Billionaire Defiant Wife

Chapter 428: I Want To Ask You Something

Chapter 428: I Want To Ask You Something

Andrew clenched his fists and hit the armrest. There was a giant deep hole immediately.     

"I should have known it was him!" Andrew felt a torn pain on his shoulders.     

Avery checked the wound, and the gauze was red.     

"Does James have a feud with your family?"     

Otherwise, Avery didn't know why he avenged himself on the Clifford family. She heard Andrew's grandfather was killed by James. Based on his status in B Country, it didn't make sense if he was after Clifford's money. But he was willing to reduce himself to be a bodyguard. He came prepared.     


Andrew let Avery take care of his wounds. He was silent. He squinted slightly and gave off a dangerous vibe. Avery didn't know what was going on in his mind.     


James carried Jessica on his shoulder. She knew the punishment would be more ferocious.     

She was too afraid. So she fought back with the hose in the hit of the moment. It was too late when she realized what she had done.     

"James, let go of me!"     

Jessica struggled with her hands and feet. She grabbed his hair and Dong-     

Jessica was thrown on the floor. She was in so much pain that she felt her inner organs were broken into pieces.     

"Do you still want to run? Em? I'll let you go. If you could run away, I'd admit failure."     

James's face was washed off by water without his mask. The loose bangs were close to his eyebrows. His face was slightly pale. Then his look was bleak. Jessica only felt blades shooting from his eyes.     

Jessica was really sacred, especially of his look. Every time, he would torture her so hard that she begged for mercy.     

Jessica crawled on the ground. Suddenly she held up herself and started running.     

James's residence was in the north of the presidential house. She had to run in the opposite direction. She had to pass through a road, either side of which was lawns.     

The road was wide for cars. She only focused on running and didn't notice a red sports car with fast velocity came in through the gate.     

Jessica was in a panic. She stood there, not knowing which way she should go. The car was almost hitting her...     

Jessica closed her eyes. She had no intention to live. If she could live, so what? She would be tortured by James. Death seemed like a better choice.     

Jessica could feel the blaring car light closer to her, and even her eyes were closed. Just as the driver hit the horn, Jessica felt something with weight came at her. The force was huge. She was hugged and rolled over to the curb.     

Jessica opened her eyes. It was James who saved her!     

But he was in an awful state. His eyes lost focus. His face was pale and his lips were pale too.     

"James? What's going on with you?" Jessica got out of his hugs and was next to him. James was shaving all over his body. He had his legs bent and covered his ears with both hands. And he kept hitting the lawn with his head.     

"James?" The red car stopped at the curb. A young woman came out rushing. She opened his eyelids skillfully and comforted him, patting his face.     

"James, it's okay. You're okay. The car doesn't hit anyone."     

The woman got up and waved at bodyguards standing not far away. James was held back.     

"I'm a psychological doctor. My name is Erin Darling. You can call me Dr. Darling."     

The woman introduced herself and asked without beating around the bushes.     

"Are you Jessica Clifford?"     

Jessica slightly froze. She didn't expect to hear her name from a stranger. She nodded. After James went wrong, the bodyguards were busy taking care of him. So she wanted to go to visit Andrew. This morning, she sneaked out for the same reason. But unfortunately, she was caught on the spot.     

Then the pigeons were shot. It was to warn her not to run away. Or she would end the same like the pigeons.     

Jessica was curious. She never met Erin before.     

"How do you know my name?"     

"James talked about you."     

That was how she knew. Jessica never thought James would mention her to someone else. She looked up, and the bodyguards were taking James inside. Erin stared at her with curiosity.     

"What's wrong with James?"     

"He had psychological barriers with cars, to be exact, car accidents."     

"Car accidents?"     

Jessica was surprised. She thought it was because of James's poison.     

"Are you hurt? Do you need doctors to check you?" Eric pointed at her dress covered in blood.     

"Aren't you a doctor?"     

"I'm a psychological doctor."     

"I'll go see doctors myself. You should go inside and check on James."     

Erin was not suspicious. She nodded and went inside.     

Jessica ran to Andrew's bedroom without changing her dress first. She was in a dress covered in blood.     

When she ran to the yard, a person suddenly came out and took her to the garden. Jessica was in shock. She stared at the woman.     

"What are you doing?"     

Avery saw Jessica from the balcony. She hurried to run downstairs and grabbed Jessica to a place with fewer people.     

"I want to ask you something."     

Jessica got off.     

"I'm busy. I have to see Andrew."     

Avery stopped Jessica. They were struggling and didn't notice Rebecca hid behind a tree. She was eavesdropping.     

"Andrew's fine. His wound has been taken care of. He'll be better in a couple of weeks."     

"Okay. I'll take a look then," the reason Jessica sneaked out was for Andrew. She was determined to check upon him.     

"Wait, I want to ask you something first. The drug..."     

Some noises in the grass stopped Avery's words.     

Before Avery could take a closer look, a Tibetan mastiff jumped out from the grass and ran at them. He ran directly at Avery and Jessica.     


Avery and Jessica were both frozen at the black shadow. Avery saw first it was a Tibetan mastiff. She started to feel bad.     

Tibetan mastiff was drawn to bloody things. It must be the blood on Jessica's dress. He smelt it far away and went at them.     

The danger was too sudden. They were caught by surprise!     

Avery blocked Jessica between herself and the flowerbed to stop her from leaving. If he came over, Avery would be the first to get attacked.     

Even so, Avery still opened her hands to protect Jessica when he came at them.     


"Ah—Watch out!"     


Almost multiple shots were fired at the same time.     

Rebecca, behind the tree, also screamed. She turned utterly pale at the scene. She couldn't even remain standing up and leaned against the tree.     

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