Billionaire Defiant Wife

Chapter 463: Avery’s Meaningful Smile

Chapter 463: Avery’s Meaningful Smile

Evan was still struggling about how she said Andrew's name just now. His look was quite dark. He was on the verge of wrath. Frowning, he asked Avery where she wanted to go.     

"Do you still want to find Andrew?"     

Avery sat next to the head of the bed. Evan stood between her legs. This position was too intimate, especially in front of all the bodyguards. Avery had to lean back and hold herself with both hands behind her back.     

Avery turned around at Evan with a meaningful smile.     

"Can't I?"     

It was clear that Mr. Howel was determined to force Avery to be with Andrew, regardless of her own thoughts.     

But after this time, she was pretty sure Mr. Howel wouldn't do the same again to her and Andrew.     

But she was still baffled about how she got in this room...     

"If you don't want to leave, I can..."     

Avery raised up her hands and pressed on his lips to shush him. She didn't want him to take any more risks by giving himself up to Mr. Howel.     

The next second, Avery stood on the bed with bare feet. Before Evan could figure out what she wanted, she walked to the bodyguards from the other side of the bed.     

Evan's reaction was fast. He strode over to them and grabbed Avery.     

Avery leaned to the iron gate quickly, and Evan followed. He reached out and felt coldness on his wrists. He looked down, and there was a handcuff on his wrist. The other end was cuffed to the door.     

"Avery!" Evan didn't expect that Avery would steal a handcuff from the bodyguards and cuffed him in such a short time.     

He was in a rush. And he didn't expect that Avery would cuff him to get to Andrew. That was why Avery's tricks worked so easily.     

"Are you in such a hurry to find Andrew?" Evan was like an enraged lion. He struggled to get off the handcuff. He couldn't allow her to find another man nor fall in love with him.     

There seemed to be something missing in the heart. He couldn't accept that Avery would choose to leave him.     

Avery looked sympathetic. She wanted to explain but decided not to. She bit her teeth and only said.     

"Evan, see you tomorrow."     

Evan looked at Avery in shock. He would rather believe Avery had to find Andrew. She cuffed him in this way because she was afraid he might stop her.     

"Avery, do you have to do this to me?" Evan pursued the question. Avery's answer was as crucial as the jury's order. It was the answer that decided his fate.     

Avery walked to the door, followed the bodyguard. She answered without turning back.     


She had to. She was betting. If Mr. Howel agreed to Andrew, he would release her tomorrow, why didn't she wait another day? If Mr. Howel violated his promise, she had to figure out another way.     

So she said she would see Evan tomorrow.     

She heard the banging sound behind her back. She knew how much pain he had to take. But she didn't know how much his heart hurt.     

When Avery went back to the room, Andrew also woke up. He seemed to have a clue about what had happened.     

He looked up and down on Avery.     


He swallowed the saliva and stopped. It was a great opportunity. He should never let her leave.     

"Shut up! I don't feel like talking. I want to be left alone," Avery kicked Andrew off the couch. He could be anywhere in the room except in front of her eyes.     

"What happened?" Andrew kept asking.     

Avery held the pillow and didn't answer. She buried her head in it. She was in a terrible mood. She just wanted to stay like this until the next day.     

Every second of every minute of her stay would break her up.     

She didn't know how long she maintained the position. She just fell asleep and didn't realize she was moved to bed at midnight.     

When she woke up in the morning, she realized she had swapped positions with Andrew. She was on the bed and Andrew on the couch.     

"Good morning," Andrew sat up from the couch and rubbed his eyes.     

Avery didn't look at him. She looked at the wall and couldn't help getting chilly. She always felt she was watched behind the wall.     

Soon, the maid came in. She didn't bring breakfast this time.     

"Mr. Clifford, Miss Aiktens, Mr. Clifford, said you're free to go."     

Andrew was too pleased that he almost jumped off the couch.     


The maid nodded in the robot way.     

"You may go whenever you want."     

After passing Mr. Howel's order, the maid turned around and left. But Avery stopped her.     

"Is Mr. Howel still in the castle?"     

The maid froze for a second. She didn't know why Avery asked the question. She stared at her with confusion and didn't give her an answer.     

"Tell him I want to see him."     

The maid slightly frowned. From the way Avery spoke, she didn't show Mr. Howel any respect.     

"Avery, do you lose your mind?" Finally, they could leave. They should leave the place without any hesitation. Why did she want to meet Mr. Howel? If he changed his mind, everything was ruined.     

"Just tell him. He'll be pleased to see me."     

Although the maid wasn't happy about Avery's tone, she had to pass the information to Mr. Hamiilton. So, Avery was standing three meters away from the dining table.     

There was a bodyguard every three meters in the dining room. Two personal bodyguards stood behind Mr. Howel's back.     

Mr. Howel was having his breakfast. He was watching the newspaper while drinking milk.     

He didn't even look up at Avery, nor speak to her.     

It remained the same for almost half an hour. So Mr. Howel flipped through the newspaper and drank milk for half an hour, while Avery stood where she was.     

Avery was not in a rush. She knew whoever first started talking got the downwind.     

Mr. Howel knew this too. So another half hour passed.     

Mr. Howel took another sip of milk, and the taste was funny. He asked to change his milk. He looked up, and Avery was still there. She was casual and waiting for him to start.     

"Talk to me."     

Mr. Howel finally said the first word. Avery then said slowly.     

"I want lysergic acid diethylamide."     

"Oh?" Mr. Howel was surprised. Avery could leave here as she wished. Did she becomes greedy to ask for LAD?     

"Do you want it for Evan or for you?" Mr. Howel was suddenly interested in the topic. So he put down the paper and looked at Avery calmly.     

"Whether it is for me, or for Evan, it's the same."     

Mr. Howel smiled.     

"If you ask for LAD, you must know the reason Evan abandons you and marries Rebecca is Diana."     

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