'll be sentenced to life in prison."     

"Will you come to save me?" Avery asked him.     

"What if I can't save you?"     

"Then make it bigger."     

Andrew was so angry that he wanted to dissect the woman's brain to see what she was thinking.     

"Wait a minute." Andrew reached out and said, "Give me your phone."     

"What are you going to do?"     

"Give it to me." Andrew didn't intend to wait for her to agree and unlocked her mobile phone screen. Avery didn't understand why her mobile phone would be easily unlocked by Andrew and Evan.     

Andrew clicked Evan's profile on Facebook, which contained a girl standing under the pink cherry tree.     

The profile made Avery terribly upset.     

Soon, Andrew solemnly asked her, "Avery, if I can get you out, will you break up with Evan?"     

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