Billionaire Defiant Wife

Chapter 479: You Don’t Have To Blame Yourself

Chapter 479: You Don’t Have To Blame Yourself

Avery trembled, and the picture of saving Diana by Evan flashed through her mind.     

This matter has left a wound that could not be healed in Avery's heart.     

The slap attracted Avery, and she looked at Andrew, who was slapping his mouth. At the same time, a figure rushed past Avery.     

It was a servant who carried the tray and put the empty dish back in the kitchen that passed by her.     

She frowned and smelled the peculiar smell as the servant passed by.     

There was no time for Avery to delve into it. Olivia held the hand of Andrew before she heard the sound of the slap.      

"It is inevitable for people to make mistakes. It is common to have a big mouth. You don't have to blame yourself."     

Andrew had just said something he shouldn't have said, so he hit himself in the mouth.     

There were Rebecca's men everywhere in the presidential palace, and Andrew had just said, "She is one of our people and will not betray us."     

None should speak of this matter at this time, especially when Rebecca was trying to put Avery in jail.     

They have been aware of this for a long time, deliberately infighting and not discussing countermeasures.     

Avery took out her cell phone and texted Andrew: come to me at 12:00 in the evening.     

Andrew unlocked his phone and finished reading the message.     

Avery asked him to find her at 12:00 in the evening?     

He took a look at the short message and finally made sure he did see it.     

So Avery let Evan leave generously in order to ask him out at night?     

The more Andrew thought about it, the more excited he was. He couldn't wait to hope that the next second would be 12:00.     

He's been waiting for this moment for too long.     

It was hard for him to wait until 12:00 a. m.     

There was an impatient knock on the door, and then the door was opened.     

The slender figure came in like lightning.     

Avery's eyes with curly eyelashes stared curiously at him, "You..."     

"When do we start?"     


"When did you secretly fall in love with me?"     

"Andrew, what's the matter with you?" Avery whispered to him in a low voice.     

"Didn't you ask me to see you at 12:00?"     


"You called an adult man, especially a man like me, in the middle of the night. What can I do?"     

Avery rolled her eyes and finally closed the door, "I'm not joking with you. Something may happen tonight."     

Andrew raised his eyebrows slightly and went to the sofa to sit down, "How do you know that?"     

"I guess it."     


Andrew did not continue to ask her, but he took a pillow, forcefully pinched in hand into the smallest volume, and then loosened it. With his legs on the coffee table, he stared at Avery.     

"Avery, in fact, I have always been curious. Before you disfigured Rebecca, why are you so sure that she is going to disfigure your face?"     

"I guessed it too." Avery sat opposite him. Since they didn't sleep tonight, they should sit like this all night.     

Knowing that Andrew did not believe it, she took off her mobile phone protector and took out a card from it.     

On the back of the card was a cross while on the front of the card was four cartoons. In the first cartoon, there was a woman wearing a long wedding dress. In the second cartoon, the clerk stabbed a woman wearing a wedding dress with a knife. The third cartoon contained that the woman fell in the blood. The fourth cartoon contained the features of the woman, who had a long cut on her face.     

The contents of the cartoon were exactly the same as what had happened.     

Andrew could not help praising it, "What a delicate cartoon. The painter must have been drawing a cartoon for more than ten years."     

Avery agreed with what he said. The strange thing was that she found the card in the pocket of her clothes when she came back from the bar.     

The situation was chaotic that night, but she was sure that the person who had given her the cartoon must have been there.     

"No wonder you're so sure you can get Jessica out."     

As Andrew spoke, he looked at his wristwatch, and it was almost three o'clock.     

Avery has stood up to the window, lifted up the curtains to the lookout. The sky was as black as ink, dotted with faint stars. It's particularly quiet as if something was going to happen.     

She could not help looking in the direction of the gate of the presidential palace.     

Avery leaned against the window and suddenly said, "I smell the gasoline on the servant."     

Andrew looked back in surprise, "Gasoline?"     

The smell of gasoline on a servant was strong enough to smell it?     

Avery smiled lazily, "I'm afraid some people can't wait to get rid of me or let me go to jail."     

"It's not that easy to get rid of you. Will you let yourself go to jail?" Andrew simply lay down on the sofa, his head resting on his arms. This clever woman often let him confused.     

"I haven't been to prison. Maybe I can try it."     

Andrew looked down for a while, and the idea was very different. He looked out of the window then and saw Avery looking at the gate.     

"Avery, if it wasn't for my heart problem, I wouldn't let you go. At least I won't leave you in danger in the middle of the night."     

"Don't mention these unhappy things." Andrew must have done it on purpose, knowing that Avery actually cared. At this point, Evan hasn't come back yet.     

"It's three and a half, and nothing is going to happen tonight. Sleep for a while, and I'm here with you." Andrew also knew that he was wrong, and quickly changed the subject.     

Avery yawned. At this time, she and Andrew took a look at each other.     

Something happened outside the window.     

They quickly opened the window and found the building was on fire.     

It was not their building, but the building in the backyard of the presidential palace. There was a sound coming over and over again, "It is on fire!"     

Andrew had opened the door and rushed out. Avery was slower than him and followed him.     

Downstairs, servants have woken up, and some have taken pots and buckets of water to the backyard, with mottled water stains on the ground.     

The fire rushed into the sky, and the temperature around the building increased several degrees in an instant.     

There was thick smoke. Avery saw a servant rushing out of the inside and grabbed her, "Who is in there?"     

"It's April Webster."     

April Webster? Was she William's mother? The woman who wanted to pour Avery sulfuric acid?     

Why was it her?     

Why would someone burn her alive?     

Avery loosened the servant's hand, and the servant took the bucket to get water.     

"Hey. What do you want to do?" Andrew held Avery's wrist tightly, and he knew the woman would do some strange things.     

"I have to save her."     

"What's wrong with you? Do you have any idea what the situation is? Are you dumb?     

Andrew was reminding her that April had recently tried to pour her sulfuric acid. Now Avery was going to save her?     

"Can't I occasionally be Blessed Virgin Mary?"     

"You're not that kind of person." Andrew wanted to find a rope to tie her up, or the woman could really scare him into a heart attack.     

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