Billionaire Defiant Wife

Chapter 453: How Did You Find Me?

Chapter 453: How Did You Find Me?

When Jessica turned around, she relaxed down.     

"Andrew, how did you find me?" Jessica suddenly became clear-minded and immediately took Andrew's hand.     

"Get in the car first."     

After the car started, a black Bugatti followed them. Jessica kept looking back, "It's James' car."     

Andrew also looked back, "Don't be afraid. I want him to keep up with us."     

The driver honked his horn and separated the crowd in front of them. The car finally drove to the spacious road, which led to the suburbs.     

Jessica realized something wrong and asked, "Andrew, where is Avery? Why didn't she come with you? Was something wrong?"     

"Evan's father took her away." In order to not alert Rebecca's men, Andrew hid his car at the place, which was about two blocks from the wedding dress store.     

His men lurking in the wedding dress store told him that Evan's grandfather sent more than a hundred bodyguards to take Avery away.     

"Is she in danger? Rebecca's face was cut by her." Jessica was worried, but also a little excited. She really felt that at that time, Avery was bold.     

"No, she has the baby in her belly. Evan's grandfather will not do anything to her."     

Perhaps Avery knew this, so she would do such a thing to Rebecca. Avery was always bold, so Andrew wasn't surprised when he knew her plan.     

"Hurry up." Andrew wanted James' car but not the bodyguards' cars to follow his. Otherwise, it would be a hard battle.     

By this time, the car went to the suburbs, and there were fewer and fewer cars and houses on both sides.     

Jessica looked around and said, "Where are we going?"     

They had planned to live at the seaside villa. Why was this road more desolate?     

As Jessica thought about it, the car drove faster and faster and to an abandoned airport.     

Because of the long-year loss of repair, the airport was full of weeds on both sides. The original terminal has become a dangerous building.     

The car stopped in the middle of the parking apron, and the black Bugatti stopped as expected.     

The doors of the two cars were almost simultaneously pushed away, and they walked out of the cars.     

The wind blew the black windbreaker on Andrew and the bangs on the forehead of James, but it did not affect their innate pride.     

It's like the two of them were going to have an extreme confrontation.     

"James, you will regret it."     

"Where is Jessica?"     

"Oh, where did you get the qualification to want Jessica from me?"     

"I bought her for 2 billion. Don't you think I'm qualified?"     

Andrew leaned against the door, with one hand in his pocket and one hand on the cane. James walked to him, and the corners of Andrew's mouth aroused an imperceptible arc.        

"What if I don't tell you?"     

"Don't blame me for being rude if you don't tell me." With that, James looked behind him, and there were a few more cars from the abandoned airport gate.     

Andrew looked at the few cars, and it's James' men.     

"What are you going to do with me?"     

"If I cannot take Jessica away, I don't mind disabling your other leg." As James spoke, he took a gun out of his pocket and pointed it at Andrew.     

Jessica had been sitting in the car. The windows were closed, and the sound insulation was particularly good, so she could not hear the conversation between them at all. When James pulled out his gun and pointed it at Andrew, she panicked.     

She tugged at the door and found that the door had been locked. As she pulled it hard, she shouted, "Open the door!"     

"Mr. Clifford ordered me not to let you get out of the car no matter what happened."     

"My brother is in danger. I have to get out!"     

"Mr. Clifford is afraid you'll be in danger." The driver turned his head and was surprised, "What are you doing?"     

He saw that Jessica had pulled the pillow on the copilot seat. The pillow was connected to the seat with two slender pipes, and at the moment, she was preparing to use the two iron pipes to break the window.     

The driver said quickly, "Don't. I'll open the door for you."     

With that, the car lock opened. Jessica opened the door and rushed out.     

"Andrew!" Jessica has rushed to Andrew and stretched her arms in front of him, "James, I know you're coming for me. Let go of Andrew."     

"Jessica, get back in the car!" Andrew said as he tried to push her.     

Then he took the gun out of his pocket immediately. No matter who shot first, the other side would die under the gun.     

James' bodyguards arrived, and all rushed out of the cars. They all took out guns and pointed at Andrew.     

Jessica was pulled by Andrew with one hand. Looking at so many guns, she almost screamed in horror. Since James had let her and the people in the basement have a fight, she could not help trembling whenever she saw guns.     

She looked pale when she looked at the black guns.     

Unexpectedly, however, there were footsteps in all directions.     

What's this situation? How could so many people come all of a sudden?     

Andrew glanced up and down at James, "James, it's not easy to disable my leg."     

James' look changed slightly. Those people were not his men. Was Andrew here to set him a trap?     

"Prince, what shall we do? There are more and more of them. Do you want us to retreat first?"     

James expected that the Clifford Family had no power in Country B, so he was not alert all the way. He did not expect Andrew to find so many people.     

It seemed that this was designed in advance by Andrew.     

At this time, dozens of missile planes hovered in the sky. Andrew smiled triumphantly, "James, you'll be dead."     

With the gun raised, Andrew's mind was full of the picture of what James had done to the Clifford Family.     

"Andrew." Jessica was frightened to cover her mouth and instantly understood the reason why Andrew became so confident.     

Those planes, and his bodyguards, we're here to reinforce him.     

So James was dead this time?     

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