Billionaire Defiant Wife

Chapter 403: What Shall We Do?

Chapter 403: What Shall We Do?

Jones's housekeeper rolled and crawled over.     

"Lord, Mr. Arlington, and his men at the altar were trying to take the holy virgin away."     

Avery felt herself on a rollercoaster. She knew the device. If her mother was removed from the casket, the device would kick in. The altar would collapse. The mountain would fall down.     

So the strong shake was because of that?     

"Stop them!"     

Andrew kicked them so hard while they were distracted. He grabbed Avery by her arm to run.     

"Avery, can you run?"     

Avery held her belly. She had to for the sake of her child.     

They were running to the medicine room. There was a car waiting. As long as they got there, they could get out.     

But what about her mother?     

"Andrew, go without me. I have to go back to my mother."     

"What are you talking about? The mountain is falling down. No one can save her. Don't waste your life dying with her! You're not alone now. Think of your child!"     

Andrew mentioned the baby to talk some sense into Avery. Her eyes got red. She knew her mother wasn't dead after all these years. And she could see her now. But they were apart before she talked to her.     

But Andrew was right. It was a dead-end if she turned back.     

What should she do?     

Feeling flustered and upset, Avery started shedding tears.     

"Don't cry. Let's go. Your mother wouldn't blame you if she knew," Andrew grabbed her to run as fast as she could.     

They could hear the stones falling and the sound of hitting. The crowd ran in different directions for their lives.     

"Is Logan insane! Damn it!" Andrew couldn't help swearing and took Avery running through the crowd.     

Soon they got to the medicine room. Andrew helped Avery in the car. Then he left and returned soon.     


"Is your leg fine?"     


Andrew started the car. More came and clapped on the door window, hoping to get in.     

Avery suddenly thought of Jessica.     

"Jessica is still in the city."     

"She isn't. She left," Andrew got rid of the people by the window, "I went by the medicine room. They said Jessica already left with the medicine."     

Did she take medicine? Jessica's arrival was as surprising as her taking medicine. Maybe that was what brought her here.     

The car was too fast. Avery held her chest. She felt sick.     

Andrew turned around.     

"Do you want me to stop?"     

Avery shook her head. She wanted to go back soon. The rendezvous time with Diana was near. There was also the thing with Evan and Rebecca. She had to find out the truth. Logan's whereabouts were unknown. The B Country must descend into chaos.     

Andrew amused himself with a joke.     

"Do you realize every time I'm with you, it's like a Hollywood movie."     

"You'd better stay away from me."     

It seemed true. They went through the tsunami, air crush, and mountain collapse.     

He didn't spend a long time with her. But they seemed to go through a lot.     

She used to hate him so much. But the irony was he saved her almost every time.     

"Thank you," Avery knew they might be caught or buried under falling rocks if it weren't for Andrew.     

"How about you give me a peck on the cheek?"     

"You must be tired of living to say that."     

Andrew smiled. He stopped the car seeing Avery still held her chest.     

"Let's stop for a second."     

Avery looked outside the window. On either lane was lustrous and unknown trees. There were also fireflies. She opened the window and grabbed one to put it in the car.     

The firefly gave off flickering light in the narrow and dark space. It stopped on the rear end mirror. Avery reached out to touch it. It flew away.     

"Who do you think will benefit the most from Logan's death?"     

"His wife, certainly."     

Andrew shook his head and gave an unexpected answer, "Evan's grandfather."     


"Mrs. President knows nothing about politics. But if Evan marries Rebecca, the power would slide away to the Howel family."     

"Do you mean Molly will become his puppy?"     

"Mr. Howel is a hegemonist. The city is not enough for him. Don't you realize he spends far more time in B Country over the years?"     

It was true.     

"He tried everything to make Evan marry Rebecca. It must be a political influence. Mr. Howel wouldn't do anything that compromised his interest."     

"What if Evan refused?"     

"Do you think that's possible?"     

Avery was frozen at Andrew's rebuke.     

"Mr. Howel is a man of means. Do you want to bet on it?"     

"Just drive," Avery didn't respond. She was too flustered to continue hearing.     

She couldn't deny Andrew made sense. All she could depend on was Logan returned to B Country safely. Then she might have a chance.     


At the altar, Logan held Olivia in a white dress out in his arms. He finally touched her bright and handsome face.     

His cold eyes were replaced with passion soon. She finally came back to him after all the years.     

When he held her, he could give up the presidency for her. She was finally his again after all the years.     

"Sir, the mountain is about to collapse. We have to leave now," Tinder hurried to say.     

The mountain started shaking fiercely again. Rocks of all sizes fell down.     

Logan took a black overcoat on top of Olivia to protect her.     

Then he started to leave. But the falling stones kept getting more and more.     

The cave was shaking. The bodyguards couldn't stand upright. Some were struck by the rocks.     

Tinder followed Logan. He kept the stones away from his with his body and arms. He was bleeding.     

Logan was in no better condition. He bent over and kept the stones away from Olivia. The stones kept falling down. Logan felt his inner organs all crushed. Blood came out from his mouth.     

"Sir!" Tinder held up Logan, who was half-kneeling on the ground. Soon a rock hit them. It was lucky that it wasn't a big one. Or it probably would kill him.     

But Tinder still protected Logan with his body. He looked up at the door.     

"Sir, the door was locked by the stones."     

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