Billionaire Defiant Wife

Chapter 488: Take Off Your Mask

Chapter 488: Take Off Your Mask

It went on differently, as Avery assumed. She thought Rebecca was determined to put her in prison. And she was prepared to go to court with her.     

However, what was Rebecca doing now?     

"Judging from your look, you didn't expect I would take you here, right?"     

Rebecca loved most to see Avery's surprised look. Compared with her usual calm look, this was so much more interesting.     

"Why do you take me here?"     

To be honest, Avery didn't like the feeling. Both her hands and feet were bound. She was like the meat on Rebecca's chopping block. She stood no chance to win.     

Rebecca smiled hysterically. She suddenly moved to Avery's bulging stomach.     

"You're very smart. Can't you figure it out?"     

"Don't touch me!" Avery wriggled her waist to shake Rebecca's hands-off.     

But Rebecca used more force to grab her.     


Avery screamed because of the pain.     

"Does it hurt? When you give me a cut with the knife, haven't you thought of this day? You're completely defenseless now," Rebecca pinched her belly again, "right, I remembered that you said, you like to return others' favor with more generosity. But I'm not like that. I take three times more than you take from me."     

"You're the first one who provoke me. You want me to be disfigured. What do you want from me?"     

"Don't worry. We'll take one step at a time..." Then she lingered on Avery's belly with a malicious look, "it's after such a long time. Don't you want to find out what the baby looks like? I'm curious to find out what Evan's baby looks like."     

Avery felt her heart rolled over by boulders. Did Rebecca want to take her baby out in advance?     

Insane ! Was she insane!?     

"Don't you dare touch my child. Evan would never let you go."     

"Really?" Rebecca laughed out, gloating. She laughed so hard that her shoulders shook, "it's a pity that he might never find out."     

"Really? Rebecca, what is done by night appears by day, don't you dare forget that! Evan would hunt you down and find you no matter where you go."     

"It doesn't matter. He won't fall in love with me in this lifetime. But if I can't have something, he can't have it either. I want him to taste what it's like!"     

"What do you mean? Rebecca, do you know he doesn't love you?" Avery stopped struggling. She found out that Rebecca gloated more if she kept struggling. The more excited she was, the more dangerous she would become.     

"I don't want to know. Shut up! I don't want to know!"     

"What are you afraid of?" Avery sighed, "do you know why Mr. Howel would let me go?"     

Rebecca was shaking her head frantically, but she stopped moving, "you need to talk to him, this is one of his traps."     

"I promise him that I won't stand between you and Evan's marriage after three months."     

It might be the truth. After all, she couldn't say what will happen to her after three months.     

"Hahaha. Do you expect me to believe you? It's bullshit!"     

The way Avery persuaded her was using her fear Rebecca thought.     

So she said more arrogantly, "as long as you're alive, you're standing between Evan and me. He wouldn't give me a second look."     

"If he knew you killed me, what do you think he would do?"     

"He won't find out!"     

Rebecca tried convince herself.     

Avery had no idea what Rebecca had in mind. She felt so uneasy. It was so easy for Rebecca to kill her.     

"There's nothing you can get if you kill me. Did you forget, you need my umbilical cord blood."     

"Really?" Rebecca asked.     

Avery didn't know when did Rebecca got the scalpel shes been holding. Rebecca quickly rolled up her outfit, exposing her round belly. She touched her belly with the back of the scalpel. Avery's body shivered, and her belly started to have contractions immediately.     

"Let me take a look. Where is the umbilical cord blood?"     

Rebecca circled Avery's belly button with the back of the scalpel, "I can't wait to cut it open to get it."     

"Don't! Don't do anything stupid! Your case has been the center of folk's gossip. If anything would happen to me, and and if it reaches to others, you would lose all your fame and reputation! Would you stand to lose the most. Do you think it's worthy taking my life?"     

"You're wrong. You're the one who's about to lose everything. You'll be put in jail for intentional assault."     

What does she mean? If she were sent to prison, Rebecca wouldn't do anything to harm her.     

But Rebecca broke her illusion the next second. She snapped her fingers, and another woman with a mask was brought in.     

"Tell me, what's your name?"     

Rebecca lifted up the chin of the woman in front of her who's wearing a mask.     

"Avery Peters," the woman's voice sounded similar to Avery's, although she wore a mask.     

The voice was not the only similar thing. The woman claim she was Avery Peters. Avery looked up in shock. She tried to look at her face clearly.     

At the same time, the woman in the mask looked back at Avery. She was curious too.     

"You?" Avery gasped. Her brain was working fast in order to figure out what Rebecca wanted to do.     

Rebecca smiled with satisfaction, "Take off your mask."      

The woman took off her mask, as Rebecca ordered. A sweet and pretty face was shown.     

This woman looked so much like her!     


It was beyond the degrees of similarity. She looked exactly the same as Avery!     

Avery looked at her belly. They had a similar figure. Even her stomach was bulging too.     

They were too alike. Even Evan might not tell the difference if he was here.     

Rebecca found a woman that looked like her?     

Or did she give her plastic surgery to make her look the same as her?     

Nuts! Nuts! The woman was nuts!     

 In order to take revenge, Rebecca wanted this woman to go to jail as Avery. While she will take her revenge to Avery.     

The scalpel shined coldly under the ceiling light. It stung Avery's eyes. She didn't expect that Rebecca chose to avenge in this way!     

Nor did she expect that Rebecca was so vicious to kill her at all costs!     

"Rest assured, and I'll ask the doctor to go easy on you, so you take a last look at your baby. But, if you cooperate with us very well, I'll shove the baby back to your stomach. So you won't get separated."     

"Rebecca, you'll pay for your evil deeds!"     

"Hush, listen, your baby is kicking your belly. He can't wait to be out to see you..."     

"No! No! No!" Avery shivered and she was afraid. She underestimated how venomous Rebecca was. She assumed that the worst will happened to her when she's jailed. But she didn't know that Rebecca wanted to open her tummy to take the umbilical cord!!!     

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