Billionaire Defiant Wife

Chapter 514: I’m Fine

Chapter 514: I’m Fine

Avery screamed, and Evan reached out to save Olivia. Luckily, Olivia fell to the other side of the water reservoir. If she fell into the reservoir, it's hard to imagine what would happen.     

After Olivia stabilized, she stood up again with the power of Evan and then leaned against the iron door along the edge.     

Avery took a deep breath, followed her mother's footsteps, and walked carefully.     

The three soon clung to the edge of the wall on the right side of the iron gate. Outside, the bodyguard was still crawling forward tenaciously. Evan shot him directly in the head.     

"Don't look", Evan told them that the scene was too bloody, and he reminded them to open the door later.     

Evan had just watched the bodyguard press the switch, so he naturally knew where the switch was. They didn't hesitate to open the iron door. As the iron door rose, the outside world completely appeared in front of them.     

There were dense plants outside. The sun shone down from the seams of the trees.     

Not far from the ground, the bodyguard was lying in the blood.     

Olivia could not help screaming. Avery reached over and blindfolded her eyes, and Evan blindfolded her eyes.     

She took his hand away and said, "I'm fine."     

Suddenly, the bushes began to rustle, as if someone was hiding in it.     

"Who's in there?" At the same time, Evan and Avery took out their guns and aimed at the bushes alertly.     

There was a burst of applause in the bushes.     

A tall figure riding a brown horse went out.     

It's Logan.     

How could he be here?     

"The palace is full of my men, and you think you can really escape?" Logan was sitting on horseback, "But I have to admit that you are brave enough."     

"Logan, that's enough. We don't want to stay here. What you did will really make you happy?"     

"When you're gone, I'm the only one left. Will I be happy?     

Avery clenched her fist. She expected that the escape would fail, but even if she failed, she would convey their determination that they didn't want to stay in the presidential palace.     

"Take them away." Under the command of Logan, there was no room for discussion.     

Hundreds of soldiers with guns immediately surrounded them. Evan held Avery's hand tightly.     

"I'm afraid we'll have to go back with them." Said Evan in a low voice.     

It's impossible for them not to go with them, so Avery gnawed her teeth and said, "We..."     

Olivia suddenly stood in front of them, "Logan, I will marry you if you let them go."     

Avery looked up in surprise, and murmured, "Mom."     

"Let's go back first. I'll send them back later." When Logan said this, he was satisfied and proud.     

"Mom?" Avery did not understand the situation. Hearing Logan promise to let them go, she was not joyful but worried. She knew her mother was in despair.     

Olivia was pale, but when she turned around, she had a smiling face and took Avery's hand, "I'll stay here. I'm sorry. I didn't talk to you earlier. Logan promised that if I marry him, he will let you go. I'm so selfish."     

"Mom, stop it. I understand."      

Avery knew that her mother did not want to stay here and did not want to be with Logan and that she preferred to run out with them rather than marry Logan.     

"If I knew that the secret passage was so dangerous, I wouldn't do this. Forgive me. Forgive me for being so selfish. Avery, I'm sorry." Olivia hugged Avery, burst into tears, and felt guilty. If there were something wrong, Olivia would probably not want to live.     

"Mom, it's not your fault. If you don't want to stay here, I..." Avery wanted to say that she would find a way to take her back if she had the opportunity. If she didn't have, Gabrielle would help her.     

But Avery stopped when she thought that Logan was still here.     

Olivia wiped her tears and glanced at Evan next to her, "Don't think I'll look at you differently. If you are not nice to Avery when you go back, I'll go over there and take her away from you."     

"Will you have the chance?" Evan said with a sneer.     

"Mom, what are you saying? We are not leaving now." Avery reminded her.     

Olivia seemed to say good-bye to them.     

Olivia probably understood the meaning of Avery, glared at Logan, and asked, "When can you let them go?"     

"After we get a marriage certificate."     

Logan was afraid that Olivia would go back on her words after they left.     

"How about getting a marriage certificate today?" Olivia thought about it and said, "How about a few days later? Then you can stay a few more days."     


Avery was embarrassed. She wanted to spend a few more days with her mother, but there was no time, "Mom, one of my friends is going to have surgery, so I probably have to go back as soon as possible."     

Hearing Avery's words, Evan's face darkened in an instant and grabbed Avery's wrist, "You're in such a hurry to get back for him?"     

Charles, who had helped her escape from Evan's side, has always existed in Avery's heart.     

A soldier took a black horse and handed it to Evan. Olivia was taken on the horse's back by Logan. The two rode on the same horse and marched in front of Avery and Evan.     

Evan hugged Avery on the horse's back and darkened his face all the way. Avery knew what he was thinking and poked him in the face, tenderly, "Are you angry?"     

Evan glanced at her, ignoring her.     

As Evan ignored her, Avery leaned against his solid chest, smiled, and said, "Do you know you have a lot of rivals in love now?"     

Evan still didn't speak, so Avery said in a low voice, "Don't be jealous."     

Then she asked, "In fact, there is only one rival from beginning to end. Do you know who it is?"     

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