Billionaire Defiant Wife

Chapter 443: Keep Him Alive

Chapter 443: Keep Him Alive

Avery was slightly surprised. She knew Rebecca wouldn't let her do lap dance to Evan. But she was surprised that Rebecca chose the man sitting across her.     

The man looked back simultaneously and smiled meaningfully. Avery felt her goosebumps were shivering.     

What Rebecca got in store for her was certainly a difficult guy.     

At the same time, all the attention landed on Avery. They were waiting for the good show. Rebecca asked a pregnant woman to do lap dance at...     

The images in their minds were not comfortable at all. It certainly wasn't how lap dance was supposed to be. The audience might get horrified.     

Avery got up without any hesitation. Andrew called her.     

"Avery, are you serious?"     

Avery threw her gold hair back and warmed up with a hot dance. She swayed her waist softly and blossomed like a flower.     

The pub was in excitement. The men all stood up.     

"Damn it, the pregnant woman's dance makes me get hard."     

Some even whistled at Avery. She had her beautiful hair behind her ear, revealing half her gorgeous face. It was a face that would turn the world upside down. All the men were crazy about her.     

Avery slowly walked to the man across her. The whistling stopped, and they all held their breath.     

The man across Avery was James!     

James was not moved at all. He drank the last bit left in his glass and threw it at Avery.     

Avery moved to dodge it. The glass was right by her ears and fell on the wall. The broken pieces fell along the wall.     

Others all shouted out as the glass fell down. James was cold-blooded to throw a glass at a pregnant woman.     

Evan was already in a bad mood. Now he got even worse and gave off the icy vibe. He was about to come to James when someone barged in.     

He came to James as fast as he could and said.     

"Your highness, we captured a man who broke into your residence."     

James frowned.     

"Do you keep him alive?"     

"Yeah. We've imprisoned and tortured him. But he wouldn't confess who sent him and what for."     

James stood up. The bodyguard knew it was serious. James must want to interrogate him. So he moved aside to give James his way.     

After James left, the Truth and Dare that was meant to keep him were finished. Avery still stood in the middle of the pub and looked back at Andrew. He still sat on the couch. Jamie stood next to him and was hearing what Andrew told him.     

Soon Jamie left.     

Avery started to have bad feelings. Was Andrew's man captured?     

Rebecca shared the same concern. Her look turned immediately after what the bodyguard said. She no longer had the mood to watch Avery's lap dance. So she turned at Evan.     

"Evan, I'm tired. Let's go back."     

James left. Now Rebecca wanted to leave too. Others knew there was no point staying and left too.     

Avery followed Andrew back to his room. They were both in low spirits because of what happened.     

The second Jamie hung up, Avery asked.     

"How's it going? Any news?"     

Jamies shook his head. No news suggested that it was probably Andrew's man that was captured.     

They even kept him alive to torture the brain out of him. Once he told them everything, the plan would be ruined. They would be in a passive position.     

Plus, James had been looking for an excuse to take Andrew.     

"Are you frightened?" Andrew sat down on the couch. He had his hands on his knees. His look was terrible. But he started comforting Avery.     

"My guys wouldn't rat me out."     

Avery held her hands on her chest, leaned against the couch, and didn't answer. She couldn't be reassured. After all, they were at the presidential house.     

"If my guy betrays me, you don't have to mind me."     

Andrew was not afraid of the worst. He was only concerned that Avery would do something stupid to put herself in harm.     

"Even they didn't rat me out, and we have to leave here as soon as possible."     

Under the circumstances, Avery couldn't ask for more. She couldn't afford to lose Andrew over the drugs.     

Andrew nodded.     

"I've done some study. There is a forbidden zone in the backyard of the presidential house. As long as we get there, help will wait. But we can't leave today. James must send more security."     

"How about Jessica?"     

Andrew didn't even mention Jessica once. So he didn't consider Jessica at all. Did he plan to leave her?     

Now Andrew was silent. The whole room got silent soon. It was awfully quiet that Avery could hear Andrew's breath.     

Andrew's silence was his answer.     

It was a tough choice.     

"I mean it. If nothing happens today, I know how to save Jessica."     


At James's residence.     

All the help was rounded in the hall. The housekeeper was interrogating. Anyone who failed to provide an alibi was taken to the dungeon for further questioning.     

They would rather kill a thousand in vain than letting the guilty one run.     

The housekeep whipped more at the maid's body, seeing James. The howling was horrible.     

"Your highness, please. It's not me. I'm innocent. I don't know anything."     

"I went to the bamboo grove. The bodyguard at the princess's residence wanted to see me. I didn't do anything!"     

James walked right in his bedroom with an icy look. Jessica had to follow him. The pressure around him was so low. Jessica felt she would enter the bottomless pit at any time. She held her breath to make herself invisible. Or she would become the victim of his wrath.     

James stopped in front of his room. It was modern and metal style at first look. Every piece of furniture was in its own place. Nothing seemed to be moved. But if one took a closer look—     

Still, nothing was touched.     

From the moment James came in, he set his eyes on the oil painting above his bed. Nothing seemed to be touched apart from the painting. It was about 10 degrees away from where it usually was hanged.     

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