Billionaire Defiant Wife

Chapter 430: Why Are You Hiding From Me?

Chapter 430: Why Are You Hiding From Me?

Rebecca said so much, and she explained it so hastily that it sounded like she was guilty.     

Suddenly her face turned pale, "I'm just afraid you overthink."     

Avery looked at her with a smile and did not say whether she believed her or not. Rebecca still needed her umbilical cord blood to cure her disease, and she probably did not want to kill her. But it was possible to let Avery hurt once in a while.     

Moreover, Rebecca, who cherished her reputation, had pushed poisonous spiders to James, so she couldn't do it herself.     

She harmed other people through the hands of another. If Avery kept arguing with her, there wouldn't be any good results.     

Avery suddenly took a breath and looked at Rebecca, as if she were provoking her.     

Sure enough, Evan frowned anxiously and told the servant next to him, "Call the doctor."     

As the Tibetan mastiff scratched Avery, the wound on the back needed to be dealt with.     

"I'll take you back to the bedroom." This sentence seemed to be said to Avery, but also Rebecca. Then Evan held Avery up by the waist.     

Rebecca's expression changed in an instant. Unexpectedly, the woman won Evan's sympathy because of the injury. When looking at the woman putting her hand on Evan's neck and blinking at her defiantly, Rebecca gnawed her teeth with anger.     

Evan put Avery on the sofa and looked down at her smile, half-kneeling before the sofa.     

"Are you satisfied? Rebecca must be angry now."     

"No," Avery answered, honestly. In less than two days, she got two injuries. Rebecca was so urgent to deal with her.     

Rebecca must be afraid that her marriage to Evan would be ruined.       

"What do you want?"     

"You're on her side. Why would I tell you?" Then Avery lifted the uninjured foot to step on the shoulder of Evan, "Don't you see her? Her fiance is hugging another woman, and she must be jealous in her heart."     

"I'll go until the nurse finishes treating your wound."     

"You are going to get married. I don't want to hear any gossip between us. Besides, my injury is on the back. Do you want to see it?" With that, she smiled leisurely.       

 "Oh, I'm sure you'll say that every inch of my body has been seen by you before." Avery was still stepping on the shoulder of Evan, making the man want to get her.     

Then she continued to say, "Unfortunately, I will only show my body to my husband in the future. You get out of the way!"     

But there was a burst of anger and danger in Evan's eyes.     

Especially when the woman mentioned the word: husband, anger sprang from the soles of his feet to his head. Evan held her feet hard, and Avery's feet back was soon pinched red.     

"Who else can your husband be?"     

The back of the foot was a bit of a pain, but Avery was not afraid of him, and shrugged, "Oh, maybe it's Andrew or Charles. Anyway, it's not you."     

There was a pain in Avery's toes, and she was subconsciously trying to retract her foot. She found that the man had been holding it hard, and he bit her toes just now.  What a pervert!     

"It's disgusting. Be careful with your personal hygiene, okay? You are going to get married and become someone else's husband. How many wives do you want? Do Rebecca and Diana agree with it?"     

"Avery, why do you keep talking to me like that?"     

"If you feel uncomfortable, you can leave. The door has been opened for you."     

Instead of getting into her trap, Evan rubbed the soles of her feet with his fingers. Her feet were white and smooth and were not dirty at all. There was a faint fragrance of bath lotion on her feet. When playing with her feet like this, he already wanted to surrender.     

Though Rebecca had taken off all her clothes, he still could not get hard. Now, just holding her feet made him go into her body and fuck her hard.     

Of course, he didn't forget that there was another injury on her body.     

Then he pressed his desire down in pain.     

"I've all been like this. How can I leave there?"     

Like this? What about that? Avery was confused about what he said and then saw the man smiled unkindly in front of her. Evan held her delicate feet across his pants and scratched across that place. How shameless he was!     

"Help me with your feet next time?"     


Avery was breaking down. He really was shameless!     

"Don't worry. You cannot escape from me, so don't force me to do something for you. You deserve to be better treated by me." Evan suddenly let go of her feet and hugged her whole body, "I'm not talking to you. I'm ordering you. Wait for me."     

This is the third time he proposed to let her wait, which was tougher than before. Avery believed he would do anything to get what he wanted. Charles was a good example.     

A bullet could shoot through Charles' chest, as well as through those whom Avery said.     

"I won't keep you waiting long."     

What Evan said seemed to reassure her, but she was still afraid.     

She was afraid that there would always be another woman between then no matter how sweet they were.     

Whatever the reason was, Avery did not accept any explanation. In her opinion, the one he chose to save at the moment of the crisis of his life was the one he loved most.     

Unfortunately, it wasn't her.     

Hugged and kissed by Evan, Avery had a minute of trance, and even the wound of the back was not so painful.     

The reason left made her shake her head at last, "Unfortunately, I don't have that much time to wait."     

Evan suddenly froze, holding her shoulders in both hands, "You don't have time? Where are you going?"     

"Who knows? Maybe I'll go to a place as beautiful as heaven."     

Evan's eyes darkened, "If you want to travel, I can go with you."     

Avery just smiled and did not speak. Such an oppressive topic was really not suitable for her.     

Evan squinted slightly, and doubted, "What are you hiding from me?"     

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