Billionaire Defiant Wife

Chapter 548: I’ll Able To Believe It

Chapter 548: I’ll Able To Believe It

Diana knew that Evan's grandmother would find a way to cure the little baby for the sake of the Howel family as she couldn't deny whether the baby was a descendant of the family.     

Sure enough, Evan's grandmother asked Diana curiously, "How to cure the baby?"     

Diana put the phone into her pocket and said, "I know a wizard. He has seen the little baby's face, saying that it's not a birthmark, but a curse."     

"What's the curse?" Evan's grandmother's look changed and shook her head, "I don't believe there is a curse in the world. If you say the baby has some strange disease, I'll be able to believe it."     

Diana could fully understand that a lady would not believe these things, but she gave her explanation with patience, "In fact, there are many phenomena that can't be explained in the medical field."     

Evan's grandmother smiled and said, "Diana, I didn't expect you to believe this after you returned from studying abroad."     

��I would rather better believe it than believe it not."     

Evan's grandmother didn't speak when she saw Diana shook her head. Diana continued to say, "It's just some witchcraft to break the curse. Neither the little baby nor Evan and Avery need to show up. It's worth having a try."     

Evan's grandmother hesitated for a moment.     

Diana said, "I heard that we only need to collect the clothes and hair, and then read the spell. If it is effective, the little baby will soon be well. If not, no one will be hurt."     

Evan's grandmother thought that Diana's words made sense, hesitated for a while, and nodded her head.     

Diana put on her evil smile and went back home.     

Fiona was watching TV in the villa. When Diana came in, Fiona turned down the volume.     

"Diana, that woman's daughter was really cursed?"     

Diana smiled and shook her head, "I don't know."     

"Then why did you let Evan's grandmother ask a wizard to break the curse?"     

"Mom, don't ask me now. You'll know later."     

With that, Diana went to her room.     

Diana really didn't know whether the baby was cursed. She just wanted to take this opportunity to try a kind of witchcraft that could make her favorite man fall in love with her, which had recently been discussed among the celebrities.     

It became popular first from Country T.     

It's said that witchcraft could let a man fall in love with a woman and never leave her.     

Diana did have a girlfriend who has succeeded with witchcraft, so she opened Facebook and texted a few words: I decided to try the way you told me.     

She was trying to regain Evan's love, and she felt that she had to do something after Evan's proposal to Avery.     

She had known Evan longer than Avery, had suffered a lot and even had saved Evan's life. How could Avery take Evan away from her?     

Evan was supposed to belong to her.     

Diana turned off Facebook, took out a thin blade from the drawer of the dresser, and then rolled up the sleeves, cutting the old wounds of the arm. Looking at the bright red blood, she was getting increasingly excited.     


Avery pulled the baby to sleep, took a bath, and then lay on the bed. The baby's room had a small shaking bed and a single bed.     

Avery lay in the single bed and could see the face of the little baby who was in sweet sleep.     

The baby grew up quickly and became more beautiful and adorable.     

Along with the growth of the little baby, the scar seemed to become bigger than yesterday.     

The baby was the first child of Avery and Evan. The doctor said that her uterus was thin and that she would have habitual abortions after pregnancy, so the baby perhaps would be their only child.     

No matter what price Avery would pay, she could not let anything happen to her baby.     

Otherwise, she couldn't forgive herself.     

Staring intently at the baby in bed, Avery reached for another white pillow and held it in her arms to get ready to sleep.     

Just as Avery was about to fall asleep, the phone on the nightstand suddenly lit up and rang.     

Avery was woken up.     

She opened her eyes and looked at the message from Evan on the screen of the phone.     

The next second, she kept closing her eyes.     

Ten minutes later.     

Avery's mind was full of the message sent by Evan and reached out to touch the phone.     

Her fingertip lit the screen, and a video was displayed.     

Avery's mouth was slightly open because of surprise. At this moment, she could not find a word to describe her mood now.     

"Do you like this posture?"     

It's the love action video she played to Evan during the day.     

Did he send the video to her?     

Avery had no expression in her face, directly deleted the video, and replied: sexual harassment?     

Evan made a direct call to Avery, but she didn't answer it. Then Evan sent another message to her: I just responded to my wife's order to solve today's things and learned something.     

"You don't sleep at night to watch this?"     

"I think couples should learn and improve together."     

Avery, "..."     

Had it not been for Evan's attitude today, Avery would not have replied to his message. As Evan shamelessly said such words, she turned off her phone and threw it back to the nightstand so as not to be disturbed by Evan.     

Two minutes later, Evan knocked at the door.     

"Open the door!" The man's low voice came.     

Seeing there was no movement, Evan knocked on the door heavily, "I know you're not sleeping. If you don't want me to wake the baby, open the door."     

Avery raised her voice, "If you are not afraid to wake the baby, you can continue to knock. No woman will open the door for you after receiving your video."     


"I'm not sleeping with you tonight."     

Evan's handsome face was hidden in the dim light. He raised his hand and knocked at the door, "Come out. I'll tell you about the treatment plan for our baby."     

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