Billionaire Defiant Wife

Chapter 432: I Went To See My Brother

Chapter 432: I Went To See My Brother

Rebecca did not expect James to push her away. She was so shocked that she forgot to stand up from the ground and sat on the ground with her hands behind her.     

She was wearing a low-collar light orange dress today, which was curled up to the root of her thighs because she sat up, and her long white legs were exposed.     

Rebecca shyly placed the dress down, and looked up to James' handsome face, "My dear brother, don't you like me? Evan doesn't like me, and you don't like me either. People all over the world don't like me. Why? Why don't you like me?"     

With that, she put her arms on her long legs, buried her head, and began to cry.     

There were not any emotional fluctuations on James' face, and he just looked at her calmly. He could not help thinking of her speaking to the servants in childhood. Women were really incomprehensible.     

After crying for a while, Rebecca raised her wet eyes curiously and found that James was still standing two meters away in front of her with no idea of helping her up and comforting her at all.     

Rebecca stood up and walked up to him, "Why don't you give me a facial tissue?"     

When she was a child, every time she was aggrieved, he would silently wipe her tears as a brother. Now he would rather stand idly by than take action, which made her so frustrated.     

Rebecca knew that he was secretly fond of her. One thunderous night, she had privately run to his room and found that he was masturbating.     

As he had done it, he had shouted her name.     

However, who she liked was Evan.     

Although James was also very handsome and charming, she still could not look at him more.     

But since James returned, she found that there was something evil about him, which made her suddenly curious about him.     

Or, she wanted to use him, she wanted to get the medicine from him, and she wanted him to help her get rid of Avery.     

Rebecca suddenly pulled over James' sleeves and wiped the tears with his sleeves. But the man was still not moving.     

She bit her lips and raised her hand to touch his handsome face, "I know you've always liked me and have been eager to get me. Today, I'll let you get it, okay?"     

With that, Rebecca tipped her toes shyly and kissed James' lips.     

At the moment of her kiss, James turned his head away.     

Rebecca was stunned, and she never thought that James, who regarded her as the target of sexual fantasies in his adolescence, would avoid her.     

Was it that her charm has receded to the point where even James was immune to her?     

Just when she was so embarrassed that she didn't know what to do, James suddenly pushed Rebecca directly into the soft bed.     

He pressed Rebecca under his body.     

Outside the door, Jessica was just brought back from Andrew by the bodyguard.     

She knew that James wanted to see her, or bluntly, to punish her, so she was very obedient and went directly to James' room as soon as she came back.     

He was ill, and the door was not closed, so Jessica pushed the door open without thinking about it.     

Unexpectedly, she saw a scary scene. On the big bed, James pressed Rebecca under his body.     

Jessica opened her eyes wide and was stunned entirely on the spot.     

Then she was totally at a loss, flushed, and said, "I'm sorry. You guys go on."     

With that, she was about to go out. Unexpectedly, James pulled her in and threw her directly on the wall.     

Jessica had no idea what was going on, and the man had pressed her on the wall mercilessly.     

"Where did you go just now?" James was hot in a silk robe, and a protruding place in the lower part of his body was against her.     

It turned out that there had been a reaction to the princess just now, but why didn't he go on?     

Why did he pull her back? Just keep doing what he wanted to do.     

"I went to see my brother."     

"Who agreed with you to see him?"     

"I'm sorry." After his cruelty to her, Jessica knew she could only follow his orders under this situation.     

"Take off your clothes."     

"What are you going to do?" Jessica secretly looked at Rebecca, who was supporting her body in the bed and began to panic.     

Although they had made love many times, Jessica was embarrassed and humiliated to make love in front of others.     

"I'm going into your body."     


Such an awkward scene let Rebecca make a protest, "James!"     

"You are not leaving? You want to watch and learn on the spot?"     

Rebecca came down from the bed and glanced at James bitterly. Although she wanted to say something else, she had to bow her head and go out in a hurry.     

Jessica finally relaxed down, and she thought James would also let her go after Rebecca left. After all, he was mentally ill, wasn't he?     

And he had been a little scared when he almost got hit by a car near the bell tower.     

No one knew what had happened to him, and he had shivered all over his body.     

The picture in Jessica's mind lingered, and her clothes had been torn to pieces.     

James tore her clothes very hastily as if he could not wait for a moment. In Jessica's view, it was because he wanted to meet his sexual desire.     

Only James knew that since he had used witchcraft to himself, he had become extremely keen, and many voices were noise to him. Crowded places would bring him a great spiritual burden and make him have tinnitus.     

However, as long as he entered the body of Jessica, the noise would be automatically shielded, and the ears would have no tinnitus.     

So just now, he had wanted to take Rebecca to do the experiment. He remembered that he let people find a woman casually once; his tinnitus was not relieved but aggravated.     

His tinnitus would only be relieved until he entered Jessica's body.     

So he had purchased her from the black market at a high price and enjoyed her until he could fully adapt to the side effects of the witchcraft.     

He couldn't wait to pull down the last piece of clothing and enter her. In an instant, the world was magically quiet. There were only her gasps in his ears, which were more beautiful than the jingle of spring water and the sound of birds in the morning.     

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