Billionaire Defiant Wife

Chapter 509: Diplomatic Purpose

Chapter 509: Diplomatic Purpose

At three o'clock sharp, Avery and Logan sat at the European round table in the garden. They were surrounded by the pleasant smell of flowers and pleasing twittering. The wind slowly brushed against the bushes.     

It was a place to relax both one's mind and body. But the environment became so stiff because of Logan's presence.     

Logan's behavior was majestic like a king, which brought indescribable pressure upon others.     

Logan took a sip of espresso, "How are you doing here?" He had papers in his hands while reading them.     

Avery said unhappily, "Not good." She was forced to the afternoon tea. Who would be used to it?     

Logan didn't take his eyes off the paperwork the whole time, "You'll get there." He was a workaholic.     

"Why don't you tell me how you'll let us go. We're not close. Sitting like this is embarrassed. What do you think?"     

Logan turned a page over and lowered his head, "Do you need to name a price for your stay?"     

"Even if we're related, I don't feel there's a point about the forced relationship. And I'm a grown-up, you can't interfere with my freedom."     

"Before you're a grown-up, you're our princess. You have to assume the responsibility of diplomacy. The country will watch your every move. You have to stay."     

"It's only for diplomatic purposes?"     

"If you can't feel our tie, I don't think your understanding is wrong."     

Avery thought their talk would lead nowhere. She looked over at the plants. It was better than facing an embarrassing workaholic.     

She counted the time. The tea was for about an hour. According to the schedule, she couldn't leave within the hour. She was so bored.     

She suddenly heard the sound of gunshots fired. She looked at the direction, but the buildings and plants blocked her view.     

Logan didn't have to raise his head to know what Avery wanted to know. He explained, "I plan to train a batch of bodyguards to follow you for protection."     

"For protection or for spying?"     

Avery didn't beat around the bushes.     

"Protection of course. We have a lot of political enemies. The princess's safety is the priority."     

Avery didn't know what to say, "If so, think of me as not a princess." The princess sounded more dangerous than she imagined. This seemed like a trap. She had almost zero chance to persuade Logan to release them.     

But she had to leave. Charles had the op. If he woke up, he could cure her.     

She was racing with death. So she had to leave ASAP. She didn't even have time to persuade Logan slowly.     

Even if she had to resort to the most violent manner, she had to leave B Country. A Country would be Evan's domain after she got back.     

Logan smiled and didn't say anything. He might feel her question pointless. His housekeeper brought a pile of files, "Mr. President, the report has been expedited, and here're are the results."     

"Tell me."     

"The result suggests you're 99% possible to be related to Avery and 0% possible to be related to Rebecca."     

Logan looked at Avery, getting ready for the press conference to announce Avery. And prepared the press speech, arranging for Avery to meet our public."     

Avery was speechless.     

Her decision to leave seemed right.     

Soon she heard Logan saying, "Send the copy of the speech to Olivia."     

Avery didn't overthink. It would make sense to notify her mother of the announcement.     

The one-hour afternoon tea seemed like forever. Logan had to deal with finances. And Avery was arranged to go to the opera. Logan built a small opera house in his presidential house. He invited the famous opera singer from Vienna to sing.     

The opera singers were passionate about singing the love and death while Avery thought of the night when Evan sang her Twinkle twinkle little stars.     

She smiled and felt warm. The maid behind her back said, "Miss Olivia."     

She turned around, and Olivia was next to her.     

"Where's he?"     

Olivia referred to Evan. Avery smiled. They didn't like each other. She felt struggling stuck in between.     

She whispered, "I let him leave."     

Olivia was so mad that she raised her voice, "Again? Did he abandon his family?" She wasn't impressed by Evan because he was about to marry Rebecca before. Even if it didn't look happy, Evan was not trustworthy as Logan was as far as she was concerned.     

Avery wanted to cover her mouth. She was so loud that the opera singing was no match.     

"He will help me from the outside. There's a risk if he keeps staying."     

Then Olivia realized her voice was too loud, "What's your plan?" She whispered.     

"When Andrew tried to get Jessica out, he studied the floor plan of the presidential house. In order to prevent people inside from being attacked, there are trap doors with hidden passages. I'll take someone to show us the way. The passage is leading to the port. Evan would wait for us there. If we can't leave on airplanes, we'll leave by sea."     

Olivia frowned. This was not a bad plan. But escape was risky. There were too many risks compared with getting married to Logan. But she was reluctant to stay.     

She hesitated to talk to Avery, and she said, "I'll find a one we trust to bring us out. Even if I fail and they take me, I'm the princess, and they won't do anything to me. It's a plan worth trying."     

Whatever Olivia planned to say was choked.     

They were whispering and didn't notice a maid was listening not far away. She had a meaningful smile on her face.     


In the penitentiary of B Country, against the thick glass doors, Molly couldn't help crying, seeing Rebecca with disheveled hair and dirty face.     

"Rebecca, how are you doing inside? Are you nice?"     

Rebecca was numb. She was wearing a mask and didn't know how to cry nor smile. Apart from the resentment and hatred in her eyes, she had no feelings.     

"Rebecca, I've signed the divorce papers. After everything's done, they'll let you after two days at most. Logan said they would put us on an island and provide for us."     

"Provide for us? Hum, Hum..."     

Rebecca had this ugly scar on her face like a giant centipede. Her eyes were poisonous, "That woman destroyed my life. What does it mean if I can eat and live well? What's the point of living?"     

Rebecca laughed out at the sky. Her gruesome smile was heard by Molly through the thick glass doors. It was creepy and horrible like a poisonous needle from hell.     


"She made my life a hell, and I'll make her life one too. I won't let her off the hook this easily. I want her dead. Only her death would make me feel better!"     

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